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Chapter 2: SLA Research Methodology (in three parts)

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1 Chapter 2: SLA Research Methodology (in three parts)

2 Part 1 (1)Definition of research --Methodology, setting, instrumentation, measurement --Longitudinal and cross-sectional studies (2) Qualitative and quantitative research (and, not versus) --Attributes of qualitative and quantitative research --Continuum of research methodology introspection participant observation non-participant observation focused description pre-experiment quasi-experiment

3 experiment --Combining qualitative and quantitative research (3) Setting (4) Instrumentation --The issue of the naturalness of the data spontaneous and elicited data --Production data elicitation reading aloud structured exercises completion tasks elicited imitation elicited translation guided composition question & answer reconstruction communication games role play oral interview free composition Part 2

4 Part 3 --Production data elicitation variability in performance --Intuitional data elicitation error recognition and correction grammaticality judgments other judgment tasks card sorting --Miniature languages --Affective variables– data elicitation questionnaires sociometry matched guise diary studies focused introspection

5 (5) Measuring learner performance --Problems: 1. defining language proficiency 2. defining acquisition --Task and test --An index of development

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