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Student record 2010/11 post-collection seminar Cardiff 1 February 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Student record 2010/11 post-collection seminar Cardiff 1 February 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student record 2010/11 post-collection seminar Cardiff 1 February 2012

2 Objectives Review the 2010/11 collection Cover the changes to the Student record for 2011/12… …and the more significant changes for 2012/13 as a result of the record review Allow plenty of opportunity for questions, discussion and sharing of ideas and experiences

3 What’s new at HESA? New-look website launched in Autumn Student Record review 2012/13 Information landscape project Institutional Liaison survey

4 Institutional Liaison survey 2011 Survey ran in December 2011 to review customer satisfaction on the services provided by the IL team. 288 responses received: 36% were Student contacts Survey questions looked at the email and telephone helpdesk as well as online guidance documentation. Results will be used to further the customer experience

5 Institutional Liaison survey 2011


7 Student Record 2010/11

8 Timescales 137 institutions out of 164 (84%) completed a successful INSERT on or before the 15-SEP-2011 111 institutions out of 164 (68%) completed a successful COMMIT on or before the 22-SEP-2011 – 25 (47%) institutions were not in contact regarding the deadline

9 Return deadline

10 Commit deadline

11 Sign-off Last sign-off received mid- December

12 Data quality checking No. Commits checked616 Average wait for queries2 working days Maximum wait5 working days Average no. transactions checked per HEI 4 Maximum no. transactions checked9

13 System activity The blue line represents the sector average and the orange represents the ‘ideal’ scenario

14 Test commits processed

15 Commits processed

16 PCVS For 2010/11 the PCVS (Early) System opened on 6 May – earlier than in previous years Allows you to expose your data to exception and entry profile validation checks Currently this is under-used by institutions – 2011/12 could be the final year that it is operated


18 Aggregate Offshore Collection Change to timescales for 2010/11 – commit deadline put back by one week 12% institutions missed the commit deadline –Slight improvement on last year –Of these the majority met the return deadline

19 Common issues and queries

20 TYPEYR TYPEYR is being changed between years – often incorrectly “TYPEYR must be coded 1 where COMDATE in range 01 Aug - 31 Dec and ENDDATE in range 01 Jan - 31 Jul and RSNEND is coded 01 or 98” When should it change?

21 TYPEYR example 1 Where a postgraduate course changes from an active MODE to a writing-up MODE following the anniversary of the COMDATE in order to complete dissertation work there would be a change from non-standard to standard. TYPEYR 2010/112 2011/121

22 TYPEYR example 2 Student begins studying on a non-standard course before suspending their studies at the end of year 1. They then recommence their course with a standard cohort in 2011/12 TYPEYR 2009/102 2010/112 2011/121

23 STULOAD exception rules There were problems with the new rules for FE students, short courses and WFA provision Validation did not round up 1 day to one week so these records could never pass validation The rules will need to be revisited for C11051 however they did highlight over-reporting of FTE

24 Splitting FTE Where a year spans reporting periods the FTE should be split appropriately between the two For example A one year Masters commencing in 1 October 2010 and completing in October 2011

25 POSTCODE.Exception.6 For institutions in England, Scotland and Wales, where exists EntryProfile.POSTCODE should be located in the country of EntryProfile.DOMICILE 101 HEIs generated this warning in 2010/11 Borderline cases acceptable Needs to be reviewed for 2011/12 – can institution’s improve the recording of DOMICILE and POSTCODE ‘On entry’ fields

26 Student.TTACOM Evidence of miscoding within many institutions… …for example not all codes being used Relationship with EntryProfile.POSTCODE and Student.TTPCODE… …for example TTPCODE should not match POSTCODE where TTACOM is ‘institution maintained property’

27 EntryProfile.ARTICLN Identifies whether a student has been admitted to the current instance with advanced standing; the advanced standing having been awarded on the basis of an HND/HNC qualification and the student has not previously studied at degree or post-graduate level Continued evidence of incorrect coding or use of ‘information sought but not known’ code

28 Qualifications on Entry High levels of not known data in check doc item 7 New rules introduced for institutions in England designed to trap these More extensive validation likely for 2011/12 and a change in coverage for 2012/13 to explicitly state that this is required for UCAS and NON UCAS entrants

