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11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 1 FP6 Integrated Projects FP6 Integrated Projects A new instrument for supporting.

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1 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 1 FP6 Integrated Projects FP6 Integrated Projects A new instrument for supporting objective-driven research of European dimension (as of November 2002)

2 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 2 FP6 Integrated Projects What is their purpose? UDesigned to generate the knowledge required to implement the priority themes +by integrating the critical mass of activities and resources needed +to achieve ambitious clearly defined scientific and technological objectives UEssentially therefore an instrument for supporting objective-driven research of a European dimension +where the main deliverable is new knowledge

3 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 3 FP6 Integrated Projects What activities can be supported? UActivities integrated by an IP may cover the full research spectrum +must contain a research component +may contain technological development and demonstration components +may contain a training component +must ensure the effective management of knowledge, and when appropriate its exploitation all within a unified project management structure

4 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 4 FP6 Integrated Projects What is the scale of critical mass? UConcerning resources: each IP must assemble the critical mass needed to achieve its ambitious goals +activities integrated may range up to several tens of millions but no minimum threshold, provided necessary ambition and critical mass is achieved UConcerning its partnership: minimum of three participants from three different countries +but in practice likely to be substantially more UConcerning its duration: typically three to five years +but more if necessary to deliver its objectives

5 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 5 FP6 Integrated Projects UCommunity support will be in the form of a grant to the budget UPaid as a contribution to actual costs +that are necessary for the project +determined according to the usual accounting conventions of each participant +recorded in the accounts of the participants or, if provided in the contract, in the accounts of third parties +excluding indirect taxes, interest… (Note: As each participant is free to use its own accounting conventions, there will be no pre-defined cost categories as in FP5.) What type of financial regime?

6 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 6 FP6 Integrated Projects UA family of three simplified cost models +FC:full direct and full indirect costs +FCF:full direct costs plus 20% (excluding subcontracts) for related indirect costs +ACF:additional direct costs plus 20% (excluding subcontracts) for related indirect costs UThe FCF model will be an option for SMEs only UThe ACF model is available only for public bodies and individuals (Note: An organisation will normally use the same model in all FP6 instruments.) What are the cost models?

7 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 7 FP6 Integrated Projects UFor full-cost participants, maximum rates are +50% for RTD components +35% for any demonstration component +100% for any training component +100% for consortium management UACF participants are supported at up to 100% of additional costs for all components of the project +except for consortium management, which may be at 100% of full costs UConsortium management costs chargeable at 100% may not exceed 7% of the Community contribution What are the rates of support?

8 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 8 FP6 Integrated Projects UAnnual advances UAnnual settlement of payments +each participant to provide a summary cost statement supported by a management-level justification of costs a certificate by an independent auditor stating the total costs incurred What is the payments regime?

9 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 9 FP6 Integrated Projects Flexibility and autonomy of implementation UFor the implementation plan, each year, the consortium +proposes a detailed plan for the coming 18 months +and may propose to update the overall plan both need approval of the Commission to enter into force UFor the Community contribution +the contract will not specify its distribution between participants nor between activities UFor changes in the consortium +the consortium may itself decide to take in new participants (though without additional funding) the contract will specify when this must involve a competitive call +the Commission may decide to launch calls to add activities and participants (with additional funding)

10 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc 1010 FP6 Integrated Projects Payments and reporting schedule (example of a 4 year contract) Activity report Reported costs Activity reportDetailed work plan Reported costsAdjusted advance Activity reportDetailed work plan Reported costsAdjusted advance Activity report Reported costs Detailed work plan Adjusted advance Detailed work plan Initial advance 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 Months

11 11.11.2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research IP short.doc1 FP6 Integrated Projects Evaluation process USimplified proposal-making +reflecting evolutionary nature of the project UEvaluation by a strengthened peer-review system +possibly involving two-stage submission and hearings of applicants… UKey evaluation criteria include +S&T excellence of the proposed project +scale of ambition and potential impact +critical mass in terms of both activities and resources +effectiveness of knowledge management +quality of project management

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