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3 1. BUILDING FAITH INTRODUCTION Jesus’ lesson: Mark 9:14-29 The father of the sick young man had enough faith to come to Jesus for healing He knew he did not have as much faith as he could have, or as much as he should have Jesus is worthy of all the faith there is Faith in Jesus produces spiritual healing in us today Should we be content with “some faith,” or do we aspire to a greater faith?

4 At some point we choose to “believe” in Jesus This does not arrive on a schedule – after so many years of life, so many hours of study, etc. When the time is right for us, we commit ourselves to a life of service and obedience; conceptual faith becomes obedient faith The “one faith” of Ephesians 4:5 Faith defines us as Christians (Hebrews 11:1; Ephesians 2:8; Galatians 2:20; Matthew 16:18; 1 Corinthians 3:11) 1. BUILDING FAITH WHERE WE START

5 Faith, though universal in one sense, is individual in another sense All of God’s people have strong and weak points in their faith We should always be trying to maximize the one and minimize the other More faith comes by more hearing Bible study reminds us of God’s power The Bible also reminds us of God’s love It also reminds us how exacting He is 1. BUILDING FAITH HOW WE GROW

6 Adam says: I believed in Jesus enough to be baptized. But I’m not sure what else I believe. A lot of the Bible seems like it’s a bit too much to take in. Will I ever get to where all those other, more experienced Christians are in their faith? 1. Building Faith

7 How would you respond to Adam? “Being a Christian doesn’t come easily, and it doesn’t come right away. I am thrilled to see the progress you have already made. You are more of an encouragement to me than you know.” “One of the best things you have going for you is a group of more experienced Christians you can look up to as they imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). The more you work at it, the more you will grow – and the more encouragement you can be to Christians less experienced than yourself.” 1. Building Faith

8 Brooke says: My parents are Christians, so they always figured I would respond to the gospel one day. I guess I always figured I would, too. But they say I need to have a faith of my own. To be honest, I’m not quite sure what that even means. 1. Building Faith

9 How would you respond to Brooke? “Do you remember when you decided to be baptized – not because anybody told you to, but because you really wanted to? That’s when you started to have a faith of your own.” “As you get a little older and a little wiser, you will find yourself disagreeing with your parents. Trust your parents and other Christians you respect, but trust the Bible more. They will be the first to tell you they don’t have all the answers.” 1. Building Faith

10 Clyde says: After 30 years of being a Christian, I’m not sure I’m that much further along than I was when I started. Even now, I still wonder sometimes whether I believe the Bible, even whether there is a God at all. What’s wrong with me? 1. Building Faith

11 How would you respond to Clyde? “I doubt there has ever been a Christian who didn’t question the most basic fundamentals of faith from time to time. I know I do.” “The important thing is to check regularly to make sure you are not just going through the motions with your faith. Don’t be afraid to listen to contrary opinions or ask for help. Most of all, keep studying the Bible. The truth will always find its way into the heart of the one who is willing to believe it.” 1. Building Faith

12 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 1. Building Faith

13 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build faith is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build faith is _____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 1. Building Faith

14 Being “perfect” (James 1:4) doesn’t mean we have no work left to do on ourselves God’s word gives us everything we need, but we must continually devote ourselves to it if we are to be able to use it effectively Every challenge in our lives is an opportunity to build faith in God as the One with the answers There is always more work to do! 1. Building Faith The “Finished” Product

15 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM We don’t need to have a perfect understanding of God’s word before we try to teach our neighbors; otherwise no one would teach and no one would ever be taught Our faith is in God’s word, not our own understanding of it; we do our best and let God bring the harvest 1. Building Faith


17 2. Building TrustIntroduction Jesus’ lesson: Matthew 14:22-33 Peter trusted Jesus enough to walk across the water to Him in the middle of a storm When Peter paid more attention to the storm than to the Lord, he began to sink Jesus is more powerful than our circumstances Trusting Jesus gives us confidence that our lives are secure in His hands at all times Should we focus on improving our situation, or improving our attitude toward our current one?

18 We accepted Christ because we believed He was better suited to guide our lives Human wisdom is hopelessly flawed for this task (Jeremiah 10:23) It is in God’s design to have us consciously choose to trust Him instead (Proverbs 3:5-6) This is what it means to be “led by the Spirit of God” (Romans 8:14) Not a vague, “go with the flow” attitude; a choice to allow God to guide our paths in all things 2. Building Trust Where We Start

19 As we grow in experience, we find new opportunities to trust (or not trust) God If God addresses a topic, we must have confidence in what He says about it If it goes against our instincts or experience, that’s when we “trust” all the more Religious talk, even from brethren, is not always reliable Nothing that diminishes the value and accuracy of the Bible can bring us closer to God 2. Building Trust How We Grow

20 Adam says: So much of the Bible seems counterintuitive to me. Love your enemies? Confess your sins to one another? Turn the other cheek? I’m just not sure I’m ready to put that kind of confidence in God yet. Or in God’s people. 2. Building Trust

21 How would you respond to Adam? “We all struggle with that, too. Remember, you came to Jesus because you knew the direction you chose for your life was the wrong one. Your instincts may fool you, but Jesus never will. It wouldn’t be ‘trust’ if Jesus only asked you to do things that made complete sense.” “The more you trust in Jesus, the more you will get used to it. The more you get used to it, the more you will love the freedom that trusting in Jesus provides.” 2. Building Trust