29 What are the rules? EntryProfile.QualificationsOnEntry.Exceptions 8-11 –Where the institution is in England there are more than 10/5/2% of instances where Instance.COMDATE > Y1-07-31 and (Student.BIRTHDTE is null or earlier than (Y1- 21)-09-01) and Instance.MODE is in (01, 23, 24) and EntryProfile.DOMICILE in (XK, XF, XI, XH, XG) and (EntryProfile.QUALENT3 is coded P50, P62, P63, P64, P65, P68 or P91) with no QualificationsOnEntry entity QualificationsOnEntry.QUALGRADE.Exceptions 6-9 –Where the institution is in England more than 1% of QualificationsOnEntry records for a tariff bearing qualification with no QualificationsOnEntry.QUALGRADE for instances where (Course.COURSEAIM begins H, I, J or C or is M22 or M26) and Instance.COMDATE > Y1-07-31 and Instance.MODE is in (01, 23, 24) and EntryProfile.DOMICILE in (XK, XF, XI, XH, XG) and (EntryProfile.QUALENT3 begins with P).

30 QUALENT3 Schema vs. QUALENT2 –QUALENT3 new for 2010/11 –Confusion over position in schema – use the XSD files to show the structure When should P80 be used? –Minimal use expected –Generally use P91/92 instead –Changes to UCAS mapping for 2011/12

31 QUALENT3 and *J Institutions should cross-check the data coming from UCAS bearing in mind that: –*J contains all of the qualifications in Apply and therefore an ‘expected’ level 4 qual will override an achieved level 3 This has implications for ELQ –HIQA & HIQE cannot use P91/92 but instead the QUALENT3 coding frame is used as a hierarchy and the qualification closest to the top is taken as ‘highest/best’ Implications for mixture of qualifications to be missed

32 HIN Significant numbers of COURSEID changes Introduction of KIS requires stability in COURSEID –COURSEID should not increment with the stage of the programme but changes can be genuine: –Transfers –Wholesale recoding

33 Closing records High numbers of records in report C across the sector – sometimes over 1000 records are missing Partly due to dormant records not being closed Moving between AOR and Student record Also transfers…

34 Transfers NUMHUS is being changed incorrectly for students who transfer programmes

35 NSS For 2010/11 we expanded the Exclusion file to include fields like TOTFTE and YEARADJ to help institutions Still queries regarding particular fields –YEARADJ –EXPEND FAQ document available in the support centre

36 NSS FAQs Calculating YEARADJ: –Where Instance.YEARPRG = 99 (not applicable) or is null, YEARADJ = 0. –Where a foundation year has not been undertaken YEARADJ = (31 July Y2 - Instance.COMDATE)-Instance.YEARPRG. –Where a foundation year has been undertaken YEARADJ = (31 July Y2 - Instance.COMDATE)-Instance.YEARPRG-1. *Note that there is a process in place (CEIL) which rounds up the difference to the nearest whole number. Therefore 4 months becomes 1 year.

37 Exception warnings C10051.Student.TTPCODE.Exception.6 (3056) -Term-time postcode is the same as on entry postcode despite term-time accommodation suggesting it shouldn’t be C10051.EntryProfile.PREVINST.Exception.5 (2785) -The school code returned for previous institution is not a known value in the PI reference data C10051.Student.HUSID.Exception.2 (2510) -Suggests multiple records for the same student C10051.Course.COURSEAIM.Exception.4 (2621) -Multiple courses exist for the same HUSID

38 Data collection/output issues

39 Data supply Module table new for 2010/11 Issue with STULOAD, MODFTE and PCOLAB being truncated and losing the decimal places Data supply table reissued in December following resolution – available until 30 th January

40 Maintenance releases This year we made changes as part of maintenance releases in order to improve management Implemented one release a month however there were some changes made outside of these Known issues page –How useful were these for institutions?

41 TDA Last year institutions reported issues with the way they were being chased for Student record data –Has this improved?

