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1 The United States of America Constitution Separation of Powers.

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2 1 The United States of America Constitution Separation of Powers

3 2VocabularySeparation of Powers Power in the Federal Government that is divided between the Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branches

4 3VocabularyChecks and Balances Each branch of the government checks the power of the other branches

5 4VocabularyLegislative Makes laws to govern our country

6 5VocabularyExecutive Carries out the laws that have been passed by the Legislature

7 6VocabularyJudicial Interprets or defines the laws Headed by the Supreme Court

8 7VocabularyRatify To formally approve something

9 8VocabularyAmend To change or revise something

10 9VocabularyArticle One of the sections of a document (like the US Constitution)

11 10 How Should the Powers of the Government be Divided? WhoWho will make the laws? will see that these laws are obeyed? will make sure the laws are “good” laws?

12 11 American Government Similar to the Structure of a Tree Trunk The Constitution 3 Branches Legislative Executive Judicial

13 12 American Government Similar to the Structure of a Tree Trunk The Constitution 3 Branches Legislative Executive Judicial

14 13 Separation of Powers Each branch has different responsibilities Checks & Balances Each branch looks out & checks to see if the other 2 branches are doing their jobs

15 14 Legislative Branch Makes laws to govern the country Defined in the Great Compromise Includes the House of Representative & the Senate Checks the Judicial & Executive Branches

16 15 Executive Branch Carries out the laws that are passed by the legislature Creates a chief executive Discussed having 2 leaders but much concern about lack of cooperation between the two leaders

17 16 Executive Branch (cont.) Decided on one leader to be called “President” Checks the Legislative & Judicial Branches

18 17 Judicial Branch Interprets or defines the laws (makes sure our laws are good) Headed by the Supreme Court Judges are appointed by the President & approved by the Senate Checks the Legislative & Executive Branch

19 18 Checks & Balances PreventsPrevents one branch from becoming too powerful EachEach branch has its own specific responsibilities branch has separate powers branch checks the other 2 branches –Each –Each branch is balanced

20 19 September 17, 1787 Approved Constitution of the United States Sent the Constitution to the states to be ratified (approved)

21 20 June 21, 1788 New Jersey became the 9 th state to ratify the Constitution The amount required by the Articles of Confederation to become law

22 21 United States began to function under the new government plan

23 22 Benjamin Franklin Commented about a carved ½ sun on the back of his chair: The sun is rising Our country is on a fresh start as a new nation!

24 23 US Constitution Preamble (Introduction) Main Body (7 Articles) Amendments (27 changes)

25 24 Divisions of the Constitution TheThe introduction paragraph WeWe the people... 1.Preamble

26 25 Divisions of the Constitution 7Articles 1 st1 st 3 articles deal with the 3 separate branches of the government LastLast 4 articles deal with the powers of the states and procedures to ratify and amend the Constitution 2. Main Body

27 26 ArticleArticle 1 –Legislative –Legislative Branch ArticleArticle 2 –Executive –Executive Branch ArticleArticle 3 –Judicial –Judicial Branch Divisions of the Constitution 2. Main Body

28 27 ArticleArticle 4 –Relationships –Relationships Among States ArticleArticle 5 –Amending –Amending the Constitution ArticleArticle 6 –Supreme –Supreme Law of the Land Divisions of the Constitution 2. Main Body ArticleArticle 7 –Ratifying –Ratifying the Constitution

29 28 Divisions of the Constitution ChangesChanges to the Constitution CurrentlyCurrently 27 amendments 3. Amendments

30 29 AmendmentAmendment 1 –Freedom –Freedom of religion, press, speech, assembly and petition AmendmentAmendment 2 –Right –Right to bear arms AmendmentAmendment 3 –Quartering –Quartering of soldiers Divisions of the Constitution 3.Amendments

31 30 AmendmentAmendment 4 –Searches –Searches and seizures AmendmentAmendment 5 –Life, –Life, liberty, and property AmendmentAmendment 6 –Rights –Rights of the accused Divisions of the Constitution 3.Amendments

32 31 AmendmentAmendment 7 –Right –Right to trial by jury AmendmentAmendment 8 –Bail –Bail and punishment AmendmentAmendment 9 –Rights –Rights of the people Divisions of the Constitution 3.Amendments

33 32 AmendmentAmendment 10 –Rights –Rights of the state AmendmentAmendment 11 –Suits –Suits against states AmendmentAmendment 12 –Election –Election of the President Divisions of the Constitution 3.Amendments

34 33 AmendmentAmendment 13 –Abolition –Abolition of slavery AmendmentAmendment 14 –Civil –Civil rights in the states AmendmentAmendment 15 –Black –Black suffrage Divisions of the Constitution 3.Amendments

35 34 AmendmentAmendment 16 –Income –Income tax AmendmentAmendment 17 –Direct –Direct election of Senators AmendmentAmendment 18 –Prohibition Divisions of the Constitution 3.Amendments

36 35 AmendmentAmendment 19 –Women’s –Women’s Suffrage AmendmentAmendment 20 –“Lame –“Lame Duck” period AmendmentAmendment 21 –Repeal –Repeal of Prohibition Divisions of the Constitution 3.Amendments

37 36 AmendmentAmendment 22 –Presidential –Presidential term of office AmendmentAmendment 23 –Voting –Voting in the District of Columbia AmendmentAmendment 24 –Abolition –Abolition of poll taxes Divisions of the Constitution 3.Amendments

38 37 AmendmentAmendment 25 –Presidential –Presidential disability and succession AmendmentAmendment 26 –Eighteen-year-old –Eighteen-year-old vote AmendmentAmendment 27 –Congressional –Congressional pay raises Divisions of the Constitution 3.Amendments

39 38 Phrases or Sections in Italicized Italicized means script writing Indicates parts of the Constitution that are no longer in effect due to passage of time or changes made by Amendments

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