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Recent Immigration WHY?: Continued “Nativism” 1914-1918: WWI strong anti-immigrant feelings literacy tests required in 1917 Anti-German Riot in U.S.

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2 Recent Immigration


4 WHY?: Continued “Nativism” 1914-1918: WWI strong anti-immigrant feelings literacy tests required in 1917 Anti-German Riot in U.S. 1915Led to “Americanization”

5 1924: National Origins Act  law that discriminated against S. & E. Europe 165,000 per year versus 1921’s 350,000 Took 2% from 1890 --Germany 51,000 -- Italy 4,000 -- Egypt 100 Italy went from 42, 058 to 3, 845 “America must be kept for Americans!” Pres. Coolidge

6 1925: KKK membership reaches 5 million KKK Pamphlet KKK March in D.C. in 1925 KKK Growth 1920- 5,000 1925- 5 million

7 1930s -1945: low immigration due to Depression & WWII 500,000 Mexican workers deported due to worries about jobs.

8 1948: Displaced Persons Act  allowed homeless of WWII to immigrate to U.S. 400,000 Jewish survivors and refuges arrive in U.S.


10 1960s: quotas questioned; are they fair? 1965: Immigration Act Set annual limits for ALL countries to make laws fair Johnson signs at Liberty Island 170,000 Eastern Hemisphere 120,000 Western Hemisphere

11 1965: Immigration Act Opponent of the bill : "We estimate that if the President gets his way, and the current immigration laws are repealed, the number of immigrants next year will increase threefold and in subsequent years will increase even more... shall we, instead, look at this situation realistically and begin solving our own unemployment problems before we start tackling the world's?" Republican Vice Presidential candidate Rep. William E. Miller of NYWilliam E. Miller The New York Times, Sept. 8, 1964, p. 14 Supporters of the bill: "With the end of discrimination due to place of birth, there will be shifts in countries other than those of northern and western Europe. Immigrants from Asia and Africa will have to compete and qualify in order to get in, quantitatively and qualitatively, which, itself will hold the numbers down. There will not be, comparatively, many Asians or Africans entering this country....Since the people of Africa and Asia have very few relatives here, comparatively few could immigrate from those countries because they have no family ties in the U.S." Democratic Rep. Emanuel Celler of NY Congressional Record, Aug. 25, 1965, p. 21812


13 Refugee: Someone who flees a country because of persecution 1980 Refugee Act: President can admit refugees in an emergency


15 Illegal Immigrants: enter the U.S. w/o government approval i.e. Mexicans crossing the border Busted illegal Immigrants await the border patrol In Mexico, make $3 a day vs. $10 in U.S.

16 1986: Immigration Reform and Control Act  penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants; little impact Required I-9 Form - Still Used From gov’t web page Fines: $100 - $1, 100 per individual for illegal $250 - $11,000 per violations for continuing to employ illegals $3,000 for perpetual violators and up to 6 mths in prison

17 1996: Immigration Act  doubled border control forces and added fences U.S. Mexican Border in New Mexico

18 Differences Similarities Differences Historical RecentImmigration

19 Immigration Issues Today Legal preference to family and skilled workers long wait time Refugees need more spots can be sent back Illegal U.S. security/border control estimated 10 million

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