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1 Lifecycle Management Work Group A briefing on Work Group progress by Wendy Blake-Coleman US EPA.

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1 1 Lifecycle Management Work Group A briefing on Work Group progress by Wendy Blake-Coleman US EPA

2 2 Lifecycle Management Work Group Update Lifecycle Stages Document Theme Assessment Principles and Theme Criteria Roles and Responsibilities Geospatial Lexicon Coordination Points for Reporting Reporting Requirements

3 3 Lifecycle Management Work Group Deliverables Diagram

4 4 Deliverable: Lifecycle Stages Document Purpose –Identify and define key stages of data lifecycle –Provide description of decision points and processes that occur within each key stage of the data lifecycle –Introduce Best Management Practices as examples to help users understand the objective or goal of each stage (FY 2009) –Assess and implement cross-government data development cost savings (FY 2009 and outyears)

5 5 Deliverable: Lifecycle Stages Document Review process –Full Lifecycle Work Group –Managing Partner Team –FGDC Coordination Group –Theme Mangers, and Key Data Set Production Managers Where we are –Incorporated comments from Coordination Group –Adding contextual text to explain purpose and intended use of the Lifecycle Matrix Next steps –Approval by FGDC Coordination Group and Key Stakeholders –Inclusion in A-16 Supplemental Guidance Package

6 6 Deliverable: Theme Assessment Principles Purpose –First step in establishing a rational and repeatable process for changing themes listed in OMB Circular A-16 Appendix E –Provide preliminary ranking system for evaluating A- 16 themes –Serve as base for developing quantitative theme criteria –Theme Content subgroup, including DHS representatives, is developing theme criteria

7 7 Deliverable: Theme Assessment Principles Review process –Theme Content and A-16 Subgroups –Full Lifecycle Work Group –Managing Partner Team –FGDC Coordination Group Where we are –Revising theme assessment principles –Developing theme criteria Next steps –Inclusion in A-16 Supplemental Guidance Package –Meet to revisit the approach for developing theme criteria

8 8 Deliverable: Roles and Responsibilities Purpose –Identify key stakeholders and develop concepts related to roles and responsibilities for managing A-16 themes –Promote coordinated, comprehensive A-16 theme portfolio management and enhance accountability and transparency

9 9 Deliverable: Roles and Responsibilities Review process –Performance Management Work Group –Managing Partner Team –FGDC Coordination Group Where we are –Finalizing preliminary roles and responsibilities –Coordinating next steps with Performance Management Work Group Next steps –Approval by FGDC Coordination Group and Key Stakeholders –Provide document to Performance Management Work Group to finalize roles and responsibilities and develop reporting requirements for key stakeholder groups –Inclusion in A-16 Supplemental Guidance Package

10 10 Deliverable: Lexicon of Geospatial Terms Purpose –Provide a common set of geospatially related terms and concepts to encourage consistency and clearer understanding of commonly used terms Review process –Full Lifecycle Work Group –Managing Partner Team –FGDC Coordination Group Where we are –Vetted by work group –Revised based on work group feedback Next steps –Continue to support the Lexicon review process –Inclusion in A-16 Supplemental Guidance Package

11 11 Deliverable: Coordination Points for Reporting Purpose is to identify activities, deliverables and work products of other Geospatial LoB Work Groups that will impact future geospatial reporting requirements including: –Common language for grants and contracts related to geospatial data, services, or initiatives (Grants & Contracts Work Group) –Participation in Enterprise License Agreements (ELAs) for geospatial services (Common Services Work Group) –Reporting Requirements for OMB Circular A-16 related reports and data calls (Performance Management Work Group) –Activities to adhere to the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Geospatial Profile 2.0 (Technical Architecture Work Group)

12 12 Deliverable: Coordination Points for Reporting Where we are –coordinating with other Geo LoB work groups to identify impacts on reporting Next steps –Inclusion in A-16 Supplemental Guidance Package

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