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Odyssey Vocabulary Created by Mrs. Heidi Henry Common Core Standard Addressed: ELA- Literacy. L.9-10.4- Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and.

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Presentation on theme: "Odyssey Vocabulary Created by Mrs. Heidi Henry Common Core Standard Addressed: ELA- Literacy. L.9-10.4- Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Odyssey Vocabulary Created by Mrs. Heidi Henry Common Core Standard Addressed: ELA- Literacy. L.9-10.4- Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 9–10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

2 Adversary Part of speech: Noun Number of syllables: 4 How to pronounce: ˈ ad-və(r)-ser-ē

3 Adversary Definition –an opponent; enemy. Word in context: The Joker was Batman's most dangerous adversary.

4 Adversary Antonyms: ally, protagonist, helper, friend, challenger, opposition Synonyms: antagonist, enemy, arch nemesis, attacker, bandit, foe, rival


6 Appalled Part of speech: Verb Number of syllables: 3 How to pronounce: - ə- ˈ po ̇ l

7 Appalled Definition: filled with dismay; horrified Word in context: I am appalled by the poor behavior children who have not been taught proper manners.

8 Appalled Antonyms: to be pleased, happy, content Synonyms: disgusted, upset, astonished, dumbfounded


10 Avenge Part of speech: Verb Number of syllables: 2 How to pronounce: –ə- ˈ venj

11 Avenge- to take revenge on behalf of someone else. Word in context: The man was determined to avenge the death of his little sister.

12 Avenge Antonyms: forgive, pardon, sympathize Synonyms: revenge, punish, get back at, retaliate


14 Disdain Part of speech: Verb Number of syllables: 2 How to pronounce: –dis- ˈ dān

15 Disdain –to refuse or reject scornfully. Word in context: She gave him a withering glance, and there was no mistaking the disdain for him in her eyes.

16 Disdain Antonyms: accept, admiration, respect Synonyms: dislike, arrogance, ridicule


18 Entreat Part of speech: verb Number of syllables: 2 How to pronounce: –in- ˈ trēt

19 Entreat- to ask earnestly; beg. Word in context: The boy entreated his teacher to give him an A even though he had done nothing all semester.

20 Entreat Antonyms: ignore, command, demand Synonyms: pray, plead, beg


22 Formidable Part of Speech: adjective Number of syllables 4 How to Pronounce: ˈ fo ̇ r-mə-də-bəl

23 Formidable: inspiring admiration, awe, or fear In context: The Trojan army faced the large and formidable Greek army.

24 Formidable Antonyms: pleasant, easy, harmless Synonyms: dreadful, appalling, fearful


26 Guile: Part of speech: noun Number of syllables: 1 Pronounced: ˈ gī(-ə)l

27 Guile- skillful slyness; craftiness. Word in context: The shady used card salesman relied on a combination of quick thinking and guile to get customers to buy a car.

28 Guile Antonyms: straight forward, sincerity, honesty Synonyms: fraud, dishonesty, cunning, duplicity


30 Indifferent Part of speech: adjective Number of syllables:4 Pronounced: - in- ˈ di-fərnt

31 Indifferent- Having no interest in or concern for Word in context: The woman acted indifferently when the man flirted with her.

32 Indifferent Antonym: inspired, compassionate, involved Synonyms: undistinguished, uninspired, distant, heartless


34 Ponderous: Part of speech: adjective Number of syllables: 3 Pronounced: ˈ pän-d(ə-)rəs

35 Ponderous – heavy in a clumsy way; bulky In context: We had to drive around the ponderous rock because we could not move it out of the way.

36 Ponderous Synonyms: heaving, boring, dreary Antonyms: interesting, exciting, lively


38 Whim Part of speech: noun Number of syllables: 1 How to pronounce: ˈ hwim

39 Whim- a sudden impulse or notion; fancy. Word in context: The man got a tattoo on a whim but later regretted his decision.

40 Whim Antonyms: with reason, plan, certainty Synonyms: without thinking, for no real reason, impulsive


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