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Enlightenment and Revival Important Events that Influenced Society in the English Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "Enlightenment and Revival Important Events that Influenced Society in the English Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enlightenment and Revival Important Events that Influenced Society in the English Colonies.

2 Social Classes in the Colonies High Society Plantation Owners Church Officials Government Officials Wealthy Merchants (Businessmen) Upper Middle Class Small Farm Owners Trades people Lower Middle Class Tenant Farmers (rent land) Unskilled Laborers Lower Class Indentured Servants Slaves

3 “Glorious Revolution” 1.King James II is removed from power – he has broken laws of Parliament by promoting the Catholic religion over the Church of England 2.William and Mary become the King and Queen. They agreed to follow all laws of Parliament!!!! 3.William agrees to, and signs the English Bill of Rights.

4 English Bill of Rights 1. This document made Parliament stronger Free Elections. Right to Petition the King. 2. It also placed limits on the King: No tax without Parliament’s consent. Cannot limit debate in Parliament (free speech) No excessive bail. Cannot ignore laws that Parliament passes.

5 The Enlightenment A time period where philosophers began to use logic and reason to look at the world, it’s laws, and how we treat each other. Famous philosophers of the Enlightenment: Montesquieu RousseauLockeSmith Also known as the “Age of Reason”. Sapere Aude! [Dare to know!] Have the courage to use your own intelligence! is therefore the motto of the enlightenment. -- Immanuel Kant

6 John LockeAdam Smith John Locke was a political philosopher Author of Two Treatises of Government in 1690. He argued that humans have the natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of property. (unalienable rights) Believed that governments have the responsibility to protect people’s rights. Adam Smith was an economist. Wrote The Wealth of Nations (1776). Smith opposed government interference in economic affairs. Believed in a free market economy with supply and demand.

7 Baron de Montesquieu Jean-Jacques Rousseau 18 th century political philosopher and writer. In 1748 he wrote The Spirit of Laws. He believed in a separation of powers to avoid tyranny. Rousseau was a political philosopher He wrote The Social Contract in 1762. He believed in the idea of popular sovereignty.

8 Benjamin Franklin Printer, scientist, inventor, author, and philosopher. Author of Poor Richard’s Almanac Very influential on life in the colonies. Below are a few of his achievements: American Philosophical Society Public Libraries Volunteer Fire Brigade Franklin Stove Bifocals Lightning Rod Theories on Electricity

9 Education in the Colonies 1 st Public Schools established in Massachusetts – Hornbook – textbook – New England Primer – required reading in schools and church – Dame School: main school for women Universities in the colonies: Harvard (New College)College of William & Mary Yale University (College School) University of PennsylvaniaPrinceton University Columbia Univ. (King’s College) Brown UniversityDartmouth College Rutgers (Queen’sCollege)

10 The 1 st Great Awakening Religious movement during the 1730’s and 1740’s. 2 nd Generation colonists became more involved in churches to connect with ancestors. Ministers used “fire and brimstone” messages to encourage people to return to church. Jonathan Edwards George Whitefield

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