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Intro Unit Lesson 5. Objectives  Explain mission, function, and range of different regional and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro Unit Lesson 5. Objectives  Explain mission, function, and range of different regional and international governmental and non-governmental organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro Unit Lesson 5

2 Objectives  Explain mission, function, and range of different regional and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.

3 Warm Up  Explain 2 ways in which globalization has impacted the world? Hint: Economic? Social? Political?

4 International Cooperation IGO’SNGO’S  Intergovernmental Organizations Association of States Est. by treaty Common goals Special organs (leg, exec, dispute) Resolutions/Treaties = international law  Non-governmental Organizations Non-govt representatives & individuals No international legal status Advocacy groups Reports “Non-profits”

5 International Organizations  UN  OPEC  WTO  WHO  IAEA  World Bank  NATO

6 Regional Organizations  Promote trade, address problems, settle disputes: OAS EU AU ASEAN Arab League

7 NGO’s  Amnesty International  International Red Cross  CARE International  Dr’s Without Borders (MSF)  Human Rights Watch  Oxfam International  International Campaign to Ban Landmines  Greenpeace  International Olympic Committee  Polaris Project

8 Activity: Posters  Name of Organization  Origins (When & Why Founded)  Member Nations (IGO’s)  What They Do (Mission/Goals/Functions)  Logo  Poster form (Microsoft Office/Old School) Help Wanted, Advertisement

9 Closure  Why might people have reservations about their country's decision to join a union of nations?

10 Homework

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