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Room 29- Where critical thinking and creative problem solving are encouraged and celebrated! Welcome Mathletes!

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Presentation on theme: "Room 29- Where critical thinking and creative problem solving are encouraged and celebrated! Welcome Mathletes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Room 29- Where critical thinking and creative problem solving are encouraged and celebrated! Welcome Mathletes!

2 Act Like a Boy/Girl Scout.. BE PREPARED! Covered Textbook Notebook Laptop (charged) Sharpened pencils Completed Homework Assignments Assignment Planner Positive Attitude

3 Agenda 1)Hello! 2)Be in assigned seat with appropriate materials. 3)Copy HW into assignment planner. 4)Complete “Do Now” and “Daily Word Problem”. 5)Have notebook open to homework to be reviewed. 6)Respect teachers and peers in your class during daily lessons! 7)Date and title notes section. Copy notes and example problems into notebook. 8)Ask questions/review lesson. 9)Hasta La Vista!

4 Sorry…You WILL have homework DO YOUR HOMEWORK All assignments are due the next time class meets. Points will be deducted each time homework is not showed to me. All work must be shown (No Work = No Credit!!)

5 Grading Policy

6 Test and Quiz Corrections Earn 20% credit back on any test or quiz ALL work must be shown on a separate sheet of paper

7 Extra Help! Immediately after school until 3:15 Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

8 Website It’s the same! Located under Mrs. Melillo Updated with weekly homework, DWP, and other fun stuff!

9 2 NEW Aspects of Class

10 Ms. Meenan’s Mathletes Earn stickers to earn your spot in the Mathlete Hall of Fame How do you earn stickers? – Receiving a 90 or above on any test or quiz – 2 stickers for a perfect score – 2 weeks of completed homework assignments (work must be shown!) – Using Mathlete vocabulary and lingo

11 Weekly Progress Reports Every Friday progress reports will be given Must be returned and signed on Monday What will be included? – Current average – Missing assignments – Comments as necessary


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