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S.T.E.M. Science Technology Engineering Mathematics What does S.T.E.M. stand for?

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Presentation on theme: "S.T.E.M. Science Technology Engineering Mathematics What does S.T.E.M. stand for?"— Presentation transcript:

1 S.T.E.M. Science Technology Engineering Mathematics What does S.T.E.M. stand for?

2 Science - Method of finding out about the natural world through observations and experiments. Science can be a noun and a verb.

3 Technology - The knowledge and skills available to a society. Technology has been around much longer than science.

4 Engineering - Application of knowledge to design and or build something useful Engineers want to make things better.

5 Mathematics - The study of numbers, shapes and patterns. Math is the language of science.

6 Assignment: Read and annotate Lesson 1

7 Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Observing - Using senses to gather information.

8 Types of Observations Describing without numbers. Qualitative Observation Describing with numbers. Quantitative Observation

9 Activity 1 – Making Observations

10 Explain or interpret things you observe. Inferring (making an inference) - Making a statement about the future based on prior observations. Predicting -

11 Grouping items together that are alike. Classifying - Forming a conclusion based on observations and data. Evaluating -

12 Creating a representation of an object or process. Making Models -

13 1. What does S.T.E.M. stand for? Quiz! 3. What do all scientists do? 4. What do all engineers do? 5. Do you think that you would make a good engineer? Explain why or why not. 2. What word MUST be in any good definition of science?

14 Activity 2 – Using Science to Find Out

15 Lesson 2 – Thinking Like a Scientist What qualities do scientists possess?

16 Scientists possess these qualitites Curiosity, Honesty, Creativity, Open-mindedness, Skepticism, Good ethics, Bias awareness

17 Skepticism - Having an attitude of doubt. Ethics - Rules of right and wrong

18 Bias - Influence the outcome one way or another; unfair. A biased experiment is not good. Why?

19 Scientific Reasoning - Logical way of thinking based on gathering and evaluating evidence. Scientific reasoning must be objective not subjective.

20 Objective - Subjective - Not based on opinion Based on opinion or personal feelings

21 Deductive Reasoning - Applying a general idea to a specific observation. general to specific

22 Inductive Reasoning - Using a specific observation to form a general conclusion. specific to general

23 Faulty reasoning will form a wrong conclusion.

24 Lesson 3 – Scientific Inquiry Read Page 18 “heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones.” Deductive or Inductive Reasoning? Demo – free-fall tube with vacuum Specific to general conclusion. Demo – drop paper with baseball

25 Lesson 3 – Scientific Inquiry Scientific Inquiry - trying to find an answer to a question Read Page 18 What does inquire mean?

26 1. Pose a Question 2. Develop a Hypothesis 3. Conduct an Experiment 4. Form a Conclusion Possible Steps in Scientific Inquiry

27 Hypothesis - A possible answer to a question. Must be testable!

28 Experiment - The test of a hypothesis.

29 Variables - Purposely changed by the experimenter; independent variable Manipulated Variable - Factors that can change in an experiment. Responding Variable - Variable the may be observed to change in the experiment; dependent variable

30 Controlled Experiment - Facts, figures, evidence gathered from the experiment. Data - Only one variable is changed at a time. Graphs can help reveal patterns in data.

31 Conclusion - Results of what was discovered in the experiment. ASSIGN: Read and Annotate Pages 18- 26

32 Evidence -

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