22 Brooke says: My best friend stabbed me in the back once. I never saw it coming. It took me months before I could even look him in the eye. And he calls himself a Christian! How can I be sure my “brethren” in the church really have my back? 2. Building Trust

23 How would you respond to Brooke? “First of all, remember that trusting in Jesus and trusting in people – even God’s people – are not the same thing. No matter how bad Christians may let you down, and they will, Jesus won’t.” “You want to be trustworthy like Jesus, right? Well, so do your Christian brethren. They may not always do the best they can, but you probably won’t, either. Trust first; then, if necessary, forgive second. The more trusting you are, the more trustworthy they will tend to be.” 2. Building Trust

24 Clyde says: I used to have confidence in brethren. But I’ve learned through bitter experience that elders will fail you, preachers will fail you, even spouses will fail you. It’s happened to me more times than I can count. Surely this isn’t just me. 2. Building Trust

25 How would you respond to Clyde? “No, unfortunately, it’s not just you. We have all been hurt by brethren – sometimes through accident, sometimes intentionally. God will judge.” “No one is saying we need to wear rose- colored glasses all the time. We walk with wisdom. But we walk with love as well. And part of loving our brethren is trusting the same power for good is working in them that works in us – whether we see it working or not.” 2. Building Trust

26 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 2. Building Trust

27 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build trust is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build trust is _____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 2. Building Trust

28 If faith is believing God rewards those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6), trust is believing He will even when we don’t seek Him as we should (1 John 3:19-22) Trusting in a perfect God also means trusting in His imperfect people God will never let us down, even if they do There is always more work to do! 2. Building TrustThe “Finished” Product

29 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM Trusting in God means trusting in His word No other gospel – whether written by ourselves, our brethren, or people of the world – is capable of saving us or anyone else Although we may be flawed in our presentation of the gospel, the gospel itself is not flawed; referring someone to God’s word is always an appropriate response 2. Building Trust


31 3. Building HopeIntroduction Jesus’ lesson: Luke 23:39-43 The thief saw his fate as a consequence of the bad choices he had made He saw Jesus as the solution, despite His apparent defeat Jesus helps us believe there is more to life than what we see Everyone needs something to believe in The hope Jesus provides puts the misery of this life in perspective as we wait for something better

32 We intuitively balk at the idea that reality is limited to what we perceive with the senses Humans have conceived of various versions of the spirit world and the afterlife Concocting a theory we “like” gives no assurance; we want an answer worthy of the question By faith we learn to pursue the unseen rather than the seen (Colossians 3:1-4) Listening to our Creator, we find a hope grounded in divine revelation, not human imagination 3. Building HopeWhere We Start

33 Hope in the next life gives us direction for this life – the pursuit of holiness A new decision is made every day to prefer the things of God to the things of self Every relationship, decision and situation is an opportunity to think on Jesus We learn to think of ourselves as belonging to eternity, not to the physical world When we feel out of place in a sinful world, that is because we are! 3. Building Hope How We Grow

34 Adam says: The preacher makes heaven sound wonderful and hell sound horrible. But it seems like we have plenty of heaven and hell here already. Shouldn’t we be spending less effort on the next life and more on this one? 3. Building Hope

35 How would you respond to Adam? “The problems of this life are real, and with God’s help we may be able to make a small dent in them. But we cannot get so sidetracked by the pain and unfairness around us that we diminish our efforts to get to heaven.” “Nothing of an earthly nature is truly ‘heavenly’ or ‘hellish.’ The Bible says our future existence in the spirit world is beyond comparison to anything we know. The best way to enhance our lives here is to prepare for our lives there. ” 3. Building Hope

36 Brooke says: They say heaven is wonderful. We sure sing about it often enough. But if I am honest, I have to admit I’m looking forward more to our family vacation this summer. I know that isn’t right. What am I supposed to do? 3. Building Hope

37 How would you respond to Brooke? “The most natural thing in the world is to think about the things you see more than the things you don’t see. Everyone does that, including Christians three times your age.” “The trick is keeping everything in perspective. The wasp in the room occupies your immediate attention more than your college plans, but there is no question which is more important. Setting aside time every day to think about heaven can help you keep your spiritual priorities.” 3. Building Hope

38 Clyde says: I find myself thinking about death a lot more often these days. All those things I said about heaven when it was way off in the distance – they seem hollow now that I am actually getting close to the end. The truth is, I’m scared. 3. Building Hope

39 How would you respond to Clyde? “Death is scary to most of us, if not all of us. And seeing it at relatively close range may make it more scary instead of less.” “It is difficult to transition away from hoping for ten more years or one more grandchild. But no joy that we miss or leave behind can possibly compare to the joys that await. The more we continue to build our faith in God and His word, the more we will come to see death as a fitting and welcome end to a life lived in His service.” 3. Building Hope

40 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 3. Building Hope

41 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build hope is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build hope is _____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 3. Building Hope

42 The same faith that compelled us to give God our lives in the present should bolster our hope in the life He says awaits us We don’t have to see the future; God does The more we appreciate the life in Christ He has made possible, the more we will look forward to our final resurrection There is always more work to do! 3. Building HopeThe “Finished” Product

43 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM Judgment awaits us all; that is a glorious thing for those who have put their hope in Christ If we commit ourselves to Him here, He promises to commit Himself to us there Our purpose in this life and hope in the next life may intrigue lost souls who are frustrated with their own efforts to find meaning in this life alone 3. Building Hope


