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What is a Memorial? What do you think of when you hear this word? Can you think of any famous Memorials? Lets take a tour of the Lincoln Memorial.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Memorial? What do you think of when you hear this word? Can you think of any famous Memorials? Lets take a tour of the Lincoln Memorial."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Memorial? What do you think of when you hear this word? Can you think of any famous Memorials? Lets take a tour of the Lincoln Memorial

2 What did you notice about the Lincoln Memorial?

3 Words associated with a Memorial symbol represents feature signifies location remember dedication carvings theme engravings

4 What should you include in your Memorial? Example Name: Thomas Edison Location: Where would this memorial go? Feature 1: Walkway leading to entrance Feature 2: Light bulbs in palms of hands Feature 3: Arch of inventions w/ touch buttons to tell you about each invention Feature 4: At night, lights illuminating the sky Feature 5: What else would be fitting for Edison?

5 Here is your assignment: 1.Choose 1 of the famous Americans from the 1920s that we researched in class. 2. Use your notes we took in class to design a memorial for this person. 3. Draw your final copy on large white construction paper. Color your memorial. 4. On notebook paper, describe what your monument looks like. Use your strong vocabulary and paint a picture of your monument/memorial using strong vocabulary and details.

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