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US C ONSTITUTION Lesson 4: Articles 2-7. A RTICLE II – T HE E XECUTIVE B RANCH President carries out the Law. Vice President replaces the President when.

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Presentation on theme: "US C ONSTITUTION Lesson 4: Articles 2-7. A RTICLE II – T HE E XECUTIVE B RANCH President carries out the Law. Vice President replaces the President when."— Presentation transcript:

1 US C ONSTITUTION Lesson 4: Articles 2-7

2 A RTICLE II – T HE E XECUTIVE B RANCH President carries out the Law. Vice President replaces the President when needed. Executive Branch is the largest branch of the government 14 Cabinet Departments, Post Office, Army, Navy, and Air Force, IRS, FBI, and CIA.

3 P RESIDENTIAL R EQUIREMENTS 35 years old – natural born Citizen, must live in US 14 years before election 4 year term – 2 term limit – 10 years Signs or vetoes bills Commander in chief of the military Makes treaties Appoints SC justices Appoints Federal Judges Appoints Cabinet

4 P RESIDENTIAL E LECTION President voted on by electors Each state has certain number of electors based on total number of representatives from that state. The presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes gets all the states electoral votes Must get a majority of the electoral vote (271) Majority – more than half Plurality – the most House of Representatives picks President if no one receives majority of electoral votes.

5 T HE C ABINET Group of advisors to the President 15 large departments Defense, Agriculture, and Transportation Responsible for carrying out laws passed by Congress. Head is called a Secretary (Attorney General) President appoints, Senate approves.

6 A RTICLE III – T HE J UDICIAL B RANCH Constitution set up only the Supreme Court Gave Congress power to set up others Court of appeals (appellate court) and district courts. Constitution gives states power to set up their own courts as well. All federal judges are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate.

7 F EDERAL C OURTS Supreme Court – Highest court, has power of Judicial Review. Can make laws not valid. Hears appeals from lower courts 9 judges – serve for life Court of Appeals (12) – no new trials, no juries District Court (91) – Trial Court – deals with crimes and dispute if there are more than 1 state, federal laws have been broken, Fed government involved in, and other countries involved.

8 J UDICIAL R EVIEW Judicial Review – authority to declare laws made by Congress or states unconstitutional. Established in the case of Marbury v. Madison Have overturned 100 federal laws and 1000 state laws Brown v. Board of Education Judicial Review can also declare acts unconstitutional

9 T RIALS AND T REASON All people have the right to a jury trial Treason – an act of war against the US or the act of helping an enemy of the US Can’t be convicted unless you confess or 2 eyewitnesses Can be convicted for thinking or talking about it. No corruption of blood in the US.

10 A RTICLE IV Describes how states will get along with the federal government and other states. Full Faith and Credit Clause – laws, records, court decisions, rights Extradition Congress admits new states All states must have a republic form of government

11 A RTICLE V How to amend the Constitution Propose 1) 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress 2) Proposed at a national convention (Constitutional Convention) by request of 2/3 of the State Legislatures – never done Ratify 1) Ratified by conventions in ¾ of the states (done once) 2) Ratified by ¾ of the State Legislatures

12 A RTICLE VI Supremacy Clause The Constitution is the highest law of the land States must follow, all laws and all treaties State laws must agree with US Constitution All elected people take an oath to follow the Constitution

13 A RTICLE VII Constitution will become effective when 9 out of 13 states ratify it.

14 R EVIEW daley/Lesson4.html

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