42 HEFCE checks For 2010/11 HESA and HEFCE were both undertaking data quality checking HEFCE were primarily checking the IRIS report Process needs to be reviewed for C11051 as it caused confusion

43 Minerva Responding to queries: Did the reclassification of responses help?

44 Minerva continued… Exception/HIN querying– improvement on 2009/10? Facility to change password introduced Managing users –Option to view but not to add –Invite to answer

45 Queries raised in 2010/11 2608 queries raised!

46 Target reports Had first release (item 7, postcodes, quals) Further release/reminder in Spring What is a target report? –This highlights areas of the return which need to be addressed for the next collection –These may also include queries raised previously to which a response was not received – over 65 remaining!

47 HIN/exception/checkdoc compare New comparison features introduced for 2010/11 to assist in quality assurance Did institutions find these reports useful?

48 Check doc item 2 Addition of QTS awards for 2010/11 but some issues in the data displayed Currently no tie-up with COURSEAIM Queries will be revised for 2011/12

49 C11051 changes

50 COMDATE Now compulsory in schema – business rule to be removed August starters –exception warnings were added for English institutions in 2010/11 –Accurate reporting essential

51 FUNDCOMP English HEIs should continue to apply the 13 month rule New validation warning for Welsh HEIs flagging up where more than 10% of (defined) instances have been coded 9 ‘not in HESES population’

52 Instance.EXCHANGE Once coded Y or Z the codes should be retained even for whole years spent in UK (which would otherwise have been coded ‘0’) HIN report A warning ensuring that EXCHANGE doesn’t change from Y/Z to 0 Change of guidance from ‘Where there is an equal split (for example, 2 years overseas followed by 2 years at reporting institution) then the instance should be coded Z’ to the reverse

53 Instance.INITIATIVES The INITIATIVES field coverage will be extended to include Welsh institutions for 2011/12 - code 7 ‘Universities Heads of the Valleys Institute (UHOVI)’… …with potential new validation rules ensuring: -Only University of Glamorgan and University of Wales, Newport can use code 7 -Range is between 200 to 1500 instances Validation on the use of code 6 ‘Undergraduate Internships’ for English institutions extended to included additional institutions HEFCE expect to use code 6

54 Instance.MCDATE 12% of PG instances with MODE=73/74 ‘Change to dormant – previously FT/PT’ had no mode change date (MCDATE)… Validation will be added to business rules to prevent this in future HESA YR 1HESA YR 2 MCDATEValueNULL MODE43

55 YEARSTU 13,140 active instances where student has been at the institution for one year (YEARSTU=1) on a standard programme (TYPEYR=1) but their commencement date is earlier than the current reporting period Some COMDATES range from 1997-2010 Instance.YEARSTU must not =1 where Instance.TYPEYR = 1 and Instance.COMDATE 63 or 64 (error)

56 Sandwich students Institutions are reminded to review the coding of sandwich students paying particular attention to MODE (23/24/25 being used for each of the years of instance), LOCSDY (D/E on the year they undertake placement) and SPECFEE (1 ‘Sandwich placement’ for the year of placement) ERASMUS students on a work placement overseas should be treated as Sandwich – HESES guidance MODE23 LOCSDYD EXCHANGEC

57 Intercalated degrees

58 CLASS New codes will be added to the coding frame for integrated Masters – M22 and M26 -12 Distinction -13 Merit -14 Pass These codes would fall into the ‘unclassified’ category in the check documentation because of the planned groupings for XCLASS01 –How many of these courses do institutions have?

59 Qualifications on entry For institutions in England data should be returned for all undergraduate (including non-UCAS) entrants with a tariffable qualification in QUALENT3 QUALTYPE/SBJ coding frames will be reviewed Validation will be introduced to reflect this More substantial changes for 2012/13

60 QUALSBJ When calculating tariff scores, identical qualifications are removed by de-duplicating them based on the combination of QUALTYPE and QUALSBJ QUALSBJ of T33 (Total Score) should be used for International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBac)… …some institutions are returning more than one IBac qualification for the same student with different subject codes (not using T33)… …therefore, the second qualification is not being de-duplicated and the tariff score is overstated (potentially quite significantly) QUALSBJ must be coded T33 where QUALTYPE = IE QUALSBJ must be coded B29 where QUALTYPE = ID

