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DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Meischer Levene Griffith Avery Hershey and Chase Section 2 DNA Structure Section.

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2 DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Meischer Levene Griffith Avery Hershey and Chase Section 2 DNA Structure Section 3 DNA Replication Section 4 Protein Synthesis

3 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Chapter 10 Objectives Relate how Griffith’s bacterial experiments showed that a hereditary factor was involved in transformation. Summarize how Avery’s experiments led his group to conclude that DNA is responsible for transformation in bacteria. Describe how Hershey and Chase’s experiment led to the conclusion that DNA, not protein, is the hereditary molecule in viruses.

4 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Chapter 10 WHAT is the Genetic Material? History and Scientist –( – 1869 Miescher – Early 1900s, Levene – 1928, Griffith – 1940’s Avery – 1952 Hershey and Chase

5 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Chapter 10 Griffith’s Experiments Griffith’s experiments showed that hereditary material can pass from one bacterial cell to another. The transfer of genetic material from one organism to another organism is called transformation (60427).

6 Chapter 10 Griffith’s Discovery of Transformation Section 1 Discovery of DNA

7 Chapter 10 Avery’s Experiments Also worked with bacteria cells (Streptococcus pneumonia) and mice Avery’s work showed that DNA, is the hereditary material that transfers information between bacterial cells.

8 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Chapter 10 Hershey-Chase Experiment (61132) Hershey and Chase confirmed that DNA, and not protein, is the hereditary material. –Used bacteriaphase, which is a virus that infects bacteria –Viruses have DNA inside and protein coat outside. DNA has phosphorus (only phosphorus goes into bacteria during infection) Proteins have sulfur

9 Chapter 10 The Hershey-Chase Experiment Section 1 Discovery of DNA

10 DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Meischer Levene Griffith Avery Hershey and Chase Section 2 DNA Structure Section 3 DNA Replication Section 4 Protein Synthesis

11 DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Section 2 DNA Structure Nucleotide (sugar, phosphate and nitrogen base) Bonding within DNA molecules Complementary Base Pair Rule Watson and Crick (Franklin and Wilkins) Why Twist? Section 3 DNA Replication Section 4 Protein Synthesis

12 Section 2 DNA Structure Chapter 10 Objectives Evaluate the contributions of Franklin and Wilkins in helping Watson and Crick discover DNA’s double helix structure. Describe the three parts of a nucleotide. Summarize the role of covalent and hydrogen bonds in the structure of DNA. Relate the role of the base-pairing rules to the structure of DNA.

13 Chapter 10 Nucleic Acids A nucleic acid is a large and complex organic molecule that stores and transports genetic information Made of: ______, _____, ______, and _______. Monomer is called _____________________ Five carbon sugar named ____________________ Phosphate Group Nitrogen base Guanine Adenine Thymine Cytosine Section 2 DNA Structure

14 Chapter 10 Structure of DNA : NucleotidesNucleotides Section 2 DNA Structure

15 Chapter 10 DNA STRUCTURE Bonds Hold DNA Together –Nucleotides along each DNA strand are linked by covalent bonds between the sugars and phosphates. –Antiparallel: two strands run on opposite directions. –Complementary nitrogenous bases are bonded by hydrogen bonds and connect the two strands together.

16 Section 2 DNA Structure Chapter 10 DNA STRUCTURE Hydrogen bonding between the complementary base pairs, Guanine pairs with Cytosine (3 H-bonds) Adenine pairs with Thymine (2 H-bonds) 60171

17 Section 2 DNA Structure Chapter 10 DNA STRUCTURE 1953: Watson and Crick created a model of DNA by using Franklin’s and Wilkins’s DNA diffraction X-rays. DNA is made of two nucleotide strands that wrap around each other in the shape of a double helix.

18 Chapter 10 Structure of DNA Section 2 DNA Structure

19 Chapter 10 Structure of DNA Section 2 DNA Structure

20 DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Section 2 DNA Structure Nucleotide (sugar, phosphate and nitrogen base) Bonding within DNA molecules Complementary Base Pair Rule Watson and Crick (Franklin and Wilkins) Why Twist? Section 3 DNA Replication Section 4 Protein Synthesis

21 DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Section 2 DNA Structure Section 3 DNA Replication STEPS and Enzymes used Semi-conservative Replication Correct Errors Section 4 Protein Synthesis

22 Section 3 DNA Replication Chapter 10 Objectives Summarize the process of DNA replication. Identify the role of enzymes in the replication of DNA. Describe how complementary base pairing guides DNA replication. Compare the number of replication forks in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells during DNA replication. Describe how errors are corrected during DNA replication.