45 4. Building LoveIntroduction Jesus’ lesson: Luke 15 The three parables show us how much God loves us, and how He rejoices in our return to Him We are often like the older brother, unwilling to show as much love for our brother as our Father does It is our duty and privilege to extend brotherly love to our fellow Christians Disobedience in this command is as rebellious as any other form of disobedience

46 Although we are not required to be close, personal friends with all Christians, we are to esteem them and pursue their welfare “Brotherly love” (Romans 12:10, Hebrews 13:1) connects us in the bonds of family Love of self must be overcome if we are to love as God loves us Love took Jesus to the cross (Philippians 2:3-7) We are to have the same mind of service and self-sacrifice in our dealings with one another 4. Building Love Where We Start

47 If we wait for others to be worthy of our love, we will never love them God loved us when we were unlovable, and He continues to love us when we sin against Him Love is a reflection of our character, not the character of our neighbors Brotherly love should feed itself as brothers respond with love of their own When our brethren are less loving or loveable than they should be, we forgive as God forgives 4. Building Love How We Grow

48 Adam says: I barely know these people. And now I’m supposed to love them? I haven’t even had a chance to decide whether I even like them. And if “love your neighbor” means what my old friends seem to think, forget it. I’ll pass. 4. Building Love

49 How would you respond to Adam? “Don’t be scared by the outpouring of love you may be feeling. Feeling at home in your new family may take a little time.” “Emotional bonds are not created overnight. It will take some time for you to connect with your new spiritual family on that level. As you grow in appreciation for them, and they for you, you will learn to value the common faith you share above other sorts of commonality. The emotion will naturally come soon afterward.” 4. Building Love

50 Brooke says: I don’t like talking about love. Mention the L word and everyone goes crazy with gossip and drama. I didn’t come to Jesus to find a soul mate. I don’t need that. You know what I actually need? A really good friend. 4. Building Love

51 How would you respond to Brooke? “The love you are used to hearing about with your friends or watching in the movies is very different from the love you will hear about in sermons. Sappy sentiment is fine in its place, but this love is a lot more like friendship.” “I hope you already have some good church friends. As you grow in faith, you will find you have more in common with Christians in other age groups than you might think. Friendships will pop up in the oddest of places.” 4. Building Love

52 Clyde says: I’m just not an emotional kind of person. I don’t like talking about my feelings. And when others get emotional with me, I become very uncomfortable. Does that make me unloving? Because I’m not sure how much I can change. 4. Building Love

53 How would you respond to Clyde? “Different people express emotions in different ways. You should not feel compelled to imitate someone else. But you should find some way to connect emotionally with your brethren.” “Love unexpressed is wasted. Perhaps small gestures are a good first step – extending your conversations a bit, etc. Mentioning your brethren’s names in private prayer may help as well. If it seems artificial at first, stick with it. It will begin to seem more natural in time.” 4. Building Love

54 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 4. Building Love

55 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build love is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build love is _____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 4. Building Love

56 We will never love as much as God loves; therefore we know we can always love more Love of God is reflected in the way we devote ourselves to Him and His cause Love of brethren is reflected in the way we devote ourselves to them and their needs Examine your love for God and brethren in the light of 1 Corinthians 13 There is always more work to do! 4. Building Love The “Finished” Product

57 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM We can’t expect ourselves to get emotionally invested in the work of evangelism if we are not emotionally invested in our fellow man Love motivates us to get out of our comfort zone and involve ourselves in God’s work Pursuing the best interests of our fellow man surely includes trying to save their souls 4. Building Love


59 5. Building DesireIntroduction Jesus’ lesson: Mark 10:17-27 The “rich young ruler” desired eternal life enough to keep God’s commandments, but not enough to give up his possessions He did not love the Lord enough to follow Him regardless of the consequences Jesus demands first place in our hearts The only thing Jesus really wants from us is our heart We all have the ability to give that much

60 We naturally pursue physical things before we come to Christ (Ephesians 2:3) Our carnal desires interfere with our ability to properly discern and apply God’s word (1 Corinthians 2:12-14) To continue to have assurances of spiritual blessings, we must continue to pursue spiritual things Love of the world (1 John 2:15) threatens us as much as it does those who do not know Jesus 5. Building Desire Where We Start

61 God and His purposes must remain at the top of our list of priorities throughout life Pursuing things of the flesh is permissible as long as it does not interfere with spiritual pursuits Feed the soul first, the body second Brethren whose god is their belly (Philippians 3:18-19) are God’s enemies, not servants We cannot afford to fall in love with our prison cells! 5. Building Desire How We Grow

62 Adam says: Do I want to go to hell? Of course not! And I’ll do what it takes to not go there. But how can I just flip a switch and suddenly want to serve Jesus as much as I’ve always wanted physical things. And I still want them, by the way. 5. Building Desire

63 How would you respond to Adam? “There’s no switch to flip, unfortunately. The things of the world will continue to hold a certain appeal. And that’s not necessarily a problem – as long as the things you want do not interfere with the pursuit of the things you really want.” “We can pursue career advancement, family, creature comforts, and all the other things the world enjoys. But you will learn that the more you learn to value the things of God, the less the physical things will mean to you.” 5. Building Desire

64 Brooke says: I want pizza for dinner. I want that outfit, that download, and that grade. That’s the sort of thing I automatically think of when people ask me what I want. Shouldn’t I be thinking more about spiritual things? 5. Building Desire

65 How would you respond to Brooke? “It’s always easier to respond to things right in front of us than things we cannot see. There’s no need to feel guilty about doing that. We all do.” “The fact that you are feeling unsettled about the place physical things are taking in your life is a very good sign. If you are conscious of your need for spiritual things, you are already well on your way to making them your top priority. In fact, you are probably prioritizing them already in ways you don’t even realize.” 5. Building Desire

