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© 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. CI3 - Practices of Interoperability in SMEs Carrier-Shipper Scenario.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. CI3 - Practices of Interoperability in SMEs Carrier-Shipper Scenario."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. CI3 - Practices of Interoperability in SMEs Carrier-Shipper Scenario

2 2 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Description The scenario describes the interaction between a shipper and a carrier when providing consuming logistical services. ShipperCarrier

3 3 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Proprietary Systems Interfaces Proprietary carrier systems cause that: Either shippers limit to a small amount of providers with which they can automate the process. Or shippers select a carrier who meets the requirements best in each situation, whilst accepting manual processing.

4 4 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Potential business benefits The solution shall enable: Compare offers from different carriers and find the most cost-efficient offering. Higher level of automation, which will lower the process costs.

5 5 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Shipper process 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 Sales Order Delivery Picking/Packing Shipment Invoice After Sales

6 6 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Shipper process - 1 1. Sales Order A sales order contains information on ordered Goods, shipping address etc. and is the starting point for the process. 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666

7 7 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Shipper process - 2 2. Delivery The Delivery is created from a Sales Order. 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666

8 8 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Shipper process - 3 3. Picking/Packing From the Delivery the Picking and Packing Information is created. During this Phase quantities are confirmed. 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666

9 9 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Shipper process - 4 4. Shipment From a Delivery a Shipment can be created. Several Deliveries can be aggregated to one shipment. 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666

10 10 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Shipper process - 5 5. Invoice After the goods are shipped, a commercial invoice for the customer is created. The shipper will be invoiced by the selected carrier and is therefore out of the scope of the shipping process. 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666

11 11 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Shipper process - 6 6. After Sales During After Sales, Tasks related to eventual Return Management are done. 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666

12 12 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Carrier process 1111 2222 3333 4444 Calculate Rate Routing Code Generate Label Manifest

13 13 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Carrier process - 1 1. Calculate Rate Rate calculation takes as input the selected service, the route and some more information on the parcel and calculates the rate for the shipment. 1111 2222 3333 4444

14 14 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Carrier process - 2 2. Routing Code The routing code is the carrier specific representation of the route over which a parcel is shipped. The routing code is calculated based on the ship-from address specifying the origin of the shipment and the ship-to-address specifying the destination. 1111 2222 3333 4444

15 15 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Carrier process - 3 3. Generate Label This service creates the label for the parcel in the carrier specific format. Therefore, input data such as the routing code and the ship-to-address is required. 1111 2222 3333 4444

16 16 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. Carrier process - 4 4. Manifest In this service the current shipment is added to the manifest for this day. This can either mean that the notification is sent directly to the carrier or that the data is stored in the local system of a shipper so that it is available when the manifest is created. 1111 2222 3333 4444

17 17 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. As-is situation The Shipping Process contains 3 phases: 1.Introduction and Setup 2.Running the Shipping solution 3.Update and Maintenance of the Shipping System

18 18 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. To-be situation An improved solution should fulfill: (Semi-) Automatic Integration of Carrier Services Data and Process Mapping User Interface Predefined and Easy Configurable Adapters Configuration




22 22 © 2005-2006 The ATHENA Consortium. This course has been developed under the funding of the EC with the support of the EC ATHENA-IP Project. Disclaimer and Copyright Notice: Permission is granted without fee for personal or educational (non-profit) use, previous notification is needed. For notification purposes, please, address to the ATHENA Training Programme Chair at In other cases please, contact at the same e_mail address for use conditions. Some of the figures presented in this course are freely inspired by others reported in referenced works/sources. For such figures copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the original authors or by other copyright holders. It is understood that all persons copying these figures will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each copyright

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