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Infant Physical Development

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1 Infant Physical Development

2 Notes The development of the body and maintenance of its needs
Ages are birth to one year How does one care for an infant in their 12 months of life?

3 PATTERNS Head To Foot

4 Notes Babies develop control of head and neck muscles first, then control of muscles move down baby and end with control of legs and feet Holding his/her head steady before learning to crawl

5 PATTERNS Near To Far

6 Notes development begins at the trunk of the body and moves outward to hands and feet From sitting up and then hold a bottle

7 PATTERNS Simple To Complex

8 Notes large muscle development takes place first leading to more fine muscle and complex abilities later Reaching toward objects before picking up small objects

9 GROWTH Weight & Length

10 Notes Most babies lose about 10 percent of their birth weight in the first five days of life Gain 1 to 2 pounds per month in the first six months Average weight of a one-year-old is 20 to 22 pounds Average baby is 20 inches long at birth Average baby at one year is 30 inches long

11 GROWTH Body Shape

12 Notes Baby’s head and abdomen are large, and the legs and arms are short and small Hold themselves in a tightly secured position with fists clenched Body straightens out during the first six months

13 Growth Senses

14 Notes Vision is blurry at birth but within a week or so, infant is aware of surroundings (2D) and by 2 months (3D) 2 month olds cannot follow with eyes Can tell the direction of sound Very early can tell mother by their smell and taste Exploring toys through touch Two-week old babies can taste the difference between water, sour, sugar, and salt, and milk

15 Growth Voice

16 Notes shrill but softens as lungs mature
Change in tongue and in the shape and proportion of the inside of the mouth” during the first months of life leads to speech development

17 Growth Motor Skills

18 at birth babies have little control over their muscles
Gross motor skills involve use of large muscles such as arms and legs Fine motor skills involve use of small muscles such as hands and fingers

19 Growth Reflexes

20 Notes Sucking-putting a bottle to the lips
Startle-slamming a door loudly Grasp-grabbing what is in their hand Babinski-occurs when baby’s foot is stroked and the toes fan out and foot twists in Rooting: when cheek is stroked, baby turns toward the side stroked with open mouth

21 Development Influences

22 Notes Growth is related to good eating habits and exercise.
An important key to development is experiences. A stimulating environment in which the baby has a wide variety of things to see, taste, smell, hear, and touch enhances development

23 Development Physical Care

24 Notes Dressing-Keep a baby from being cold while dressing and undressing. Handling-An infant’s back and head should be supported at all times. Diapering-If a baby has diaper rash, he/she should be changed more often. Feeding-The mother has to monitor everything she eats because it affects the baby. Sleep-On back and in patterns Bath-Sponge until cord falls off Teeth-Wipe gums

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