66 Clyde says: I’m tired. I’ve put in plenty of time in the Lord’s service. And I’m not saying I’m going to quit now. I’m not. But to tell the truth, it’s hard to work up enthusiasm for the Christian life like I did when I was younger. 5. Building Desire

67 How would you respond to Clyde? “Desiring spiritual things is not the same thing as being excited about them. It is natural as we age, as we become more experienced, to level out the roller coaster of emotions we used to ride when we were younger.” “It is important, though, to still value the truly valuable things. If it feels like your commitment is waning, prop it up quickly. If we stop wanting spiritual things as much, we will tend to not pursue them as fervently.” 5. Building Desire

68 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 5. Building Desire

69 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build desire is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build desire is _____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 5. Building Desire

70 The things of this life that give Christians the most happiness are those that provide foretastes of the next life While we wait for heaven, we should enjoy God’s physical blessings without guilt The purely physical aspects of this life are also opportunities to honor God through thanksgiving There is always more work to do! 5. Building Desire The “Finished” Product

71 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM Our existing relationships can be threatened when we take a firm stand for the Lord A true love for the souls of our friends and family will compel us to continue exposing them to the gospel in one way or another Each should use good judgment regarding what to say, when to say it, and how often to say it 5. Building Desire


73 6. Building PatienceIntroduction Jesus’ lesson: Luke 9:51-56 James and John were so angry at the slight from the Samaritans that they wanted them destroyed The hateful attitude of others does not justify hateful behavior from us Jesus puts up with far more from us than we will ever have to put up with from others Mercy is extended to us because of our inadequacies, not despite them How merciful are we toward those who fall short?

74 When we are new to the faith, we have trouble waiting for others to reach our level of understanding – and for ourselves to develop “If I can understand it, why can’t they?” “Why am I still struggling with this?” God is patient toward all of His children as they grow (2 Peter 3:9) We depended on His mercy when we came to Him initially; we must continue to depend on it 6. Building PatienceWhere We Start

75 Experience will provide more opportunities to exercise even more patience As with many character traits, patience is typically developed in adverse circumstances As hardships abound, faith must abound even more If brethren do not grow at what we feel is an acceptable rate, we help them grow faster No circumstance justifies developing a hard- hearted or indifferent spirit toward our brethren 6. Building Patience How We Grow

76 Adam says: The preacher said I would walk in newness of life when I accepted Jesus and was baptized. But my “new life” looks a lot like my old life. I still sin. I still struggle with the same temptations. When will it start getting easier? 6. Building Patience

77 How would you respond to Adam? “We all sin, and we will all continue to do so. That’s not an excuse, merely a fact. If someone told you sin wouldn’t affect you once you became a Christian, they told you incorrectly.” “It’s easy to grow impatient with yourself – and the more devoted to the Lord you are, the more impatient you will tend to be in your early stages. It will become easier in time; how quickly and how much easier, that’s mostly up to you. Just remember, God is more patient than you are!” 6. Building Patience

78 Brooke says: Friends of my parents are always patting me on the head and telling me how much I’ve grown. If I’ve grown so much, why does everyone treat me like a baby? I can do a lot more than they think, both for the family and for the Lord. 6. Building Patience

79 How would you respond to Brooke? “You’re probably right. The mere fact that you want to be more active is a wonderful sign. Your parents, friends and leaders see that. Maybe you are not quite ready for the responsibilities you want, but you will be soon.” “While you are waiting for people to give you responsibility, don’t be afraid to (perhaps with your parents’ guidance) take some for yourself. Older people particularly love attention from young people. Maybe you could serve that way.” 6. Building Patience

80 Clyde says: I spend every morning reading the obituaries. It’s getting to be more the rule than the exception to find a familiar name there. I miss my loved ones. I’m ready to go. How much longer does the Lord expect me to wait for Him? 6. Building Patience

81 How would you respond to Clyde? “We don’t know why some hasten toward eternity and others linger. We could speculate endlessly about it, but in the end it doesn’t matter. In God’s wisdom, we are among the lingerers.” “If God has chosen to bless us with more time, it is our responsibility to use it as we have used His time before – in His service. Certainly we should hasten His coming. But while He waits, we should not wait to serve.” 6. Building Patience

82 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 6. Building Patience

83 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build patience is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build patience is _____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 6. Building Patience

84 God will continue to allow adversity to cross our path throughout life; we must use it as an opportunity to draw closer to Him This is God’s way of revealing what sort of person we are, and what we can become We should rejoice in the opportunities we are given to develop our faith and to lean on Him for strength There is always more work to do! 6. Building Patience The “Finished” Product

85 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM Although Bible characters often responded to the gospel immediately, most of our neighbors will not Our job is to provide opportunities for our neighbors to see the light we are reflecting Good effort in God’s cause is never wasted, even when we do not see immediate results 6. Building Patience


87 7. Building WallsIntroduction Jesus’ lesson: Matthew 5:29-30 Hell is so bad we would rather go through this life maimed than spend the next life there Whatever sacrifice must be made, must be made Jesus requires a full commitment to holiness from us We must take concrete steps to erect barriers between us and sin Knowledge of the terror of sin should motivate us to do whatever we can to avoid it

