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The Endocrine system Glands and hormones. Endocrine system 1. Functions: Producing hormones to help maintain homeostasis 2.Parts of endocrine system:

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Presentation on theme: "The Endocrine system Glands and hormones. Endocrine system 1. Functions: Producing hormones to help maintain homeostasis 2.Parts of endocrine system:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Endocrine system Glands and hormones

2 Endocrine system 1. Functions: Producing hormones to help maintain homeostasis 2.Parts of endocrine system: a.Glands that produce hormones 3.Hormones- chemical messengers carried by blood- a. May stimulate other glands b. Regulate growth, development, metabolism, sex processes

3 Major Glands of the Endocrine system 1. Hypothalamus 2. Pituitary 3. Thyroid 4. Parathyroid 5. Adrenal. 6. Pancreas 7. Ovaries 8. Testes

4 Hypothalamus 1.Part of brain 2.Secretes hormones that stimulate or suppress the release of hormones in the pituitary gland.

5 Pituitary gland 1. Master gland of body 2. Located in base of brain, under hypothalamus 3. Produces many hormones that affect other glands –thyroid stimulating hormone –Somatotropin- growth hormone –Lutenizing (LH)- causes ovulation –ICSH- causes testes to secrete testosterone –Melanocyte stimulating- distribution of melanin in skin –ADH- antidiuretic hormone –Prolactin: stimulates milk production in females

6 Thyroid Gland 1.In neck - in front of the pharynx (or throat) 2.Produces hormones that control metabolism and calcium in blood. 3. Thyroid gland must have any source of iodine

7 Parathyroid Glands 1.In neck – behind the thyroid gland 1.Very small about the size of a grain of rice 2.Controls the amount of calcium in our bones and our blood

8 Adrenal glands 1. Located just above the kidney 2.Secretes many hormones 3.Major Hormone: Adrenaline 4.Function: Causes the heart rate and breathing to increase

9 Pancreas 1.Located below stomach 2.Major Hormone: Insulin 3. Function: Carries glucose into the cells from the blood stream 4. Also secretes glucagon- increases glucose in bloodstream

10 Testes (Males) 1.Located in scrotum 2. Major Hormone: Testosterone 3. Function: Causes masculine characteristics and the production of sperm

11 Ovaries (Female) 1. Located in lower abdomen 2.Major hormone: Estrogen which causes female characteristics and helps regulate the menstrual cycle 3.Secondary hormone: Progesterone which prepares the uterine lining for an embryo and causes ovulation

12 Exit slip 1.What does the endocrine system do? 2.List some glands that are in the endocrine system. 3.What (2) parts of the endocrine system are also in the reproductive system?

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