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Tarquin the Proud – 7 th and last king of Rome Consolidated his power by murdering all of his enemies People established the Roman Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Tarquin the Proud – 7 th and last king of Rome Consolidated his power by murdering all of his enemies People established the Roman Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tarquin the Proud – 7 th and last king of Rome Consolidated his power by murdering all of his enemies People established the Roman Republic

2  2 officials (Like Kings)  Commanded Army  Lead the government  1 year term  Right to Veto

3  300 Member  Chosen from the Patricians class  Who’s interest do they have in mind?

4  Plebeians elected representatives to protect themselves against the upper class.  Why were the Tribunes necessary?

5  What are the advantages to having citizens participate in government?

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