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Presented By: Haley Lydstone & Jaclyn Lee KSC Dietetic Interns, 2012-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Haley Lydstone & Jaclyn Lee KSC Dietetic Interns, 2012-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Haley Lydstone & Jaclyn Lee KSC Dietetic Interns, 2012-2013

2  Define what sleep is, and what the 5 stages are.  How much sleep do we need, and why.  Clarify some of the myths associated with sleep  Define the pro’s & con’s of napping.

3  Identify the hormones associated with sleep, and the effect of certain foods.  List foods that should be avoided before sleep  List appropriate bedtime snacks.

4  Unaware of environment  Usually takes 15 minutes

5 Stage 1:  “Twilight Zone”  Transitional stage  Feelings of floating or falling  Duration: 10 minutes Stage 2:  “Twilight Zone”  Requires strong stimulus to awaken  Twitching  Duration: 20 minutes

6 Stage 3/4:  Truly restful  Requires strong stimulus to awaken  Vital signs slow and become stable  Restorative stage  Important for physical and mental well-being

7 REM:  Discovered in the 1950’s  Rapid movement of eye  Dreams occur  More of a chemical influence  “Temporary paralysis” until awakened

8  No ‘magic’ number  Enough to feel rested  Older adults’ sleeping patterns change What happens if I do not get enough sleep?  May be ineffective  Increase likelihood of getting sick  Become overweight

9 mythbusters2012.eventbrite.c om

10  You need 8 hours of sleep?  More sleep is always better?  Some people function well on little sleep?  Certain foods enhance your dreams?

11  Waking up is bad?  If you have insomnia you need drugs?  You can always catch up on weekends?  Tylenol PM is a hidden sleep secret!

12 Positives:  Relaxation  Less tired  More alert  Better mood and performance Negatives:  Varying locations  Feeling groggy  Difficulty falling asleep at night

13 Tips:  Take short naps, approximately 10-30 minutes  Try to take naps in the afternoon  Create a restful environment for you nap to ensure that you get adequate rest  Pay attention to changes in your sleeping pattern

14  Melatonin and serotonin are activated by certain foods Tryptophan and carbohydrate  Tryptophan is necessary for serotonin production Found in protein rich foods

15  Carbohydrates stimulate pancreas  Release of insulin  More tryptophan can enter the brain  Increased production of melatonin and serotonin

16  Tryptophan & protein Slows digestion Carbohydrates  Affect blood sugars  Calcium & melatonin  Try to combine carbohydrates and protein rich foods!

17  Caffeine  Alcohol  Large meals  Liquids  Spicy foods  Very high carbohydrate foods

18  Whole grains  Fruits  Vegetables  Fat free/low fat dairy

19 Recognize how certain foods affect our sleep, and what steps we can take to improve our sleep patterns and overall quality. If you have further questions or concerns feel free to contact the sleep center at Cheshire Medical at 603-354-5454 ext. 5484. The sleep center is located on the fifth floor of Cheshire Medical.

20 Thank You! Questions/Comments

21     What are some things that aid/improve sleep?,, ,    basics.html                

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