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Chapter 18 Food Resources. World Food Security  Poverty and Food  ________people are so poor they cannot afford proper nutrition 1.3 billion.

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1 Chapter 18 Food Resources

2 World Food Security  Poverty and Food  ________people are so poor they cannot afford proper nutrition 1.3 billion

3 Reason for Decline in Grain Stock  Rising temps  Falling water tables and droughts  Ethanol production  More grain is going towards feeding livestock  Increased meat consumption in developing countries

4 Animals as food  Constitute 40% of the calories consumed in developed countries  Only comprise 5% of calories consumed in developing countries

5 Vegetarianism

6   One personal act that can have a profound impact on these issues is reducing meat consumption.   To produce 1 pound of feedlot beef requires about 2,400 gallons of water and 7 pounds of grain (42).   If all the grain currently fed to livestock in the United States were consumed directly by people, the number of people who could be fed would be nearly 800 million Vegetarianism

7 Principle Types of Agriculture  Industrialized agriculture  Modern methods that require large capital input, and less land and labor  Subsistence Agriculture  Traditional methods, dependent on labor and large amounts of land  Ex: shifting cultivation, Slash and burn agriculture, Nomadic herding, Intercropping


9  Domestication and Genetic Diversity Challenges of Producing More Crop and Livestock Irish Potato Famine

10  Pesticides  Selective breeding Challenges of Producing More Crop and Livestock

11 Challenges of Producing More  Increasing Livestock Yields  Hormone supplements  US and Canada  Not used in Europe  Antibiotics  40% of antibiotics produced in US are used in livestock operations

12 Antibiotic Use and Resistance

13 Genetic Engineering

14 Genetically Modified Organisms  Add beneficial characteristics to crops  Additional nutrition  Resistance to pests  Drought resistances  Herbicides

15 Safety in Genetic Engineering  Concerns about GMOs?  GMOs are not currently labeled  Prop 37

16 Environmental Impacts of Agriculture

17 Solutions to Agricultural Problems- Sustainable Agriculture


19  Overharvesting  Many species are at point of severe depletion  62% of world’s fish stock are in need of management action Fisheries of the World - Problems  No nation lays claim to open ocean

20 Fisheries of the World - Problems  Overharvesting  Bycatch killed off  Magnuson Fisheries Conservation Act


22 Fisheries of the World - Problems  Ocean Pollution -  Aquaculture waste

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