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Welcome to the future Top 10 headaches in the citizen-controlled, post-scarcity, distributed, exploding, remixed media world Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the future Top 10 headaches in the citizen-controlled, post-scarcity, distributed, exploding, remixed media world Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the future Top 10 headaches in the citizen-controlled, post-scarcity, distributed, exploding, remixed media world Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

2 1. When anyone can commit an act of journalism Using citizens as reporters: sharing content, promotion, training, revenue Standing with bloggers as journalists Shield laws Access to officials, events Life is on the record: ‘Son, don’t blog this’ Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

3 2. Libel? What libel? Susan Crawford argues that libel is outmoded when all have a means of response When we use citizens to report, what is our role and responsibility? The dual-edged power of the link. Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

4 3. Publish first. Correct later. In forums, we clean up after the fact Ditto bloggers -- but staff bloggers? The added difficulty of reviewing, editing, correcting audio and video The new notion that news isn’t done when we print it; that’s when the news process begins Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

5 4. The distributed world. The Katrina effect: when what makes big media big is gone. What are we then? The age of the centralized marketplace is over: what comes after Craig. Neither content nor distribution is king. Conversation is the kingdom. Trust is king. So what is our relationship?... Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

6 5. RSS is a two-way street. We share content with others in a distributed world: our stuff on their site. They share content with us: vice versa. We scrape and are scraped: the great mandala of distribution, aggregation, distribution We lose control of content (among other things) Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

7 6. Remix and pass on. The people want to remix. When we give them stuff to remix, what is our responsibility? If you’re not in the conversation, you’ The people will distribute for us (see: Jon Stewart on CNN Crossfire v. iFilm). How can we be open-source? Reconsider fair comment with copyright Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

8 7. We become ad networks. See sharing promotion, content, training, money. We will become brokers of trust for advertisers and brokers of money for minimedia. Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

9 8. Can we ever be too transparent? The highest virtue of this world is transparency (see: Dan Rather). We must catch up. So what happens when reporters do say what they think? What’s the crime in that? Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

10 9. Who owns the wisdom of the crowd? Google, Flickr,, forums, blog aggregations all capture the wisdom of the crowd, the whole greater than the sum of the parts. Who owns what then? Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

11 10. Small is the new big Beware the cash cow in the coal mine (see: TV Guide). We, too, will get small. Where is our true value? What are our businesses then? Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

12 So, we need: Education Discussion and study Updated law Citizens’ Media Jeff Jarvis -

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