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Membership Development Report Region 4 Meeting January 26, 2008 Marriott Hotel, Chicago Tarek Lahdhiri Region 4 MD Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "Membership Development Report Region 4 Meeting January 26, 2008 Marriott Hotel, Chicago Tarek Lahdhiri Region 4 MD Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Membership Development Report Region 4 Meeting January 26, 2008 Marriott Hotel, Chicago Tarek Lahdhiri Region 4 MD Chair

2 Responsibilities l Promote Membership Development and diversity l Development, implementation and evaluation of programs intended to recruit new members, retain existing members and recover members l Analysis of membership statistics l Support the Senior and Fellow membership program l Create new MD products that fits the Region l Enhancement & maintenance of the MD Web pages l Communicate member feedback to IEEE MD committees

3 Nov-2007 Membership Statistics

4 Nov-2007 Membership Snapshot

5 Key Activities in 2007 l Conducted and organized a membership retreat in R4. l Participated in the 2007 IEEE MD Retreat, New Brunswick, NJ l Actively participated in MD web casts l Developed and distributed Media to promote MD resources l IEEE Membership tables at major events l Conducted workshops and seminars to increase IEEE membership awareness l Special visit to local sections: Chicago and Nebraska l Developed a Module for Membership benefits with Peggy Hutcheson (IEEE-USA, ECS Committee Chair)

6 Plan for 2008 l Increase IEEE awareness among sections : MD Chair in each section l More communications with the local MD Chairs: Webinars, Seminars, and workshops l Promote membership elevation programs l Increase IEEE awareness among sections l Provide support to GOLD and WIE l Provide support to ExCom programs and projects l Participate in MD workshops and web casts l Conduct and organize a membership retreat in R4 l No more Membership losses in R4

7 Key Websites for MD Development l IEEE MD Website (Main) l IEEE MD Virtual Community l IEEE-USA Career Navigator

8 MD Tools and Resources

9 Membership Development Manual l Member Benefits l Membership Development Calendar l Monthly Checklist l Letter Templates Brochures l Prospect Brochure l Multimedia CD-ROM l Member-get-a-Member Program & Business Cards l Society, Standards Memberships l Benefits Brochure l IEEE Financial Advantage Program Giveaways l Posters l Bookmarks, Pens, Bumper Stickers Membership Recruitment Kits

10 Membership Development Manual l Description : l The must-have resources for MD officers l Advice for developing new members and retaining old l Also available in PDF format l Usage : l Summary of duties l Membership development guidelines, calendar l Correspondence templates l Concise list of member benefits l How to respond to objections

11 Online Order Form

12 MD Online Community Repository of MD documents Communicate Collaborate Share Practices Time-sensitive alerts Archive of past MD webcasts

13 l The web page to join the l The web page for MD l The web page for IEEE benefits l l The MD Virtual Community l l Your Region web l Your Section web l Your Chapter web l Your Conference web l Your Student Branch web Online MD Resources

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