61 MODSTAT and MODOUT Records detail of whether modules span HESA reporting years Potential validation to ensure that >95% of full-time (>90% for part-time) modules with MODSTAT= 1 or 2 (i.e. finishing in the HESA year) are coded with a MODOUT other than 6 Potential validation to ensure where MODSTAT=3 (continuing into next HESA year) exist, occurrences of MODSTAT=1 should also exist MODOUT should not be coded 3 for PT students

62 SAS SAS provision ceased in July 2011 therefore there will be no requirement to return these students in C11051 Validation will be updated Continuing students are not expected

63 SKE Post-ITT SKE courses will be run as a pilot for 2011/12 These will affect approximately 25 providers Returning SKEITT – optional/switch CTITLE should be populated with a specified entry (to be confirmed by TDA) TTCID would still be returned as F

64 *J UCAS have used two of the new Ethnicity codes for 2012/13 in 2011/12 –codes for Irish Traveller and Arab –UCAS will issue guidance with *J that these will need to be mapped to other

65 POPDLHE Changes to coverage for 2011/12 –Includes PGR students with qualifications made from dormant status –Students domiciled overseas (i.e. non-EU) Potentially a change to the groupings of undergraduate awards following institutional requests

66 UCASAPPID vs. UCASPERID As the UCASAPPID is no longer a useful identifier due to it no longer being unique… …UCASPERID, or both, will be displayed in relevant validation and HIN checks

67 Other validation changes Prevent excessive use of XK (United Kingdom, not otherwise specified) within EntryProfile.DOMICILE (5% threshold) Instance.DISALL.3 to be removed or softened to allow for non-disclosure of DISABLE but receipt of allowance No longer permissible to use Royal Pharmaceutical Society within Course.REGBODY

68 Validation working group 16 institutions of varying types and from different administrations will sit on the group Designed to review new validation rules being implemented by HESA Group do not have the power to veto rules… …however they will be able to make suggestions about plausibility or improvement

69 NSS Instance.ENDATE to be added to the exclusion file Preview of population by JACS L2 Further guidance and FAQs available online

70 Data supply HESA to investigate the feasibility of providing all Student record data fields within the Data Supply tables In addition consideration is being given to including the ‘Qualifications on Entry’ register

71 Potential check doc changes REF - addition of ‘degrees awarded according to REF definitions’ item Potential changes to items 6, 7 and 12a to split out by full/part time and TYPEYR to improve data quality checking Item 8 (tariff) to be split by UK and non-UK and more guidance on how the table is created

72 DLHE Introduction of KIS means that this data will become more prominent Possibility of a new ‘DLHE’ tab in the check documentation which will include: –survey population figures for HOME/EU and NON-EU students –Breakdown of undergraduate qualifiers by JACS level 2

73 Student Record 2012/13

74 A bit of history… Last major review of the Student Record took place in 2007/08 Original plan was to review for 2013/14… …but pressure for changes in 2012/13 was significant A change to the way we all work?

75 Consultation Consultation ran for three weeks through October 81 institutions made a response… … as well as 3 software houses General support and acceptance for much of the proposals Changes agreed with HESA board

76 What didn’t make it in…

77 Mobility The consultation included 4 new fields as part of a new entity to capture information about student mobility… …type, duration, location and scheme The consultation raised concerns with the timescales for inclusion of such data In addition significant issues with their relationship with existing data fields

78 Mobility 2 The mobility entity and fields will not be implemented for 2012/13… …however a driver and requirement to better monitor student mobility remains… …and therefore the outstanding issues with the entity (and its relationship with existing data fields) will be worked on for 2013/14 implementation Institutions are encouraged to consider how they might capture this data

79 Instance.ORFEE Suggested new field to collect the ordinary residence (country) of the student for fee purposes Collects the home country of students whose residency has been assessed for fees purposes Although this field collects similar information to EntryProfile.DOMICILE, there are a significant minority of students for whom the ordinary residence for fees purposes would be different to the information collected in the DOMICILE field… …for fee purposes have to have residency for over 2 years This information will now be obtained through linking to SLC data using Instance.SSN Not included for 2012/13 HEFCW will use EntryProfile.DOMICILE as a proxy for non-SLC students

