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Supervision and post-graduate study Trade Mini-Colloquium February 5, 2015 Sonja Grater & Ernst Idsardi.

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Presentation on theme: "Supervision and post-graduate study Trade Mini-Colloquium February 5, 2015 Sonja Grater & Ernst Idsardi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervision and post-graduate study Trade Mini-Colloquium February 5, 2015 Sonja Grater & Ernst Idsardi

2 Outline What is required from a Master's or PhD thesis? What are the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor? What are the roles and responsibilities of the post-graduate student? Additional research support Postgrad study process

3 Master's thesis NQF level 9 contribute to the development of knowledge at an advanced level, reflect critically on theory and its application, deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, design and critically appraise research, make sound judgements using data and information at their disposal communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences, demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks with a theoretical underpinning continue to advance their knowledge, understanding and skills. Thesis format: dissertation / published articles (2) Time period: minimum of 1 year, maximum of 3 years

4 PhD thesis NQF level 10 Undertake research at the most advanced academic levels culminating in the submission, assessment and acceptance of a thesis or peer-reviewed academic articles The defining characteristic of this qualification is that the candidate is required to demonstrate high level research capability and to make a significant and original academic contribution at the frontiers of a discipline or field. The work must be of a quality to satisfy peer review and merit publication. The degree may be earned through pure discipline-based or multidisciplinary research or applied research. Thesis format: dissertation / published articles (3) Time-period: minimum of two years, maximum of four years

5 Master's vs PhD Master's: application of existing methodology within a new context PhD: modification of an existing methodology to make a significant contribution to new knowledge

6 Roles and responsibilities of the student Registration Research topic and approach Writing (skills / language editing) Analysis Synthesis Act independently Convincing the supervisor Assist with funding Action planning: regular feedback

7 Roles and responsibilities of the supervisor Advise: intellectual development Mentoring: networking, conference participation, publishing, referring Monitoring progress Sponsor: assist with funding Timely feedback Action planning: steps of research Arrange examination Ethical clearance

8 Additional support Library Librarians: Erika Rood (research), Lezelle Snyman (economics) Assistance with literature search Thesis template Manual for post-graduate studies Training on reference management: EndNote / Refworks NWU Referencing Guide LibGuides: research, economics Access to statistical databases Research Commons: designated postgrad study area

9 Postgrad study process 1.Admission 2.Assignment of supervisors 3.TRADE mini-colloquium 4.TALPS test 5.Writing school 6.Research proposal (M) / Article (PhD) 7.TRADE Colloquium 8.Student registration 9.Title registration 10.Annual progress monitoring 11.Adhere to the maximum duration 12.Notification of submission (3 months) 13.Language editing / NWU style guidelines 14.Submission of examination copies 15.Examination (internal / external) 16.Examination results (report, four options) 17.Response to examiner's comments 18.Hand-in final copies

10 Thank you

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