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How do we Develop Liberia? Let’s Reflect and... Act. The difference between poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we Develop Liberia? Let’s Reflect and... Act. The difference between poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we Develop Liberia? Let’s Reflect and... Act. The difference between poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country.

2 This can be shown by countries like Egypt, India and Afghanistan that are more than 3,000 years old and are still poor.

3 On the other hand, countries like Canada, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, that 60 years ago were just starting to scratch-the-surface, today are developed countries and are rich.

4 The difference between poor & rich countries is not because of their available natural resources.

5 Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second largest world economy. It has almost no natural resource. But this country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw material from the whole world and exporting high value agricultural & manufactured products.

6 Another example is Switzerland, which does not even plant cocoa but produces the best chocolates in the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil only during 4 months a year. Not enough, but they still produce dairy & agricultural products of the best quality. It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order, precision and good labor, which has made it one of the world’s strongest, safest, & richest countries.

7 Professionals and Executives from rich and poor countries who communicate with their counterparts show that there is no significant intellectual or knowledge difference.

8 Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants and workers labeled “lazy” in their countries of origin are very productive, value work, and enjoy economic power in rich European, American and Asian countries.

9 What then is the difference?

10 The difference is our attitude, cultural beliefs and our patronage system, framed a long time ago by years of doing it the “ Liberian Way ”.

11 On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives:

12 1.Ethics, as a basic principle – high moral value. 2. Integrity - good value of self.(Self- esteem). 3. Responsibility - taking ownership, being accountable. 4. Respect for laws & the rules of law; respect authority; disciplined; - graranteed punishment/all crimes, no exceptions. No slap on hand. 5. Respect for the rights of others(citizens).

13 6. Work attitude. Striving to - always do a good job; doing it right the first time. Do more with the little you have. 7. Belief that Savings & Investments go hand in hand. 8. Will-power and the power of action. Do not procrastinate. 9. Punctuality – always be on time – if you’re not there, you cannot do the work.

14 10.Belief in putting Country FIRST over tribe, clan or ethnic background. 11.Belief that if anyone can do it, you can do it better…all one needs is education and exposure. 12. Working together cooperatively, and not against each other, FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF LIBERIA.

15 In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.

16 We are poor NOT because we lack natural resources, or because nature was cruel to us.

17 We are poor because we lack “good” attitude. We are not committed to doing a job thoroughly, or to a high standard. We are satisfied with just mediocre or “half- baked” work. We are poor because we lack “good” attitude. We are not committed to doing a job thoroughly, or to a high standard. We are satisfied with just mediocre or “half- baked” work.

18 We lack the will and desire to comply with, and teach each other these basic functional principles.

19 We know it is WRONG, but we do it anyway. We are extremely INDISCIPLAINED. We know that SOMEHOW, we WILL GET AWAY with it.

20 WILL POWER: If it is RIGHT for LIBERIA, DO IT. Don’t worry about the “NOISE”.

21 WILL POWER to make it RIGHT for LIBERIA: -Political Will. -Religious Will. -Managerial Will. -Administrative Will. -Productive Will. -Socio-Cultural, traditional,PERSONAL Will.

22 We LIBERIANS, must NOW strive to un-educate ourselves and each other of those negative attitudes and beliefs that hold us hostage to UNDER-DEVELOPMENT. Let us ALL start an all inclusive and comprehensive ETHICS & ATTITUDE AWARENESS & WORK Adjustment CAMPAIGN, all over the Country.

23 We MUST start first with our FAMILIES, then FRIENDS, in all the SCHOOLS (2-year course), in the CHURCHES and MOSQUES, in the WORK- PLACES, especially in THE GOVERNMENT OFFICES, on the sports fields, and ALL over the Land.

24 We MUST immediately start required yearly seminars on ethics, integrity, job attitude (DOING – IT - RIGHT, the first time) punctuality, corruption, dishornesty, sexual harassment, gender rights, rule of, and respect for law and order, civic responsibility – putting Liberia “ FIRST”, in all work places, especially in Government.

25 Courses on Civics, National Responsibility, Patriotism – Liberia “FIRST”, and keeping the environment “clean”, should be a two- year required course in all elementary and high schools, & universities. This should be a perquisite for graduation.

26 The Civil Service Agency (CSA)should make mandatory for all civil servants, in addition to the requisite minimal functional exams,cirtificated training /seminars on ETHICS & ATTITUDE AWARENESS & WORK Adjustment.

27 If you truly love and, and want to develop LIBERIA into a rich and prosperous country, let us REFLECT NOW, on our short-comings. Let’s ACT-NOW, CHANGE-NOW, so that we can SAY…

28 “We LIBERIANS, We are the BEST in the whole UNIVERSE”. God Bless Liberia! We are ready & Yes, We Can…….A. T. Summerville, Jr., May 1, 2011. Monrovia.

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