80 Instance.FEESLC Proposed new field to collect the amount of the students' fees that is coming through from the Student Loans Company (SLC) A value in pounds To monitor the various fee regimes, their spread across the UK, and the extent of public expenditure on student support on an academic year basis This information will now be obtained through linking to SLC data using Instance.SSN Not included for 2012/13

81 Instance.NATSCHPRO Proposed new field to capture who receives an award under the National Scholarship Programme (NSP) and who applied but did not receive an award NSP is an English government programme designed to benefit individual students from disadvantaged backgrounds as they enter FT UG from autumn 2012 This information will not be collected via a new field New codes to be added to Instance.INITIATIVES

82 Instance.SSELIG Original proposal for a new field to enable identification of students who are eligible to apply for student support in a given year Required to monitor expenditure and potential expenditure from the student support budget - a critical part of planning government expenditure Institutions required to identify eligibility in addition to those students who applied for types of student support and those who did not This information will not be collected by this field Information will instead be obtained from SLC where the student is eligible and applies…

83 What did make it in…

84 Data model The data model remains unchanged…

85 Schema C12051 schema changes… …taking into account additional fields, removed fields, and changes to valid entries The schema will be released during the first quarter of 2012

86 Funding Significant changes in direct response to the changes in fee regimes across the UK As fees are now variable and operating under different regimes in different parts of the UK, there is a requirement to understand eligibility and how much students are being charged, wherever in the UK they study Reporting needs to be undertaken on a UK-wide basis

87 Coverage Currently institutions need not return records for students who start a course and leave within the first two weeks without completing Coverage expanded to include any student registered on the SLC census dates (October/February/May) irrespective of leaving within two weeks No reduced return to be used Return zero STULOAD (validation will allow for this where ENDDATE minus COMDATE is less than 14 days) No modules to be returned

88 Example Bruce Springsteen commences his course on 29 September 2012 but withdraws on 4 October 2012 -Included Bruce commences his course on 30 January 2013 but withdraws on the census date of 1 February 2013 -Included Bruce commences his course on 2 October 2012 before withdrawing on the 15 October -Excluded Bruce commences his course on 2 May 2013 before withdrawing on the 18 May 2013 -Included

89 Qualifications on entry Current coverage of this entity is all entrants where EntryProfile.UCASAPPID exists and this data has been provided by UCAS The coverage has been extended so that it is compulsory for English HEIs to return details of all level 3 qualifications held by all full-time entrants to undergraduate courses whose highest qualification on entry is below first degree… …HEFCE is also encouraging the completion of these data for students who entered with HE qualifications below full-degree Required to support the AAB+ policy within England This also extends the coverage for UCAS entrants where only results from the two most recent cycles are currently included in UCAS admissions transactions Qualifications for all entrants will require extending the coding frame to qualifications not currently part of the UCAS awarding bodies processing of exam results

90 How to capture this data Capturing not just what got them onto the course The expectation is that UCAS will be able to provide HEIs with this data as a supplement to the *J transaction… …taken from information held within UCAS apply… …and including provisional qualifications HEFCE have written to UCAS and are awaiting response

91 Instance.SSN Student Support Number (SSN) should be returned by all institutions… …for all students in receipt of SLC supported loans Enables linking between HESA and SLC data at a statutory level The SSN can change, however only in exceptional cases and we will therefore validate that it does not through HIN

92 HESA/SLC linking Ensuring data integrity and accurate linking will be essential It is envisaged that as part of this SLC could provide HESA with a list of valid SSNs by institution… …although differences between in SLC and HESA in the definition of which institution a student belongs to might need to be overcome There are not currently any plans to allow HEIs to preview the data

