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Pathfinder - 3 Key Aims AIMS 1.Customer focused services. 2.Sustainable service provision. 3.Effective and efficient local government.

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2 Pathfinder - 3 Key Aims AIMS 1.Customer focused services. 2.Sustainable service provision. 3.Effective and efficient local government.

3 Bid pages 12/13 The Pathfinder Bid Children’s Services – DYTP arrangements. Integrated Youth Service. Children’s Centres in 82 communities.

4 Bid pages 13/14 Bid pages 12/13 The Pathfinder Bid Safer Cleaner Greener Safer – delivery LAA stretch target through Police – safer communities. Neighbourhoods Coterminous with children centre boundaries. Cleaner Greener “Three way process of transferring activities between county, district and parish.” Street scene part of this process managed through single bodies. Waste management/planning and development. Children’s Services – DYTP arrangements. Integrated Youth Service. Children’s Centres in 82 communities.

5 Bid page 15 Bid pages 13/14 Bid pages 12/13 The Pathfinder Bid Planning and development/economic development joint working investment. Master planning issues/common development guidance and pools of expertise. Joint procurement of specialist planning services. Herts Planning Portal. Enforcement best practice. Protocol for working with external consultees. Safer Cleaner Greener Safer – delivery LAA stretch target through Police – safer communities. Neighbourhoods Coterminous with children centre boundaries. Cleaner Greener “Three way process of transferring activities between county, district and parish.” Street scene part of this process managed through single bodies. Waste management/planning and development. Children’s Services – DYTP arrangements. Integrated Youth Service. Children’s Centres in 82 communities.

6 Bid pages 16/19 Bid page 15 Bid pages 13/14 Bid pages 12/13 The Pathfinder Bid Economic development in detail – review overlaps between county and districts Look at alternative delivery opportunities/joint services/pool expertise. Market intelligence, market forecasting/jobs and skills etc. “Central Services” – minimise the cost of back office support functions/ back office joint working and NNDR and listed: Revs and Bens; HR; ICT; Finance; pent and then joint training; Scrutiny; Benefits, and Legal Services. Sustainability and environmental advice. Customer contact “rationalise” offers /customers can access a fuller range services. Planning and development/economic development joint working investment. Master planning issues/common development guidance and pools of expertise. Joint procurement of specialist planning services. Herts Planning Portal. Enforcement best practice. Protocol for working with external consultees. Safer Cleaner Greener Safer – delivery LAA stretch target through Police – safer communities. Neighbourhoods Coterminous with children centre boundaries. Cleaner Greener “Three way process of transferring activities between county, district and parish.” Street scene part of this process managed through single bodies. Waste management/planning and development. Children’s Services – DYTP arrangements. Integrated Youth Service. Children’s Centres in 82 communities.

7 For the future Bid pages 16/19 Bid page 15 Bid pages 13/14 Bid pages 12/13  Voluntary Sector / Cultural Services  Community Assets (inc. schools)  Housing and vulnerable people (pilot discussions)  Parking Enforcement  Leisure Provision  Regulatory Services (discussions Trading Standards/Envir H)  Transport Services - is this still the right list? The Pathfinder Bid Economic development in detail – review overlaps between county and districts Look at alternative delivery opportunities/joint services/pool expertise. Market intelligence, market forecasting/jobs and skills etc. “Central Services” – minimise the cost of back office support functions/ back office joint working and NNDR and listed: Revs and Bens; HR; ICT; Finance; pent and then joint training; Scrutiny; Benefits, and Legal Services. Sustainability and environmental advice. Customer contact “rationalise” offers /customers can access a fuller range services. Planning and development/economic development joint working investment. Master planning issues/common development guidance and pools of expertise. Joint procurement of specialist planning services. Herts Planning Portal. Enforcement best practice. Protocol for working with external consultees. Safer Cleaner Greener Safer – delivery LAA stretch target through Police – safer communities. Neighbourhoods Coterminous with children centre boundaries. Cleaner Greener “Three way process of transferring activities between county, district and parish.” Street scene part of this process managed through single bodies. Waste management/planning and development. Children’s Services – DYTP arrangements. Integrated Youth Service. Children’s Centres in 82 communities.

