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Renewable Proposals Made at October Board. Proposal 1 Identify analyses needed to inform policy debates Coordinate WECC-wide info/analysis and coordinate.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable Proposals Made at October Board. Proposal 1 Identify analyses needed to inform policy debates Coordinate WECC-wide info/analysis and coordinate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable Proposals Made at October Board

2 Proposal 1 Identify analyses needed to inform policy debates Coordinate WECC-wide info/analysis and coordinate with other analyses (e.g., WestConnect/NREL solar and wind integration study) Example analyses: Major growth in renewable generation National RPS and/or robust Western RECs trading system Technology breakthroughs (PVs, CCS) Electrification of the transportation sector Climate change impacts on load and hydro generation Other Who: Variable Generation Subcommittee Recent Activity: Technical Session at December Board Kickoff Meeting January 15 Draft work plan

3 Proposal 2 Assessment of transmission needs: Continue to build analysis capacity (historical schedules/flows, modeling of capital and operating costs for transmission solutions) Evaluate robustness of transmission solutions beyond 10 years (scenario analysis beyond 10 years) Who: TEPPC Recent Activity: 2009 Study Plan in progress. Likely to include capitol costs and time horizon longer than 10 years Task Force to respond to Stimulus Bill

4 Proposal 3 Forum for LSE and PUC resource planners Establish in conjunction with others (CREPC, WGA, CEOs) a forum to promote information sharing among LSE resource planners and PUCs/energy agencies Forum would share information on topics such as methods for evaluating carbon risk in resource decisions, low carbon technology assumptions Forum would respond to requests (e.g., LSE long-term renewable generation plans) Who: WGA Recent Activities: Planning Forum held February 24-25

5 Proposal 4 Evaluate the long-term adequate sizing of new transmission to location-constrained low carbon resources Who: TEPPC Recent Activities Long-term transmission planning forum February 2-3 WGA request for transmission superhighway overlay for 2009 study plan being considered

6 Proposal 5 Undertake timely analysis of the reliability implications of innovations to reduce cost of integrating renewables, such as: ACE Diversity Initiative Regulation sharing Virtual control area consolidation Who: Variable Generation Subcommittee Recent Activity: Technical Session at December Board Kickoff Meeting January 15 Draft work plan

7 Proposal 6 Consider additional tests for approving new Balancing Authorities such as: Will the creation of a new BA lower the cost of integrating more renewables? Will a new BA improve reliability? Who: WECC Staff (complete) Recent Activities Staff presented whitepaper during December Board

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