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Cooperative Learning in the eMINTS Classroom May 24, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperative Learning in the eMINTS Classroom May 24, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperative Learning in the eMINTS Classroom May 24, 2006

2 Purpose of Module This module addresses cooperative- learning strategies, specifically the social and group-processing skills teachers can use to help students succeed.

3 Module Objectives Learners will become aware of cooperative-learning strategies that have been successful in eMINTS classrooms Learners will understand why cooperative learning is instrumental in teaching students to work on group technology projects that require higher-order thinking skills Learners will develop a sense of what cooperative- learning structures are and will learn several successful structures Learners will identify several cooperative-learning structures to include in their own classroom and plan ways to use these structures

4 Essential Question How can students work effectively in groups?

5 Engage

6 Overview of Cooperative Learning Elements

7 Co-Op Learning Elements Positive Interdependence Individual Accountablity Equal Participation Simultaneous Interaction Group Processing Face-to-Face Interaction

8 Jigsaw Activity

9 Objections The World is Competitive High-Achieving Students will be Dragged Down It is Difficult to Manage Cooperative Learning Bad Past Experiences Too Much Cooperative Learning

10 Creating Student Teams

11 Cooperative Grouping Cards

12 Establishing Positive Interdependence /links/cooperativelearning.shtml

13 Structuring Positive Interdependence

14 Cooperative Learning Structure Think-Pair-Share

15 Group Interaction Identifying a Skill and Developing a Plan

16 Assessment with Cooperative Learning

17 Implementing Cooperative Learning

18 Reflection on Technology & Cooperative Learning

19 Essential Question How can students work effectively in groups?


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