8 2007/08/09 By 2008 / 09 we Identified and agreed priorities for success Saved £6.9m (agreed methodology) Undertook awareness events/training/publicity Set up Ezine Set direction and bedded in vision Communication briefings Set up working groups on key issues such as customer access Traffic light reporting established Agreed the need for outline business cases 8 top areas Attained external funding

9 2009 / 10 We will 2007/08/09 By 2008 / 09 we Identified and agreed priorities for success Saved £6.9m (agreed methodology) Undertook awareness events/training/publicity Set up Ezine Set direction and bedded in vision Communication briefings Set up working groups on key issues such as customer access Traffic light reporting established Agreed the need for outline business cases 8 top areas Attained external funding By 2009 / 10 Agree shared service/expert hub arrangements for legal/audit/HR/procurement/finance/ICT/ Revs and Bens Aim to identify £12m in total (£4m x 3years) efficiencies from collaborations Offer seamless access to services across multi-tiers/channels/face to face pilots St Albans/Dacorum/Stv?/WelH? Identify and deliver a set of pilot projects as best practice case studies in the Region and wider Identify Phase 2 services for attention – asset mgt./Regulatory/property/scrutiny others etc. (as in the Bid) Attain external funding for support and provide evidence of innovation Set up more formal Pathfinder website and run events and briefings

10 2010 / 11 We will 2009 / 10 We will 2007/08/09 By 2008 / 09 we Identified and agreed priorities for success Saved £6.9m (agreed methodology) Undertook awareness events/training/publicity Set up Ezine Set direction and bedded in vision Communication briefings Set up working groups on key issues such as customer access Traffic light reporting established Agreed the need for outline business cases 8 top areas Attained external funding By 2009 / 10 Agree shared service/expert hub arrangements for legal/audit/HR/procurement/finance/ICT/ Revs and Bens Aim to identify £12m in total (£4m x 3years) efficiencies from collaborations Offer seamless access to services across multi-tiers/channels/face to face pilots St Albans/Dacorum/Stv?/WelH? Identify and deliver a set of pilot projects as best practice case studies in the Region and wider Identify Phase 2 services for attention – asset mgt./Regulatory/property/scrutiny others etc. (as in the Bid) Attain external funding for support and provide evidence of innovation Set up more formal Pathfinder website and run events and briefings By 2010 / 11 Begin implementation shared services/roll out expert hub arrangements/publicise achievements Streamline project mgt. around themes support services/customer access/community impact and empowerment Aim to identify £16m total efficiencies from collaborations Roll out customer access improvements/multi-tier access pilots Secure external funding and programme mgt. infrastructure Others to be set by CEs depending on the end state….

11 2011 / 12 We will 2010 / 11 We will 2009 / 10 We will 2007/08/09 By 2008 / 09 we Identified and agreed priorities for success Saved £6.9m (agreed methodology) Undertook awareness events/training/publicity Set up Ezine Set direction and bedded in vision Communication briefings Set up working groups on key issues such as customer access Traffic light reporting established Agreed the need for outline business cases 8 top areas Attained external funding By 2009 / 10 Agree shared service/expert hub arrangements for legal/audit/HR/procurement/finance/ICT/ Revs and Bens Aim to identify £12m in total (£4m x 3years) efficiencies from collaborations Offer seamless access to services across multi-tiers/channels/face to face pilots St Albans/Dacorum/Stv?/WelH? Identify and deliver a set of pilot projects as best practice case studies in the Region and wider Identify Phase 2 services for attention – asset mgt./Regulatory/property/scrutiny others etc. (as in the Bid) Attain external funding for support and provide evidence of innovation Set up more formal Pathfinder website and run events and briefings By 2010 / 11 Begin implementation shared services/roll out expert hub arrangements/publicise achievements Streamline project mgt. around themes support services/customer access/community impact and empowerment Aim to identify £16m total efficiencies from collaborations Roll out customer access improvements/multi-tier access pilots Secure external funding and programme mgt. infrastructure Others to be set by CEs depending on the end state…. By 2012 / 13 CEs to agree the end state vision – What do CEs want services in Herts to look and feel like 2012 and beyond ?

12 Discussion


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