88 Sin can be a hard habit to break “Small” sins can blossom into “big” ones quickly “Safe” situations may not remain “safe” Satan will not be satisfied with claiming a small piece of your heart; he wants more and more Sin is best avoided by avoiding sinful situations The Bible is often general, not specific, in the direction it provides for daily living Draw specific lines, and do not cross them 7. Building Walls Where We Start

89 God’s word defines sin; we must devote ourselves to study if we are to stay pure We cannot label as “sin” something the Bible does not so label Just because a behavior isn’t specifically condemned doesn’t make it healthy for us Think in terms of “good and bad” If a behavior brings me closer to God’s will for my life, as the Bible defines it, that makes it “good” If it hinders me, that makes it “bad” 7. Building Walls How We Grow

90 Adam says: Sin kills. I get that. So what I need is an alarm that goes off in my head whenever I’m getting too close to the edge. But apparently that’s not the way it works. I have to decide on my own how far is too far. And I’m not sure I’m up to it. 7. Building Walls

91 How would you respond to Adam? “The ‘alarm’ you are looking for is called your conscience. And it will go off when you get too close to sin. But you have to program your conscience correctly for it to work correctly.” “The more experienced you get in the things of God, the more you will have your conscience ‘trained to discern good and evil’ (Hebrews 5:14). In the meantime, it’s probably best for you to adopt a ‘play it safe’ policy. If you have questions, seek advice from a trusted mentor.” 7. Building Walls

92 Brooke says: My parents say to stay away from this, stay away from that. But when they start talking about slippery slopes, it seems like they are just inventing reasons to keep me from doing what I want. Lots of times, I just don’t see the harm. 7. Building Walls

93 How would you respond to Brooke? “The idea of a ‘slippery slope’ is that one bad choice tends to lead to other choices that are even worse. The first one may not be destructive, but the second or third may be.” “Older, more experienced Christians have struggled with the same things you are facing now. They learned, usually the hard way, that it’s best to steer clear of things that have been proven to be gateways to sin. By listening to them, you may save yourself some heartache.” 7. Building Walls

94 Clyde says: The hard and fast rules I used to make for myself, and for others, don’t seem quite as obvious as they did when I was younger. Lots of good people disagree with me. Are things really as black and white as I used to think? 7. Building Walls

95 How would you respond to Clyde? “The walls we build for ourselves to keep us away from sin are important. But they are not the same as God’s laws. Our best judgment may change as we get older; in fact, it probably will.” “It may be that we were overly strict in our younger years. Or perhaps we are becoming lax in later years. The important thing is always to respect God’s laws and allow them to be the force that guides our decision- making process at every stage of our lives.” 7. Building Walls

96 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 7. Building Walls

97 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build walls is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build walls is ____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 7. Building Walls

98 Not every Christian will build his/her “walls” in the same place as we do When God’s word is nonspecific in a matter, Christians can use the Bible as their guide and still reach different judgments We cannot condemn a brother for acting in a way we would not have chosen for ourselves We can voice our opinions as long as we are not enforcing them There is always more work to do! 7. Building Walls The “Finished” Product

99 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM Reaching a sinful world with the gospel necessarily involves us associating with sinful people – sometimes flagrantly sinful We must always be seen as standing in opposition to sin We can do so without being so abrasive as to repel those who need Jesus, and without seeming to condone their sinful lifestyle 7. Building Walls


101 8. Building EnthusiasmIntroduction Jesus’ lesson: Mark 19:29-41 The enthusiasm accompanying the Lord and His kingdom was undeniable and irrepressible The call to moderate the emotion of Jesus’ followers was quickly dismissed by Jesus Himself Proclaiming the glory of the Lord is natural – and to an extent, instinctive The enthusiasm died briefly at the cross, but was “resurrected” soon after That fervor can and should affect us as well

102 The excitement we feel upon first accepting Christ is good, but it is not the main draw We choose to follow Jesus because of His promises to us, not for how it makes us “feel” Feelings of excitement are a byproduct of our salvation, not the proof of it As we grow, the novelty of our relationship with Jesus begins to fade Losing our enthusiasm is not a sign of having lost our faith, but it is a problem we should address 8. Building Enthusiasm Where We Start

103 Quick growth can be a sign of shallow faith instead of strong faith Coming to Jesus just because of how He makes us feel can result in quick burnout and apostasy True commitment founded in faith is far more valuable than fervor founded in enthusiasm Do not expect every moment as a Christian to be filled with positive energy A strong faith rooted in Bible knowledge will get us through the challenges life inevitably brings 8. Building Enthusiasm How We Grow

104 Adam says: The first few days of being a Christian were amazing. All my new brethren were incredibly supportive. I wanted to tell everyone about what Jesus has done for me. I thought that feeling would last forever. What happened? 8. Building Enthusiasm

105 How would you respond to Adam? “It’s the most natural thing in the world for the excitement of something new to wear off – no matter how wonderful the ‘something new’ is.” “Jesus isn’t cocaine. We don’t come to Him for a short-term buzz. We come to Him for the joy of knowing we are pleasing our Maker, and for the blessings that wait for us in heaven. Think on those things often, and the intense thrill you felt before will give way to a steady, consistent feeling of contentment and belonging.” 8. Building Enthusiasm

106 Brooke says: The Bible is full of stories about people doing exciting things – walking on water, healing the sick, casting out demons. It must have been amazing to be a child of God back in those days. Sometimes I wish I had lived back then instead. 8. Building Enthusiasm

