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Eukaryotic Cell Prokaryotic Cell Both Pg # ‘s ________.

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Presentation on theme: "Eukaryotic Cell Prokaryotic Cell Both Pg # ‘s ________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eukaryotic Cell Prokaryotic Cell Both Pg # ‘s ________

2 Prokaryotic Cell circular DNA only single celled no nucleus Bacteria

3 Eukaryotic Cell Prokaryotic Cell only single celled no nucleus
circular DNA only single celled no nucleus Bacteria paired chromosomes single celled or multi-celled has a nucleus membrane covered organelles Protists Fungi Plants Animals

4 Eukaryotic Cell Prokaryotic Cell Both only single celled no nucleus
paired chromosomes single celled or multi-celled has a nucleus membrane covered organelles Protists Fungi Plants Animals circular DNA only single celled no nucleus Bacteria have DNA can have cell walls cells function similarly

5 Draw and Compare Pg#________, glue in handout
Follow directions on handout. You have 10 minutes.

6 Rotifers Volvox Rotifers Volvox Euglena How Big is small? cell size Euglena

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