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Transformational Leadership Making Your School a Place Staff Want to Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Transformational Leadership Making Your School a Place Staff Want to Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transformational Leadership Making Your School a Place Staff Want to Work

2 What is Transformational Leadership? Style of leadership where the leader is charged with identifying the needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of the group. * It also serves to enhance the motivation, morale, and job performance of your staff through a variety of interactions and activities. *Definition provided by Wikipedia 2 Phoenix Children's Academy Training Department

3 Leadership and Teams Leaders face the challenge of building effective teams. The key to effectiveness is hiring well, providing ongoing training and working intentionally at building a team. Understand that team building is more than bowling night and completing team building activities! 3 Phoenix Children's Academy Training Department

4 How? Work with staff to establish a sense of identity and self to the school and the vision of PCA. Be a role model for staff in order to inspire them and raise their interest in the vision for the Company and the school. Challenge staff to take greater ownership for their work, their classrooms and parent relationships. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each staff member and focus on building staff strengths. 4 Phoenix Children's Academy Training Department

5 Our Focus Today Ways to build your staff into a team Ways to motivate your staff 5 Phoenix Children's Academy Training Department

6 For Reflection; Teambuilding Have you communicated the Company vision and your goals for the school? Are you effectively communicating in general – creating a “no surprises” environment? Do you organize “fun” events for your staff? Are you working to establish a sense of family among team members? Do you acknowledge a job well done? 6 Phoenix Children's Academy Training Department

7 Top Ten Reasons for Teambuilding 1. To gain dynamic rapport among team members. 2. To open the climate for streamlined communication. 3. To stimulate creativity. 4. To discover new ways of strategizing and solving challenges. 5. To surface hidden problems & agendas. 6. To appreciate individual differences and strengths. 7. To learn trust. 8. To welcome and handle change. 9. To strengthen teamwork and motivation. 10. To learn and have fun at the same time! Phoenix Children's Academy Training Department 7

8 Breakout Activity Similar and Different Activity Group Discussion 8 Phoenix Children's Academy Training Department

9 Motivating Staff Ask yourself: “How do I create a culture that taps into what already motivates the staff?” Find out from your staff how they are motivated and how they would like to be acknowledged or rewarded. Just as importantly, find out what de-motivates them and stop doing it if you are! Understand that staff crave respect, success, recognition and admiration. Recognize that laughter and fun on the job makes a difference in the way the job is done! 9 Phoenix Children's Academy Training Department

10 For Discussion Share ideas that you have found to be successful at your school for team building or motivating staff. Refer back to the Reflection on Teambuilding (slide 6) and share one or two ways that you will work to improve your teambuilding or staff motivation skills. 10 Phoenix Children's Academy Training Department

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