107 How would you respond to Brooke? “I wish that too sometimes. Not a Christian alive today wouldn’t love to see those amazing things. But you know what? The people in those days would say the same exact thing about trading places with you.” “The people described in Hebrews 11 walked by faith, not knowing just how God would fulfill His promises. But you know. It’s recorded for you in your Bible. Not even the apostle Paul had access to the full plan of God at all times. You do.” 8. Building Enthusiasm

108 Clyde says: I love watching teenagers serving in the church. I love watching people get baptized. They all seem so full of life. I used to be like that. It was wonderful. But excitement is for young people. I’m past that now. 8. Building Enthusiasm

109 How would you respond to Clyde? “Sounds to me like you are still excited, just about what other people are doing instead of what you are doing. That’s a good sign.” “Plenty of Christians, in all demographic groups, feel their contributions are of little value. Perhaps that is why you have trouble being enthusiastic about your service. Believe me, you are more appreciated than you know. And if you show enthusiasm today just by smiling instead of jumping and shouting, that’s not all bad.” 8. Building Enthusiasm

110 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 8. Building Enthusiasm

111 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build enthusiasm is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build enthusiasm is ____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 8. Building Enthusiasm

112 We need to strike a balance between emotionalism and emotionlessness Everything we do in God’s service, and everything our brethren do, is of value and worthy of praise Don’t be embarrassed to exude positivity Every day we work in Jesus’ service brings us closer to Him and to heaven There is always more work to do! 8. Building Enthusiasm The “Finished” Product

113 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM The enthusiasm we show for our work in the Lord’s kingdom will translate into enthusiasm in the hearts of our listeners – as will our lethargy Why would our neighbors be inclined to accept our invitation to come to Jesus when we do not seem to be happy about joining Him ourselves? 8. Building Enthusiasm


115 9. Building Confidence Introduction Jesus’ lesson: Luke 10:1-22 Jesus gave the 70 no confidence in the results of their work, only confidence in the work itself When they preached with confidence, the results took care of themselves Jesus tells us we can be confident in the work we do if we trust Him enough to work in His way The world will not always want the gospel Being “lambs in the midst of wolves” does not deter those who serve One stronger than wolves

116 Faith is insubstantial, but not unreasonable Evidence abounds of a loving, benevolent God Confidence in such a God helps build confidence in the record He gave of Himself Confidence in the Bible carries with it confidence in the message of the gospel Biblical men and women of faith “knew” the things of God because they believed in the testimony God left of Himself We can be just as confident in our faith today 9. Building Confidence Where We Start

117 We continue to make mistakes in our understanding and application of the word We strive for perfect understanding, but God does not withhold salvation until we achieve it He wants followers who will learn from mistakes, not followers who will quit making them As we grow in understanding, our confidence will naturally grow as well God will continue to forgive us if we continue to strive to walk in the light 9. Building Confidence How We Grow

118 Adam says: I don’t know much about the Bible yet. I’m just getting started. Frankly, I’m scared to death that someone might ask me a question about my faith. I know what I believe, but there’s no way I’m ready to explain it to anybody. 9. Building Confidence

119 How would you respond to Adam? “No one expects you to know everything about God or the Bible yet. No reasonable person will ever expect that. You are just getting started as a ‘babe in Christ.’ It’s OK if you feel inadequate; that feeling will pass as you grow.” “If someone asks you a question about your faith, give the best answer you can give. That’s all anyone can ask. And don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Someone more experienced than you may be able to put your thoughts into words.” 9. Building Confidence

120 Brooke says: I’m the best in my Bible class at reciting the books of the Bible. But actually, I haven’t even read most of them. And there are plenty of parts that I have read that I don’t understand. Does that mean I am going to hell? 9. Building Confidence

121 How would you respond to Brooke? “Far be it from me to discourage you from reading your Bible more. The more you study, the closer you will draw to God and His will for your life. But there are some weighty matters in the Bible you may need help with. If so, ask!” “You are saved because of the faith you developed from reading the Bible, not just from the reading itself. Plenty of people read the Bible more than you and never have the faith you have. So keep reading, and keep growing.” 9. Building Confidence

122 Clyde says: I haven’t spoken in front of a group of Christians in ages. I don’t think I’ve ever led a home Bible study. We have other Christians who do a much better job with that than I ever could. I’m better on the sidelines. 9. Building Confidence

123 How would you respond to Clyde? “Not every Christian is a public speaker. Bringing someone to hear someone else preach can be just as effective as preaching yourself.” “There’s a difference between being a passive teacher and ‘sitting on the sidelines.’ Every Christian should be active, though not always in the same way. If you are confident God’s word will save the one who hears in faith, be confident in yourself when you speak God’s word. You are probably more capable than you know.” 9. Building Confidence

124 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 9. Building Confidence

125 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build confidence is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build confidence is ___________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 9. Building Confidence

126 Even though we will not achieve perfection in this life, we must continue to strive for it The combination of our clear conscience and our devotion to God’s word that informs our conscience gives us full confidence in our faith Fear is an indicator that either our conscience is not clear or our understanding of God’s word is weak; either one can be fixed There is always more work to do! 9. Building Confidence The “Finished” Product

127 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM Our preaching should be primarily focused on God’s word and not our own opinions We must make our listeners recognize the difference between God’s word and our own opinions and conjecture If our listeners take offense at our words, it is God they are rejecting ultimately, not us 9. Building Confidence


129 Jesus’ lesson: Matthew 12:22-50 Jesus’ enemies attributed His power over demons to the prince of demons himself Jesus lined all of humanity into two camps: those with Him, and those opposed to Him Jesus’ most valued relationships are spiritual in nature, not physical Our connection to our family in Christ supersedes all other relationships We must always strengthen bonds with brethren 10. Building Relationships Introduction

