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CSOD LMS External Users Portal August 19 2013 Company Confidential.

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Presentation on theme: "CSOD LMS External Users Portal August 19 2013 Company Confidential."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSOD LMS External Users Portal August Company Confidential

2 Registration
Log on to the link above to access the user registration form. This is a one time registration required for all users. Be sure to carefully read the data privacy notice and TRS Terms of Use agreement. Then begin to fill out the basic user information such as name and address.

3 Registration Continued
Selecting the proper division is a critical step in the registration process. Click on the arrow indicator next to Division UNKNOWN. Then search or browse for your dealer or customer account name. Once you have located your dealer/customer division select by clicking on the blue name under the title. Note that if you cannot find your division please contact your TRS representative to create the LMS account.

4 Registration Continued
The managers name and address are used for verification purposes. Be sure to follow the on-screen instructions for creating a password. When finished filling out the registration form click the “Submit” button.

5 Verification Process Once the registration form has been submitted, a notice will be sent to a TRS representative in the region. After verification of employment and approval of the registrant, access will be granted with the appropriate course availability negotiated with your contract. Note that the registration verification process takes between hours.

6 Navigating the LMS 2.
Click on the link above to access the Tyco LMS for External Users. This is the primary link to access the LMS. Enter the Username and Password you registered with and click LOGIN. Note that you will only have access to this site once the user account has been approved by a TRS representative.

7 Welcome to the LMS Welcome to the Tyco LMS for External Users. Here you will register for and complete training, access your transcripts, and more. To get started, locate a course by searching in the top right field.

8 Search for Training To search for training, type TRS in the search box and make sure that “Training” is selected in the dropdown field. Searching for TRS will bring up the complete list of courses available. Note that you can also search by product or training name. Scroll down and select your training curriculum.

9 Register for Training To request access to a curriculum click Request on the curriculum information page.

10 Transcript Once you have registered for a curriculum it can be accessed in the future from your Transcript page. From the transcript page you can also access records of completed training and print certificates of completion. Click Open Curriculum to access the course in your language preference.

11 Activate and Launch After opening the curriculum select your language preference and click Activate. Once the course activates and the page refreshes, click Launch. Good luck and thanks for participating in Tyco Retail Solutions Online Training!


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