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Writing Y6. General Reminders Use a wide variety of punctuation Select suitable connectives Arrange your writing into paragraphs Choose vocabulary carefully.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Y6. General Reminders Use a wide variety of punctuation Select suitable connectives Arrange your writing into paragraphs Choose vocabulary carefully."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Y6

2 General Reminders Use a wide variety of punctuation Select suitable connectives Arrange your writing into paragraphs Choose vocabulary carefully Write as neatly as possible Check your spelling

3 Narrative Introduction – to grab the readers attention – action – dialogue - warning Build up of events - leading to flashback Dilemma – who? what? where? when? why? Resolution – solve the problem Ending – cliffhanger – not a tidy ending – think about starting for new chapter

4 Playscript Set the scene Write dialogue - including stage directions Include all punctuation except speech marks

5 Journalistic Headline – limit to 20 characters Summary of event - orientation Full details of event Facts about the people involved e.g age, address Reorientation – final comment Written in columns

6 Explanation Introduction – explain the topic Write in chronological order Link paragraphs using time connectives wherever possible Try to use a conversational style to appeal to the reader

7 Persuasive Introduction – neutral facts – statistic – reference to question Argument for – with reasons Argument against – with reasons Summary – draw together both sides of the argument and add your own opinion

8 Persuasive Connectives as a result to begin with this proves another reason is on the other hand therefore consequently the main reason some people think after looking at both sides advantages are disadvantages are

9 Report Introduction – explain subject – short paragraph Organise content into different areas – each area has own paragraph Order of paragraphs should not matter E.g. Cop Lane School : uniform, teachers, classes, lunchtimes, after school activities, school trips etc

10 Biography/Autobiography Biography – information about someone else and their life Autobiography – information about yourself and your life

11 Diary extract Start with a date Use a friendly style – imagine you are talking to someone Might start with Dear ……….. Write in paragraphs

12 Writing a letter Writer puts own address in top right hand corner Start – Dear Mrs. Atkins, Write in paragraphs Ending – love from, best wishes, yours sincerely, yours faithfully

13 Connectives (1) because so yet but eventually at length until then therefore meanwhile similarly however moreover thus later also on the other hand instead consequently nevertheless

14 Connectives (2) notwithstanding next finally furthermore for example as a result initially firstly lastly then after next this causes subsequently before finally

15 Punctuation Capital letters and fullstops Commas Speech marks (inverted commas) Question marks and exclamation marks Parentheses (brackets) - dashes Semi colons and colons

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