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MGMT 619 Business Policy in high-tech firms Spring 2013 Prof. Sanjay Jain.

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1 MGMT 619 Business Policy in high-tech firms Spring 2013 Prof. Sanjay Jain

2 Agenda  Introductions  Experiential exercise  Course overview  Capstone project introduction  Next class

3 Course overview  Average returns (profits) among industries vary  Returns among companies within industries also vary  Returns for individual companies vary over time  Why are some firms more successful than others?

4 Recent Business Headlines  The netbook is dead, the I-Pad killed it  Zipcar acquired by Avis for $500 M  Hostess files for bankruptcy  Why $4.5 B doesn’t get BP off the hook  Web classes grow, no profit in sight  What does all this mean?

5 Course Objectives  Develop knowledge and skills needed to: Evaluate a firm’s strategy ○ role of Analyst Recommend future strategic actions ○ role of Consultant Manage the strategic direction of a firm ○ role of Manager

6 Learning Objectives Learn basic strategic analysis frameworks and concepts Integrate and extend knowledge and skills acquired in other MBA courses Gain competence in identifying critical strategic issues and then apply appropriate frameworks to develop action plans

7 Course Emphasis  Analysis and prescription From a generalist perspective ○ across functions ○ integrative/capstone course Using strategic thinking ○ uncertain, dynamic, complex ○ no “one best way”

8 Course Design Business-Level Strategy Corporate-Level Strategy Introduction to Strategy External Environment Internal Environment Competitive Positioning Competitive Dynamics (Rivalry) Diversification Mergers & Acquisitions Ecosystems Entrepreneurship & Innovation

9 Teaching Philosophy: Course as community (of strategists) Learning within a community ○ learning is a matter of engaging in and contributing to the practices of a community ○ role of instructor “old-timer” who helps newcomers understand and learn practices of community instructor as facilitator, teacher, student ○ role of student newcomer wishing to become a competent member of community student as learner, challenger, facilitator, teacher

10 Course overview: Format  Mini-lectures / Article discussion  Case analyses  Capstone project

11 Course overview: Grading  Class participation + Reflection papers 35%  Team written case analyses20%  Capstone project45%

12 Behaviors that positively influence class discussion  Quality over quantity  Analysis supported by logic & evidence  Analysis over opinion  Distinguishing critical issues from peripheral issues  Contribution -- further understanding for the class?  Listening to others

13  Being unprepared for class  Rarely contributing unless called on  Giving 1 - 2 word answers without support  Creating a negative climate in the classroom (such as group chatting)  Being an airbag  Using your laptop in class for activities other then taking notes/viewing your notes or viewing the session’s powerpoint slides.  Checking phones/Texting during class Behaviors that negatively influence class discussion

14 Case discussion preparation  Read the case  Read the case questions  Examine all exhibits carefully  Crunch the numbers  Read the case a second time and answer the case questions applying the analytical tools/frameworks  Define recommendations

15 Team Assignment : The Capstone Paper  PARTS 1 & 2: Proposal & Team Contract - Due: Apr 23  PART 3: Written analysis due: 10JUN13, 5:00 PM  Guidelines for the paper & bibliography will be posted on CAMINO.  Deliverables: Turn in hard copy to Dukes Center and send electronic copy to me. ○ Format: not to exceed 45 pages, 1.5 spaced (12 point font, 1 in. margins) + a 3-5 page exec summary. Submit a copy of the paper to (instructions will be posted on CAMINO)

16 Firms that cannot be used for Capstone Project  Firms covered in cases.  Refer to list posted on CAMINO.

17  Make sure you have: Syllabus, name card  Submit information sheet  Visit course web site on CAMINO  Obtain course readings  Form teams for capstone project  Prepare for Session 2 (readings) To do

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