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Thursday, September 12, 2013 5th period ONLY – Finish Helping Verbs Linking Verbs Poetry Vocabulary Homework: Read for AR for at least 30 minutes.

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1 Thursday, September 12, 2013 5th period ONLY – Finish Helping Verbs Linking Verbs Poetry Vocabulary Homework: Read for AR for at least 30 minutes

2 Verbs Just Do It

3 Verb Defined A verb is a word that expresses… AN ACTION - Joey punched Sal in the face. A CONDITION - I feel pretty awful right now. A STATE OF BEING - I am thrilled at your news!

4 Action Verbs  Action verbs tell what action someone or something is doing The action can be physical or mental.

5 Action Verbs  MENTAL “Mr. Johnson thinks most of us are ready to take this test.”  PHYSICAL “We worked hard on the grammar homework.”

6 Helping Verbs  A helping verb is a verb that comes before the main verb and adds to its meaning.

7 Verb Phrases Action and linking verbs are sometimes combined with one or more auxiliary verbs -- also called helping verbs -- to form a verb phrase. “We are going on vacation.”

8 Now get this straight! I’m going to say it once…. Verb phrases are VERBS! You got it?!!

9 Helping Verbs  “Mrs. Felipe’s students should understand nouns and pronouns by now.”  “Cam has been questioned hot a lot today.” Auxiliary verbs Main verbs

10 Helping Verbs  The most common auxiliary verbs are forms of… be (am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being) have (have, has, had) do (do, does, did)

11 Helping Verbs  Other common auxiliaries… canshall couldwill shouldmay wouldmight must

12 Verb Phrases Verb phrases are formed by the combination of one or more helping verbs and a main verb The coach was shouting at Nate all day long. Nate Coach

13 Verb Phrases Helping VerbMain VerbVerb Phrase hadbeenhad been havehadhave had wasdoingwas doing could havehelpedcould have helped might have beenseenmight have been seen is beingrepairedis being repaired

14 Verb Phrases Be careful!! Helping verb(s) and the main verb may be separated by one or more words that are not part of the verb phrase.

15 Verb Phrases-Separated “Jenna could not believe her brother would not let her borrow his ipod.” “Your parents will never forgive you when I call home to tell them what you did in class.” “Our coach might not have been kidding when he hinted at a tough workout tomorrow.” The underlined words are NOT verbs and are not part of these verb phrases

16 Verb Phrases-Contractions BE CAREFUL - Contractions like “couldn’t” and “shouldn’t” and “can’t” frequently HIDE helping verbs and make verb phrases hard to find

17 Verb Phrases-Contractions Sentence with contractions “You shouldn’t come to practice today if you’re feeling that badly.” Same sentence with contractions written out “You should not come to practice today if you are feeling that badly.” Same sentence with verb phrases underlined “You should not come to practice today if you are feeling that badly.”

18 Verb Packet  Take out chapter 16 verb packet from your “My Grammar” section and the yellow verb handout from the “Reference” section of your binder.  We will complete Linking Verbs Practice 1 together.  We will circle the linking verbs, and then underline the words that are linked by the verb.

19 Poetry Vocabulary  Get out your Interactive Notebook and turn to the Table of Contents.  Write the date and Poetry Vocabulary page 13.  Turn to page 13.  We will be cutting this paper the same way we cut the Figurative Language Vocabulary. Watch as I demonstrate.

20 Poetry Vocabulary  Stanza- under the tab write this example of a stanza Another new year: Another new start.  Repetition- under the tab write this example of repetition Twinkle, Twinkle little star

21 Poetry Vocabulary  Rhyme-under the tab write this example of a rhyme.  First week here: it’s like a show. Lots of kids that I don’t know. Where am I suppose to go?

22 Poetry Vocabulary  Rhythm-under the tab write this example of a rhythm. One, two, Buckle my shoe; Three, four, Shut the door.

23 Poetry Vocabulary  Meter-under the tab write this example of a meter. Hickory, Dickory, Dock The mouse ran up the clock.

24 Poetry Vocabulary  Refrain-under the tab write this example of a refrain. This is a like a chorus in a song Baby You’re a Firework.

25 Poetry Vocabulary Theme- under the tab write these common themes  Friendship  Love  Courage  Faith  Anger  Compassion  Honesty  Responsibility  Acceptance  Cooperation  Perserverance

26 Poetry Vocabulary  Tone-  He moves like a black cloud over the lawn and - stops.

27 Poetry Vocabulary  Mood-  The river seems to slumber quiet in its bed

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