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1 IPM PIPE Training May 14 th, 2007 PIPE DATA ENTRY FOR EXPERIENCED USERS : Changes in data entry for 2007 Julie Golod IPM PIPE, Penn State University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IPM PIPE Training May 14 th, 2007 PIPE DATA ENTRY FOR EXPERIENCED USERS : Changes in data entry for 2007 Julie Golod IPM PIPE, Penn State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IPM PIPE Training May 14 th, 2007 PIPE DATA ENTRY FOR EXPERIENCED USERS : Changes in data entry for 2007 Julie Golod IPM PIPE, Penn State University

2 2 Focus of This Module PIPE Data Entry for Experienced Users PIPE Data Entry for Experienced Users Topics to be Covered  Changes in Location Type and Setting  Update to the Setup Form  Update to Some Observation Forms  Addition of Data Entry Forms for Viruses and ‘Other’ Insects  Copy Locations Tool – Copying Location from 2006 for Use in 2007

3 3 Data Entry Steps There are still two distinct parts to data entry There are still two distinct parts to data entry 1.First, recording site information in the setup form; including assigning the site a unique location name, providing location and host information. 2.Then, uploading observational data for that location

4 4 Changes to the Location Setup Form

5 5 Location Setup On-line Form

6 6 Location Setup Fields  Location Type : the type of location  Required Acceptable values: –Sentinel - any site that is monitored on a regular basis, according with the sentinel protocol specific to the host and/or organism being monitored and to the region. A sentinel site can be planted early, or not; can have multiple or single maturity groups or hosts; can be planted specifically for the sentinel network or be located in a research or commercial field. –Single Observation - can represent any type of location: production field (commercial), research station, etc, and is monitored only once, or the expectation is that the site will be monitored once. –Repeated Observation - can be any location where the monitoring is expected to occur on a some type of a regular basis, be it weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.

7 7 Location Setting Location Setting : Clarifies location type Required Acceptable Values –Commercial - a grower/production field –Research - research or experimental station –Kudzu/wild legumes - a location with kudzu or another non-planted legume species as the host –Stand alone (sentinel only) - a site planted especially for the sentinel network –Volunteer legumes- Legumes that are not planted, but may have been planted at some earlier point in time. –Other/unknown - when the location of the site does not fit into any of the other location setting or is unknown. However, the host must be known –Ad-Hoc (aphid only) - This is a site that is sampled weekly during the season, at least.5 acres in size, and aphid severity values are always established via count and not an estimate. This is a also a site where only aphid monitoring is occurring (not disease or virus ) Location Setup Fields

8 8 Location Name: A unique name assigned to each location; and if more than one cultivar/host/planting date is present for that location, each one gets a unique name Required Acceptable Values- alpha numeric w/no spaces – Location Setup Fields

9 9 Location Naming Protocol Sentinel site: STNAME”ST”NN_CC Any other: STNAMENN_CC ST = state postal code (2 letter abbrev) NAME= County (preferred), but nearest city or another convenient name is also acceptable. Maximum number of characters is 10, no spaces. **If it is a sentinel site include the following letters “ST” after name NN = counter separating one location from another with the same state and name. (sequence starts over at 01 for new state/name). Maximum number of characters is 2. _ = underscore, a separation between the counters; not needed if the second counter is not used CC = an alpha counter (sequence starts at “a”) or name of the cultivar/host when more than one of the following is present at a site: cultivar, host, or planting date. Maximum number of characters is 8 and no spaces are permitted. This counter can be ignored if the site has only one host/cultivar/or planting date. The location names are case-insensitive.

10 10 How to assign a location name ST = MI NAME= Kalamazoo ** “ST”= ST NN = 01 _ = _ CC = a Location names are case-insensitive Complete site name = MIKalamazooST01_a

11 11 Removal/Destruction Date – Optional ; If a site was destroyed (not harvested) for any reason, indicate the date that occurred. – accepted values (yyyymmdd) Moved to a Different Site – Optional; If monitoring was moved to a nearby field for any reason. –Date – When the nearby site began to be monitored. accepted values: (yyyymmdd) –New Location Name - The location name given to the new site accepted values: alpha numeric Location Setup Fields

12 12 Location Setup On-line Form

13 13 Removed the ‘Rain Sampled Since Last Time’ and ‘Rain Amount ’ fields from the Site/Host Information Form Added the ability to Save Host/Site Information w/out the need to provide Pest Information In the soybean rust/disease forms changed ‘number of leaves’ to ‘number of units examined’, added ‘observation unit’ field and changed the ‘incidence’ field to ‘number of positive units’ Changed the Soybean Aphid Data Entry to record an average soybean count for all plants examined and not per plant and added a count /estimate field Added data entry forms for viruses and ‘other’ insects Changes in Observation Forms

14 14 Step 2. Observation On-line Form Observation On-line Form - Host/Site

15 15 Step 2. Observation On-line Form Observation On-line Form - Host/Site

16 16 Observation Unit - Conditional. This field captures the sample type. Acceptable values : plants, leaves, pods, stems. Number of Units Examined – Conditional. The number of the units examined to make the status or count determination. Acceptable Values: numeric Number of Positive Units – Conditional. The number of units that were tested or were observed to be positive for the organism in question. Acceptable values: numeric Observation Pest Fields

17 17 Edited : Observation On-line Form Soybean Rust

18 18 Edited: Observation On-line Form Soybean Rust Sentinel Post-Detection

19 19 Edited: Observation On-line Form Other Diseases

20 20 Edited: Observation On-line Form Soybean Aphid

21 21 Added: Observation On-line Form for ‘Other’ Insects

22 22 Added: Observation On-line Form - Viruses

23 23 Fields were added and removed in accordance with the changes to the on- line forms Field Descriptor were added for all fields; visible when the user moves the cursor over the field name in row 4 As before, entire column(s) can still be deleted when the field is not required and will not be of use Changes to the Excel Forms

24 24 Location Setup Excel Form

25 25 Location Setup Excel Form

26 26 New Tool – Copy Locations Tool

27 27 New Tool – Copy Location Tool

28 28 New Tool – Copy Locations Tool

29 29 New Tool – The Copy Tool New Tool – Copy Locations Tool

30 30 If you have any follow up questions, please contact me either via e-mail at or at, or by phone at 814-441-6070 Contact Information

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