130 We call ourselves “brethren” for a reason The family of God is an exclusive relationship, defined by God Privileges due to family members are reserved for family members We become part of the family when God adds us to it Simple good deeds will not suffice True obedience based on faith is required Baptism seals our covenant with our Father 10. Building Relationships Where We Start

131 Not all Christians will have the same judgment – even those trying their best to submit to God’s word We must be intolerant of sin, but tolerant of others’ opinions of which we may disapprove The key is knowing the difference between them Giving and taking advice on how to best apply God’s word comes with being a family If we cannot help someone avoid a mistake, perhaps we can help them learn from it 10. Building Relationships How We Grow

132 Adam says: To be honest, I have more in common with my old friends in the world than I do with my new friends in the church. I’m an outsider at church. I don’t have their experiences. I don’t understand their stories. I just don’t fit in. 10. Building Relationships

133 How would you respond to Adam? “The connections you still have with people outside the church are good and valuable; show them you care for them by explaining the changes you are going through in your life.” “You fit in better with your new brethren than you realize. You are all souls who have given themselves to Jesus. You are all walking, and sometimes stumbling, toward heaven. The more time you spend with them, the more you will appreciate the new family you have found.” 10. Building Relationships

134 Brooke says: I’m not sure I see that much difference between the kids in my Bible class and the kids I know from school Lots of them are religious. They talk about Jesus all the time. More than me, even. Aren’t they Christians too? 10. Building Relationships

135 How would you respond to Brooke? “It’s easy to be religious in our society today. But saying, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and attending a ‘worship service’ occasionally does not make one a Christian. True Bible-based faith does.” “The dictionary defines a Christian in all sorts of ways. The Bible, though, says it is someone who is a follower of Christ, who has had his or her sins washed away by being baptized for remission of sins in Jesus’ name. The terminology isn’t the important thing; it’s what we do that counts.” 10. Building Relationships

136 Clyde says: No one is interested in getting to know old people. We bore them. And why not? I bore myself. But that’s OK. My life is less complicated when I only have my own problems to worry about. And there are certainly enough of them. 10. Building Relationships

137 How would you respond to Clyde? “Have you stopped to think that young people probably think older people aren’t interested in them, either? That if you bore them, perhaps they think they bore you as well?” “In our earthly families, older members take delight in younger ones. They celebrate milestones, they offer advice, they may even absorb some of the vitality that comes with youth. There’s no reason why our spiritual family can’t work any differently.” 10. Building Relationships

138 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 10. Building Relationships

139 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build relationships is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build relationships is _____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 10. Building Relationships

140 All dealings with brethren should be done for the purpose of edification (strengthening) We will not get our way all the time We grow to appreciate the differences between us instead of hating or fearing them When correction is needed, we speak the truth in love There is always more work to do! 10. Building Relationships The “Finished Product

141 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM Jesus identified brotherly love as a defining characteristic of Christians A reputation for bickering and selfishness is sure to dilute the message of the gospel Love, both for the souls of our brethren and for souls that are lost, compels us to find ways to work together in the Lord’s vineyard 10. Building Relationships


143 11. Building BridgesIntroduction Jesus’ lesson: John 21:1-17 Peter didn’t love the Lord enough to endure temptation on the morning of the crucifixion Jesus gave him an opportunity to make it right Jesus covets a close relationship with us, and makes the first step to see that it happens When we see our relations with brethren suffering, we should try to fix them We should be willing to make the first move, and be receptive when it is extended toward us

144 Problems between brethren will come The primary goal should not be proper assessment of blame, but rather a proper exercise of humility and brotherly love The contest in which we are engaged is not between brethren for “strongest Christian,” but rather between saint and Satan Peace with brethren should always be the goal Sometimes conflict is a necessary resolution to problems, but it should never be a welcome one 11. Building BridgesWhere We Start

145 Our willingness to forgive is attached directly to God’s willingness to forgive us He is eager to forgive us because of the love- based relationship He has with us We should be equally eager to forgive our brethren if we love them If a brother fails to apologize for an offense, we can still be forgiving toward him Bearing grudges for accidental slights and minor hurts only hurts the body of Christ 11. Building BridgesHow We Grow

146 Adam says: I wasn’t the best person in the world before I came to Christ. Now I’m trying to make amends. And I’m meeting with a lot more resistance from my new spiritual family than I expected. Whatever happened to forgiveness? 11. Building Bridges

147 How would you respond to Adam? “Christians are not perfect. I’m sorry I have to tell you that – and even sorrier that it is true. You will not always be forgiven for past offenses as quickly as you think you should be.” “Your brethren’s attitude is between them and God. Your job is to be the best Christian you can be. Do your best to build whatever bridges may be necessary. And if you do not see equal effort coming from the other end, be patient. They probably will come around in time.” 11. Building Bridges

148 Brooke says: He started it. I was just minding my own business, and he decided he was going to start being mean and ugly. I understand I am supposed to forgive. But he’s not sorry. So if he wants to pretend I don’t exist, that’s fine with me. 11. Building Bridges

149 How would you respond to Brooke? “Do your parents get annoyed when you blame a conflict with your sister on her? It’s sort of like that with God. The conflict itself is the problem, not a failure to properly assess blame.” “Sometimes you have to be the bigger person. Sometimes all you can do is return kindness for evil and hope he gets tired of the coals of fire on his head. But even if he never fixes his attitude, that’s no excuse for you developing a bitter, unloving attitude of your own.” 11. Building Bridges