93 Instance.FEEREG Captures the fee regime that the student is under, either the old pre-2012/13 or the new regime in for 2012/13 onwards Coverage (institutions in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland): Full-time undergraduate and PGCE students with home fee eligibility (or fee eligibility not assessed) Coverage (institutions in England): Full-time and part-time undergraduate and taught postgraduate students with home fee eligibility (or fee eligibility not assessed) (where FEEELIG= 1 or 3 and FUNDLEV is not 30 or 31) The coverage of this field refers to the concept of ordinary residence - this will be picked up through linking to SLC data HEIs are required to recode existing students No requirement for the field to be completed where a valid SSN is provided Code ‘21 Post-Sept 2012 regime (not eligible)’ is only applicable to HE institutions in Wales and Welsh students at institutions in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland

94 Instance.FEEREG (2) Why not use COMDATE? -Students who transfer between courses (even between HEIs) or follow an end-on course are in many cases subject to the old fee regime even though they will have a COMDATE after 1/9/2012 -It is possible to change from old to new regime within what an institution might consider the same instance. The obvious example is a student who tops up an HNC to an HND. Other examples might be students who take long breaks in study Why not FUNDCODE? -There are just too many permutations of fundability and fees

95 Instance.GROFEE Captures gross fees; that is fees before any financial support such as waivers or bursaries are taken into account A value in pounds (£) Coverage (Institutions in England): Undergraduate and taught postgraduate students with home fee eligibility (or fee eligibility not assessed) Coverage (Institutions in Wales): Undergraduate and PGCE students with home fee eligibility (or fee eligibility not assessed) Coverage (Institutions in Scotland and Northern Ireland): Undergraduate students with home fee eligibility (or fee eligibility not assessed) The data is required for students with an SSN as well as those who are not applying to the SLC

96 Instance.GROFEE (2) Why not on Course entity? -We do not think it will be possible to add this to the course entity as this will not account for intensity of study. If this were on the course entity it would need to be a full-FTE fee which is likely to have issues for institutions who do not vary the fee by intensity

97 Instance.NETFEE Captures net fees; Net fee defined as the net fee after waivers but not after other support such as other financial support or non- cash support Coverage (Institutions in England): Undergraduate and taught postgraduate students with home fee eligibility (or fee eligibility not assessed) Coverage (Institutions in Scotland): Undergraduate students with home fee eligibility (or fee eligibility not assessed) A value in pounds (£) Not required where a valid SSN is returned It would still be required for students not applying to the SLC

98 Example A non-SLC student enrols on a course for which the fees charged are £7500, and receives a £1000 fee waiver and is given a laptop and £200 book vouchers -Instance.GROFEE = £7500 -Instance.NETFEE = £6500 An SLC student enrols on the same course and is offered the same terms: -Instance.GROFEE = £7500 -Instance.NETFEE = Not required

99 Instance.INITIATIVES Valid entries of existing field to be expanded to include: -One Wales (W) -European Social Fund (W) -NSP (for those receiving support) (E) -NI bursaries (NI) No plans to increase the maximum occurrences meaning that only 2 initiatives can be recorded for a single student instance

100 Equality data The Equality Act (2010) defines a new Public Sector Equality Duty that expands the range of quality characteristics that apply to HE institutions Use of consistent coding frames and central collection will allow comparisons and benchmarking both within the sector and with the local/regional populations It also assists the sector in demonstrating its commitment to equality issues It will be optional for institutions to collect and supply this data and optional for individual students to answer the relevant questions if asked

101 Student.SEX This field will replace the current Student.GENDER field and will record the biological sex of the student The ECU recommended question is 'What is your sex?' -Male -Female All UK institutions (compulsory)

102 Student.RELBLF This field records the religious belief of student, on the basis of their own self-assessment Optional for all students throughout the UK Census questions to be used, namely: -England and Wales: What is your religion? -Scotland: What religion, religious body, or denomination do you belong to? -Northern Ireland: What religion, religious denomination or body do you belong to? Consistent coding frame with HESA Staff Record

103 Student.SEXORT This field records the sexual orientation of the student, on the basis of their own self-assessment Optional for all students throughout the UK Suggested question: What is your sexual orientation? 01 Bisexual 02 Gay man 03 Gay woman/lesbian 04 Heterosexual 05 Other 98 Information refused

104 Student.GENDERID This field will record the gender identity of the student Students should, accordingly to their own self- assessment, indicate if their gender identity is the same as the gender originally assigned to them at birth Optional for all students throughout the UK Suggested question: Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were originally assigned at birth?

