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19/3/.2012 Occupational Health In 1994, the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) estimated that the overall cost to the British economy of all work accidents.

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2 19/3/.2012 Occupational Health

3 In 1994, the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) estimated that the overall cost to the British economy of all work accidents and work related ill health was between £6 – 12 billion per year. By 2009 / 10 this estimate had risen to £14 billion. In 1995, some 19.5 million working days were lost through sickness related absence. By 2010/11 this had risen to 26.4 million

4 Occupational Health The World Health Organisation defines the purpose of an occupational health service as being: " … to promote and maintain the physical, mental and social wellbeing of all staff".

5 Occupational Health With legislation becoming more stringent, and penalties for failure heavier than ever, the task of managing and reducing risks has become increasingly important. All employers have a legal responsibility to protect the health of their employees. They must do whatever is reasonably practicable in order to achieve this.

6 Occupational Health In particular, they must provide and maintain a workplace, that is without risks to health Employers must provide employees with information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to protect their health from any occupational health hazards.

7 OH ADVISORS ROLE Assess & Monitor Illness / Injury Offer Support & Advice to Employee Estimate Prognosis - Return to Work Identify Rehabilitation Requirements Collect Information - Write to G.P. Refer to Occupational Physician if Required Consider Equality Act Implications Report/Recommendations to Management Occupational Health

8 Occupational Health does not diagnose Occupational Health does not treat

9 RETURN TO WORK ASSESSMENT Is the Employee Fit For Work? Provision of Necessary Support at Work? (Physio/Counsellor/Nurse etc.) Rehabilitation Programme Agreed & Communicated Review Appointments Required Assessment Report to Department/Personnel Occupational Health

10 Referrals are key. The more information you can give me the better I will be able to advise you.

11 Occupational Health Is there any underlying medical condition affecting this persons attendance at work? Are they fit to carry out the duties outlined in their job description? Are there any adjustments to the work task or environment that would help them to return to work earlier? What is the likely timescale for recovery?

12 Occupational Health When do you anticipate a return to work? Is the health problem likely to recur or affect future attendance Does the health problem meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Is the person suitable for redeployment on medical grounds

13 Occupational Health Is the person suitable for ill health retirement

14 Health Surveillance Health Risk Assessments Attend Safety Meetings Health Promotion Occupational Health

15 Assist employees to return to full productivity as soon as possible and recommend suitable rehabilitation (increasingly important in stress cases). Liaise with others to obtain medical reports, review medical recommendations and interpret medical evidence Many of these activities arise from statutory requirements. All of them are of direct commercial benefit.

16 Occupational Health Assessing risks relating to the health of individuals and groups engaged in particular tasks. Monitoring employees' health on an on-going basis. Organising health promotion activities to help keep your workforce fit. Assessing employees' eligibility for long term disability benefits or retirement on health grounds

17 ANY QUESTIONS? Occupational Health

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