150 Clyde says: I have put up with his nonsense for years. He has always been trouble. He always will be trouble. I grew tired of trying to make friends with him a long time ago. It’s to the point now where it’s all I can do to share a pew with him. 11. Building Bridges

151 How would you respond to Clyde? “I would love to say there is a particular approach that will always cure ills between brethren. The fact is, there is not.” “Some brothers just refuse to be brotherly. Your job is to not be one of them. If he actually tries to blacken your name or otherwise harm you, Matthew 18:15-17 applies. If it’s just a personality issue, keep doing your best to show Christian love to him. And always remember, he may not be as set in his ways as you think.” 11. Building Bridges

152 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 11. Building Bridges

153 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build bridges is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build bridges is _____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 11. Building Bridges

154 Being able to start over again after making mistakes is what being a Christian is all about We should want to build bridges because we regret the distance between us Who starts first or works hardest in building is irrelevant Our appreciation for our own forgiveness should move us to forgive others repeatedly There is always more work to do! 11. Building Bridges The “Finished” Product

155 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM Teaching wayward brethren is part of teaching the lost Teaching “in a spirit of gentleness” maximizes the opportunity for our words to be taken well Not every wayward soul requires the same approach; a thoughtful teacher will know how to tailor his or her approach to fit the situation 11. Building Bridges


157 12. Building JoyIntroduction Jesus’ lesson: Matthew 28:1-10 The grief in the hearts of the women was quickly replaced with joy as they learned of the Lord’s resurrection Both the arrival and departure of the Lord tell us of God’s plan to save us from our sins – the greatest cause for joy imaginable Christians have every reason to be joyful A life of purpose and fulfillment here A life of unspeakable bliss in heaven that awaits

158 We rejoice because we were given “every spiritual blessing” (Ephesians 1:3) in Christ We owe it to ourselves and to our brethren to find joy in our service every day A joyful spirit tends to be spread from one person to others in his/her close vicinity Joy connotes contentment with life, not merely happy feelings that may fade It impacts every aspect of our life as Christians We have no excuse for discontentment 12. Building Joy Where We Start

159 As circumstances improve or deteriorate, true Christian joy remains a constant The true cause for our joy, our relationship with Jesus, does not change with circumstances Therefore we are able to “rejoice in the Lord always” Unfortunate situations are only barriers to joy if we lose sight of our main priorities Even negative situations can help us build our faith, giving reason for even more joy 12. Building Joy How We Grow

160 Adam says: I know I should be rejoicing always; the Bible says so. But there is so much sorrow and pain in the world. Much of it touches the ones I love. Some of it even touches me. Sometimes I don’t feel all that joyful. 12. Building Joy

161 How would you respond to Adam? “Suffering is a part of life – but not because God has abandoned us; God is reminding us how much we need Him. And thanks to Jesus, we have Him. That’s why we rejoice.” “Unfortunately, there are serious and sad realities in the world. But we can face those realities with the confidence that God is greater than any problem. So although we may be brought to tears from time to time, the inner peace and joy you have in Christ can remain.” 12. Building Joy

162 Brooke says: I have a friend who is always smiling. But it’s because she won’t pay attention to anything she doesn’t like. My parents say she is silly and that I should take serious things seriously. Does that mean I can’t always be happy? 12. Building Joy

163 How would you respond to Brooke? “There’s a difference between a smile and Biblical joy. It sounds like your friend may just be unwilling to face unpleasant realities. That’s delusion, not happiness.” “Trying to prop up our happiness artificially by eliminating all the bad things will never work; there are too many of them. It’s better to take the road you have chosen – believing the solution is not a problem-free life but rather a problem-solving God.” 12. Building Joy

164 Clyde says: I love playing with my grandchildren. I love worshiping with the saints. Joy is not a problem for me in those moments. But what do I do with the rest of the time? It may be easy for young people to “sing and be happy,” but it’s not for me. 12. Building Joy

165 How would you respond to Clyde? “We all wish we had ‘moments of joy’ around the clock. None of us does. We have to learn to find joy in everyday life – particularly our life in Christ – instead of situations. Joy should not be something we turn on and off. It should be an attitude we carry with us at all times.” “It’s easy to confuse the gaiety in others for frivolity, and the depression in ourselves for serious-mindedness. Don’t do that. There’s no inherent value in a frown.” 12. Building Joy

166 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: PRAYER Help me to stop ______________________ Help me to keep ______________________ Help me to want ______________________ Thank You for listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 12. Building Joy

167 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: WORSHIP Worship is specifically designed to connect us to God A song I like to sing to build joy is _______ A Jesus story that helps me build joy is _____________________________________ The next time I assemble with the saints, I will try to _________________________________ 12. Building Joy

168 We grow to realize joy does not have to depend on getting everything we want Thinking of others before ourselves, and thinking of Christ before all, takes the attention away from the particulars of our daily lives Jesus teaches us to find joy in adversity by looking beyond our life into His eternal plan – and beyond that, to our eternal home There is always more work to do! 12. Building Joy The “Finished” Product

169 CONSTRUCTION ZONE: EVANGELISM Our natural response upon reflecting on God’s grace is to share His “good news” with others We sorrow when others choose not to share our joy, but our joy in Christ remains undiminished We follow Jesus because of the joy He brings to us; we should want to bring it to our neighbors as well 12. Building Joy


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