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"The war of the United States with Spain was very brief. Its results were many, startling, and of world-wide meaning." --Henry Cabot Lodge.

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2 "The war of the United States with Spain was very brief. Its results were many, startling, and of world-wide meaning." --Henry Cabot Lodge

3  U.S Involvement  U.S refuses to help Cubans - conflict didn’t affect U.S. interests  Cubans began burning American sugar plantations & property  U.S business leaders pressure U.S government to respond

4 Steps to War  The de Lome Letter  Spanish Ambassador insulted President McKinley – angered public  Sinking of the Maine – Havana Riots  1898 – U.S.S Maine sent to protect U.S interests  Feb. 15, 1899 - Maine exploded, killing more than 250 Americans  Philippine Rebellion (Spanish Colony)  U.S viewed Philippines as potential base  U.S aided the Filipino rebels

5 Attempts at Peace  McKinley sent a list of demands to Spain  Compensation for the Maine  An end to the ‘reconcentration’ camps  Truce with Cuba & recognize Cuban independence  Spain accepted but public wanted war  April 11 th, 1898, Congress declared war

6 A Splendid Little War  1st action took place in the Philippines  Adm. Dewey surprised the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay  The entire Spanish fleet was destroyed in 7 hours

7  Events in Cuba  Spanish fleet trapped in Santiago Harbor  July 1, 1898 - Battle of San Juan Hill -Rough Riders  July 3, 1898, Spanish fleet destroyed trying to escape  2500 U.S. Casualties  400 – Combat/battle  2100 - Food poisoning, Malaria, Yellow Fever & poor medical conditions Battle Maps

8 Treaty of Paris 1898  Cuban independence recognized  U.S acquired Philippines, Guam & Puerto Rico for $20 million  ‘unincorporated territories’  NOT American citizens


10 Philippine-American War  U.S. - rebels unfit to govern themselves  Jan. 1899 - rebel Emilio Aquinaldo proclaimed Philippine independence  Philippine vs. U.S forces - 1899-1902  4200 GIs killed, 2800 wounded  16K rebels & 200K civilians killed  Philippine independence obtained in 1946

11 Fate of Cuba  Teller Amendment - U.S would not annex Cuba  U.S remained to protect economic interests  3 year military government  Insisted Cuba accept Platt Amendment in their constitution  Platt Amendment 1898-1934  No foreign agreements without U.S approval  Two U.S naval bases on the island  U.S intervention whenever necessary

12 Annexation of Hawaii  Queen Liliuokalani opposed U.S influences  Samuel B. Dole asked U.S. for help - U.S. marines removed queen  Pres. McKinley annexed Hawaii in 1898


14 Cuban Rebellions  1868 - independence from Spain  10 years of fighting  Spain made minor changes  1895 - economic collapse  Gen. Valeriano Weyler & 150K troops  ‘Reconcentration’ camps used to prevent peasants from aiding rebels  200K died from poor conditions, treatment

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