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YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE A Brief explanation of your business and the specific target market you will market to Why did you choose this target market?

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Presentation on theme: "YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE A Brief explanation of your business and the specific target market you will market to Why did you choose this target market?"— Presentation transcript:

1 YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE A Brief explanation of your business and the specific target market you will market to Why did you choose this target market?

2 YOOUR PRODUCT HERE Explain in detail – What your product is? – What makes it unique? – What are the costs involved in your product? Will you buy them already made? Will you buy the materials and make them yourself? – Include 2-3 clip arts

3 YOUR PRICE HERE Explain your reasoning behind choosing this price for your product What message about your product do you hope to send to your target market with the price you chose? – That your product is high quality? – That your product is a good deal? Clip art 2-3

4 YOUR MAIN PLACE OF SALE HERE Explain in detail why you chose this for your main place of sale Describe in words and clip art what your main place of sale will look like What are positives and negatives of having this as your main place of sale? Clip art 2-3

5 YOUR MAIN WAY OF PROMOTING HERE Why did you choose this as your main way of promoting (advertising) your product? What are the pros and cons (+ & -) of this way of promoting (advertising)? What are some other additional ways you plan on promoting your product? Why? What are the costs of this method of promoting? – Try finding out actual costs by searching on the internet. Remember, costs can include money, time, materials, etc.

6 YOUR CONSUMER MOTIVATION HERE Which MOTIVATION are you focusing on? – Patronage? – Rational? – Emotional? – Explain why you chose this

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