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KIS 2014/15 Briefing Presented by Dinh Phung Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "KIS 2014/15 Briefing Presented by Dinh Phung Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 KIS 2014/15 Briefing Presented by Dinh Phung Learning Enhancement and Academic Practice

2 KIS Briefing | 2014 | 1 Tuition Fees and Bursaries Accommodation Costs Professional Accreditation STUDY INFORMATION: L&T Methods Assessment Methods Student satisfaction EmploymentEntry information Class of degree Continuation

3 KIS 2014/15 Record Coverage KIS Briefing | 2014 | 2 All courses with start dates between 1 August 2015 and 31 July 2016 EXCEPT Postgraduate courses Courses worth 120 credits or less One-year courses having more than 120 credits Closed courses Courses offered overseas Intercalated degrees Courses for international students Top-up courses

4 Professional Accreditation KIS Briefing | 2014 | 3 Responsibility of academic departments to maintain AIS

5 Study Information – learning & teaching methods KIS Briefing | 2014 | 4 Derived from Attendance Elements in AIS via complex algorithm

6 Study Information – assessment methods KIS Briefing | 2014 | 5 Taken from Assessment Elements in AIS

7 Study Information KIS Briefing | 2014 | 6 Responsibility of academic departments Ensure data in AIS for Attendance Elements and Assessment Elements accurately reflects their published materials

8 KIS 2014/15 Timeline KIS Briefing | 2014 | 7 Departments sign off data31 May 2014 UoH submits data to HESA by5 August 2014 VC signs off by5 August 2014 KIS preview available on Unistats11-26 August 2014 KIS 2014/15 published on Unistats28 August 2014

9 KIS Data Submission KIS Briefing | 2014 | 8 KIS data on Unistats Checked and signed off by departments Submitted to HESA Pass HESA’s validation check Signed off by VC

10 Advertising Courses KIS Briefing | 2014 | 9 Programmes of study available for entry in next 2 sessions Programmes of study for KIS year +1

11 Advertising Overlap KIS Briefing | 2014 | 10 KIS programmes with UCAS codes

12 KIS Data Resubmission KIS Briefing | 2014 | 11 KIS data on Unistats Checked and signed off by departments Submitted to HESA Pass HESA’s validation check Signed off by VC

13 Internal Audit Findings for KIS 2013/14 KIS Briefing | 2014 | 12 Low risk overall BUT Inconsistencies were noted around the reviews performed across the University’s departments/faculties to ensure that the KIS data is aligned to the module specifications published on the University website.

14 Internal Audit Recommendation KIS Briefing | 2014 | 13 A consistent approach is undertaken across the University to regularly monitor that these two sources (AIS and module handbooks) of information are aligned, establishing a consistent minimum level of review to be applied by all Faculties and Departments. Individual areas may then apply further review on a risk and materiality basis.

15 How often do you check data/information currently? 1.Once a year for KIS 2.Only when asked 3.All the time 4.Never KIS Briefing | 2014 | 14

16 What does KIS stand for? 1.Key Information Summary 2.Key Information Set 3.Key Indicator Set 4.Keep It Simple KIS Briefing | 2014 | 15

17 Where might you find Hull University’s KIS webpage? 1.The Home page 2.The Portal 3.Quality & Standards page 4.MyAdmin KIS Briefing | 2014 | 16

18 What is Key Information Set? 1.It’s all about contact hours 2.It’s all about the league table 3.It’s all about informing student choice 4.It’s all about student feedback KIS Briefing | 2014 | 17

19 Institutions submitting KIS are … 1.higher education institutions (HEIs) only 2.further education institutions (FEIs) only 3.all FEIs and HEIs in England 4.all FEIs and HEIs in the UK KIS Briefing | 2014 | 18

20 How is the learning and teaching method derived from AIS? 1.from Assessment elements records 2.from Attendance elements records 3.from programme structure 4.from module handbooks KIS Briefing | 2014 | 19

21 The three categories of learning & teaching methods are: 1.Scheduled, Practical, Placement 2.Scheduled, Fieldwork, Independent Study 3.Scheduled, Placement, Independent Study 4.Scheduled, Placement, Year Abroad KIS Briefing | 2014 | 20

22 The three categories of assessment methods are: 1.Written exam, Report, Oral assessment 2.Written exam, Coursework, Practical 3.Written exam, Portfolio, Practical 4.Written exam, Dissertation, Presentation KIS Briefing | 2014 | 21

23 KIS is aimed at prospective… 1.undergraduates, with exceptions 2.undergraduates, without exceptions 3.postgraduates 4.undergraduates and postgraduates KIS Briefing | 2014 | 22

24 Which of the following course types are in KIS? 1.Top-up courses 2.Integrated masters 3.Closed courses 4.Courses offered overseas KIS Briefing | 2014 | 23

25 KIS must be submitted for… 1.existing courses only 2.existing courses that are being phased out 3.future courses only in the relevant timeframe KIS Briefing | 2014 | 24

26 KIS 2014/15 is relevant to which student intake? 1.2014/15 2.2015/16 3.2016/17 4.2017/18 KIS Briefing | 2014 | 25

27 Which of the following is the official course comparison site? 1.Unistats 2.Which? University 3.Institute of Education website 4.The Department for Education website KIS Briefing | 2014 | 26

28 How often should data/information be checked? 1.Once a year for KIS 2.Only when asked 3.All the time 4.Never KIS Briefing | 2014 | 27

29 NSS Results HESA’s publication criterion: 22.5 respondents AND 50% response rate KIS Briefing | 2014 | 28 Two years’ actual course level data One year’s aggregated data at JACS Level 3 eg aerospace engineering Two years’ aggregated data at JACS Level 3 One year’s aggregated data at JACS level 2 eg mechanically based engineering Two years’ aggregated data at JACS Level 2 One year’s aggregated data at JACS Level 1 eg engineering and technology Two years’ aggregated data at JACS Level 1 One year’s actual course level data

30 Any questions?

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