23 Section 3 DNA Replication Chapter 10 How DNA Replication Occurs DNA replication is the process by which DNA is copied in a cell before a cell divides. Occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle

24 Section 3 DNA Replication Chapter 10 How DNA Replication Occurs, continued Steps of DNA Replication –1. Replication begins with the separation of the DNA strands by helicases. –2. Then, DNA polymerases form new strands by adding complementary nucleotides to each of the original strands. –Lagging strand and Okazaki Fragments –3. Each new DNA molecule is made of one strand of nucleotides from the original DNA molecule and one new strand. This is called semi-conservative replication.

25 Chapter 10 DNA Replication (60172) Section 3 DNA Replication: Video Video

26 Chapter 10 Replication Forks Increase the Speed of Replication Section 3 DNA Replication

27 Chapter 10 DNA Errors in Replication : Changes in DNA are called mutations. Due to mutagens or carcinogens These can be environmental factors Smoking, radiation, UV Light. Video DNA proofreading and repair prevent many replication errors.

28 DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Section 2 DNA Structure Section 3 DNA Replication STEPS and Enzymes used Semi-conservative Replication Correct Errors Section 4 Protein Synthesis

29 DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Section 2 DNA Structure Section 3 DNA Replication Section 4 Protein Synthesis Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics Compare RNA and DNA molecules Steps of Protein Synthesis Transcription, Genetic Code, and Translation Human Genome

30 Section 4 Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Objectives Outline the flow of genetic information in cells from DNA to protein. Compare the structure of RNA with that of DNA. Describe the importance of the genetic code. Compare the role of mRNA, rRNA,and tRNA in translation. Identify the importance of learning about the human genome.

31 Section 4 Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Flow of Genetic Information The flow of genetic information can be symbolized as DNA RNA protein.

32 Section 4 Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 RNA Structure and Function RNA also made of _________________ Sugar is _____________ Phosphate Nitrogen bases are ____________ RNA is single stranded and is shorter than DNA.

33 Compare DNA and RNA 60175


35 Section 4 Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 RNA Structure and Function Types of RNA –Cells have three major types of RNA: messenger RNA (mRNA) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) transfer RNA (tRNA)

36 Section 4 Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 RNA Structure and Function (60176) mRNA (messenger) carries the genetic “message” from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. (copy of blueprint) rRNA (ribosomal) is the major component of ribosomes. (factory) tRNA (transfer) takes specific amino acids to the ribosome to make proteins. (shuttle train or taxi for supplies)

37 Section 4 Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Steps to Protein Synthesis (made of amino acids) Transcription During transcription, DNA acts as a template for directing the synthesis of RNA. VideoVideo DNA is A T G C G C A T T A G C mRNA is ____________________________

38 Chapter 10 Transcription:VideoVideo Section 4 Protein Synthesis

39 Chapter 10 Steps to Protein Synthesis Genetic Code The nearly universal genetic code identifies the specific amino acids coded for by each three- nucleotide mRNA codon. AUG is a codon for Methionine amino acid. CCC is a codon for Proline amino acid.

40 Section 4 Protein Synthesis Chapter 10

41 Section 4 Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Steps to Protein Synthesis Translation Steps –During translation, amino acids are picked up and organized according to mRNA. –tRNA is picking up amino acids from the cytoplasm –mRNA codons move through the ribosome –tRNAs add specific amino acids to create a growing polypeptide chain (future protein. –The process continues until a stop codon is reached and the newly made protein is released.

42 Chapter 10 Translation: Assembling Proteins VideoVideo Section 4 Protein Synthesis video

43 Section 4 Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 The Human Genome The entire gene sequence of the human genome, the complete genetic content, is now known. To learn where and when human cells use each of the proteins coded for in the approximately 30,000 genes in the human genome will take much more analysis.

44 DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Chapter 10 Section 1 Discovery of DNA Section 2 DNA Structure Section 3 DNA Replication Section 4 Protein Synthesis Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics Compare RNA and DNA molecules Steps of Protein Synthesis Transcription, Genetic Code, and Translation Human Genome

45 Section 2 Cell Division and Cancer Chapter 11 Objectives Summarize the effects of mutations in causing cancer. Compare the characteristics of cancer cells with those of normal cells.

46 Section 2 Gene Expression in Development and Cell Division Chapter 11 Gene Expression, Cell Division, and Cancer Mutations of proto- oncogenes, which regulate cell growth, or tumor- suppressor genes, which prevent cell division from occurring too often, may lead to cancer. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.

47 Chapter 11 Effect of Mutation on Gene Expression Section 2 Gene Expression in Development and Cell Division

48 Chapter 11

49 Section 2 Gene Expression in Development and Cell Division Chapter 11 Gene Expression, Cell Division, and Cancer, continued Gene Expression in Cancer –Unlike normal cells, cancer cells continue to divide indefinitely, even if they become densely packed. –Cancer cells will also continue dividing even if they are no longer attached to other cells.

50 Section 2 Gene Expression in Development and Cell Division Chapter 11 Gene Expression, Cell Division, and Cancer, continued Causes of Cancer –A carcinogen is any substance that can induce or promote cancer. –Most carcinogens are mutagens, substances that cause mutations.

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