105 FE students For English HEIs who report their FE students to HESA… …the existing field Student.ULN will become compulsory for a student where any Instance.FESTUMK is coded 1 or 3 New new fields bringing the HESA return in line with the ILR… …with the exception of the telephone number and address fields

106 It is recognised that not all awards made to students are made by institution that returns the students to HESA. Course.AWARDBOD will collect the qualification awarding body A UKPRN and others… e.g. Edexcel, SQA, Pearson etc Sits on course entity therefore if Poppleton University offer the course (awarded by themselves) however there are students taking it awarded by a different body, then two courses will be required Maximum occurrences of 2 for where the award is a collaboration In the majority of cases currently we would expect this value to be the same UKPRN as the reporting institution… …minimum occurrences of 1 Course.AWARDBOD

107 Module.FRANIND Indicates if a module is part of a franchised or other collaborative arrangement (in addition to PCOLAB and TINST) Institutions in Wales (only) If the module is part of a franchise arrangement then code 1 should be used regardless of whether the module is also part of another collaborative arrangement ‘Other collaborative arrangements’ could be joint courses 1 Taken as part of franchise arrangement (in whole or part) 2 Taken as part of a collaborative arrangement (in whole or part) other than a franchise 3 Not taken as part of franchise or other collaborative arrangement

108 Indicates if the module was taken through APEL (not required for Scotland) -1 Module taken through APEL -2 APEL module -3 Module not taken/available through APEL Code 1 is to be used where the student on the module was assessed through APEL, where the module can be assessed through APEL or other means Code 2 is to be used where the module the student is on is available through APEL only APEL FTE does not contribute to STULOAD This can't be captured using MODOUT as the categories will not be mutually exclusive StudentOnModule.APEL

109 Course.REGBODY Following the announcement that the GSCC's functions are to be transferred to the Health Professions Council (HPC), code 08 General Social Care Council (GSCC) will be removed and institutions will be advised to use code 07 Health Professions Council (HPC) where they previously will have used code 08

110 Course.COURSEAIM Addition of a code to capture graduate diplomas leading to eligibility to register to practise with a health or social care or veterinary statutory regulatory body Currently the most suitable code is the generic H70 (Professional qualification at Level H other than a first degree with honours)… …for which there were 5682 instances in 2010/11

111 JACS coding JACS version 3 should be used for 2012/13 Course.SBJCA and ModuleSubject.MODSBJ will only accept a valid JACS3 code from 2012/13 onwards The generic codes that consist of a subject group letter and three zeros (and Y000) can be used in the Course.SBJCA field to describe a truly interdisciplinary Course only

112 Cost Centres Detail of changes to specific cost centres can be found on HESA website… …general approach was to future proof cost centres and allow institutions greater ability to do benchmarking work… …as well as align cost centres to REF UOAs Now a 3 digit code Mapping document is available online

113 Cost Centre data collection HESA will collect as contextual data each institution's allocation of departments to (revised) Cost Centres The provision of this information to HESA will be compulsory in England and optional for institutions in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland The data will be collected via campus record collection in June 2013 The allocation of professional services to Non-academic Cost Centres (Professional Services Cost Centres from 2012/13) will not be mapped and returned to HESA

114 Ethnicity The changed coding frame is in line with benchmarking against different national census questions The new coding frame has been designed to ensure that institutions do not have to re-survey or re-code continuing students. All of the existing ethnicity codes map into the new structure

115 heidi Re-architecture of student data underway… …during 2012 the student data contained within heidi will expand dramatically… ….allowing for more in-depth analysis to be undertaken by users

116 Student Record and KIS KIS Record will rely on course information from the HESA Student record to link to employability (DLHE) and student satisfaction (NSS) information First collection by August 2012… …relating to courses running in 2012/13 Cross checking with Student record

117 Keep in touch The Institutional Liaison department are here to help with all aspects of the data collection process. If you experience difficulties please get in contact… 01242 211144 If you require additional training help, including bespoke visits to your institution, get in touch with the training department… 01242 211178

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