Welcome First Grade Friends to Osceola Magnet. The First Morning School Begins at 8:45- Please come and sit behind your classroom. Your teacher will greet.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome First Grade Friends to Osceola Magnet. The First Morning School Begins at 8:45- Please come and sit behind your classroom. Your teacher will greet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome First Grade Friends to Osceola Magnet

2 The First Morning School Begins at 8:45- Please come and sit behind your classroom. Your teacher will greet you at the door when the bell rings. (late bell is 8:50- after that please check in at the office for a late slip) Breakfast is served before school. Please go there first if you want to eat. After you sit at your door, you will not be able to move about the campus.

3 The Classroom When you go into your classroom, you will have a special place for your backpack and lunchbox and then find your seat. Next, all you have to do is smile and have fun. Your teacher will take good care of you, just follow her directions! YOU ARE READY TO BE A FIRST GRADER!!!

4 The First Grade Day LUNCH- First Grade Lunch begins at 11:32-12:02-Whiting 11:34-12:04-Bartlett 11:36-12:06-Thomas 11:38-12:08-Mohn 11:40-12:10-Rodriguez ADULTS: PLEASE REMEMBER TO TAKE OUT ONLY YOUR CHILD. SPECIALS-(Art, Music, Media, and P.E.) First Grade Specials is from 1:20 to 2:05

5 Going Home If your child is making a change in the way he/she goes home, A NOTE IS REQUIRED FOR SAFETY. Thank you. First Grade is dismissed from their back doors. The teachers will bring the children to the bus, after school, and the car pick up area. We leave the room approximately 3:10-3:15 so the first graders have time to get to their assigned places. Car Riders are picked up at the car rider loop.

6 Let’s Have a Great Year P.S. Parents please look for your child’s homework folder. It is sent home DAILY with important information! PLEASE SIGN EACH NIGHT AND RETURN

7 Uniforms Please wear your Osceola uniform everyday! (belts are required if you have belt loops)

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