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Sporting Spirit Values Statements for Players, Coaching & Volunteering roles, Primary Level and Whole School.

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Presentation on theme: "Sporting Spirit Values Statements for Players, Coaching & Volunteering roles, Primary Level and Whole School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sporting Spirit Values Statements for Players, Coaching & Volunteering roles, Primary Level and Whole School

2 Values for Players Respect … For the referee, for the opposition, for your team mates, for yourself and for The Game. Accepting victory and defeat with grace, treating others politely and with understanding. Respect every day, in every sport and for everyone. Passion …. Giving it 100%, putting your heart and soul into the game and never giving up. Passion makes you enter the race and passion makes you finish it. Team work …. Treating everyone equally, supporting each other and working together to have fun and achieve. Celebrate each other’s success and be a positive team player. Honesty …. With others and with yourself. Have the courage to do the right thing and what you know is right. Let the best person win not the best cheat! Self Belief …. You’ve got to believe to achieve. Have the self belief and confidence to succeed and reach your personal best.

3 Values for Officials Respect …. for the teams, for the players, for the coaches, for yourself and for The Game. Treating others politely and with understanding. Respect every day, in every sport and for everyone. Passion …. Loving the sport and what you do. Turning up ready and prepared, giving it 100% focus and concentration, and keep trying if you get things wrong Team work …. Working with other officials. Treating everyone equally, understanding the players and supporting everyone to do their best. Honesty …. with others and with yourself. Always being truthful, fair and unbiased in decisions. Admit if you don’t know the right call or made a mistake Self Belief …. Trust your instincts and believe in your ability. Have the confidence to address poor behaviour and the courage to make the right call and stick to it

4 Values for Officials Respect is…. 1. Treating all players, spectators and other officials with courtesy 2. Communicating clearly and effectively 3. Listening to the other officials Passion is …. 1. Turning up on time, ready and prepared 2. Having a love of the game 3. Keep trying and aspiring to be the best official I can be Team work is …. 1. Cooperation between officials 2. Understanding the athletes and their limitations, supporting the teams 3. Enabling everyone to do their best Honesty is …. 1. Always being truthful and fair, making impartial decisions 2. Knowing and following the rules of the game 3. Admitting if I don’t know the right call or made a mistake Self Belief is …. 1. Trusting my instincts 2. Courage to make the right call and stick to it 3. Confidence to address poor behaviour

5 Values for Coaches Respect …. for the players, for the other team, for the officials, for yourself and for The Game. Accepting victory and defeat graciously. Treating your players with consideration and understanding. Respect every day, in every sport and for everyone. Passion …. Coaching with conviction! Loving the sport and what you do. Run each session with enthusiasm, making the sport fun and exciting, and be the best coach you can be for your players. Team work …. promote team spirit and give every player a chance. Treat everyone equally and value each individual. Understanding and listening to athletes, learning from them and other coaches, and working towards common goals and everyone achieving their best. Honesty …. with others and with yourself. Encourage truthfulness and fair play in your athletes, discourage any form of cheating. Give true and helpful feedback. Admit if you don’t know the right call or made a mistake Self Belief …. Being a strong role model and setting an example for your players. Having the courage to lead. Believing in yourself and your athletes. Push the boundaries – anything is possible

6 Values for Coaches Respect is …. 1. Treating everyone equally 2. Treating players with consideration and understanding 3. Accepting the official or referee’s decision Passion is …. 1. Coaching with conviction! 2. Showing up to each session with enthusiasm, making the sport fun and exciting 3. Having a drive to improve as a coach Team work is …. 1. Promoting team spirit and giving every player a chance 2. Working with my athletes towards common goals and achieving our best 3. Learning from everyone around me, including the athletes and other coaches Honesty is …. 1. Encouraging truthfulness and fair play in my athletes 2. Discourage any form of cheating 3. Giving true and constructive feedback Self Belief is …. 1. Being a strong role model and setting an example for my players 2. Believing in myself and my athletes 3. Pushing the boundaries – anything is possible

7 Values for Primary (C4L) Respect is …. 1. Being polite, not shouting or losing my temper 2. Shaking hands with the other players and thanking them for the game 3. Listening to the coach/teacher Passion is …. 1. Being positive and enjoying the game/activity 2. Trying my best 3. Keep trying if I don’t get it right Team work is …. 1. Working with my team, not being selfish 2. Let everyone have a go, passing the ball and giving everyone a chance to take part 3. Showing team spirit – encouraging my team mates and saying well done Honesty is …. 1. Always telling the truth 2. Never cheating 3. Admitting when I am wrong Self Belief is …. 1. Being brave, taking on new challenges 2. Being confident 3. Trying new sports or activities

8 Values for Life Respect …. Treating others politely and with understanding. Accepting life’s ups and downs with grace. Respect every day, in everything you do and for everyone around you. Passion …. giving it 100%, putting your heart and soul into whatever you are doing and never giving up. With passion you can take on challenges and with passion you can overcome them. Team work …. Treat everyone equally, support each other and work together to have fun and achieve. Celebrate each other’s success. Be a good friend and a positive team player in school, sport and life. Honesty …. with others and with yourself. Have the courage to do the right thing. Be truthful and promote fairness in every situation. Self Belief …. You’ve got to believe to achieve! Have the self belief and confidence to succeed and reach your personal best.

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