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By:SAM_CR7, SAM_newcastle, SAM_maddie, Sam_Tanker89.

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Presentation on theme: "By:SAM_CR7, SAM_newcastle, SAM_maddie, Sam_Tanker89."— Presentation transcript:

1 By:SAM_CR7, SAM_newcastle, SAM_maddie, Sam_Tanker89


3 What is deforestation? Deforestation is when humans remove or clear large areas of forest lands and related ecosystems for non- forest use. These include clearing for farming purposes, ranching and urban use. In these cases, trees are never re-planted. Since the industrial age, about half of world's original forests have been destroyed and millions of animals and living things have been endangered. Despite the improvements in education, information and general awareness of the importance of forests, deforestation has not reduced much, and there are still many more communities and individuals who still destroy forest lands for personal gains.

4 Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forest to make the earth available for different uses. Deforestation also leads to more things like extinction, and human death Since the industrial age about half the worlds original forests have been cut down. They cut down the rainforest because people want to make space for farming and other communities. Humans even burn the trees for farming.

5 Stop deforestation now before its to late or this will happen!

6  It is vital for children to understand the importance of forests, the role they play in the environment, and the impact of deforestation. What does paper, cinnamon, lumber, and maple syrup all have in common?  They all come from trees. A large area of land covered with trees is called a forest. Everything that lives in a forest make up its ecosystem (environment). When forests are cut down it is called deforestation. Hundreds of year ago, many of the continents, including large parts of north America were covered by forests.

7  This is what will happen if deforestation continues. FORESTS ARE IMPORTANT Forests are very important to all life on planet earth. Forests provide homes to millions of animals, such as birds, insects, wild animals and reptiles. Forests provide resources to help us live on earth. Wood from trees is used to build homes, furniture and provide fuel. Paper is made from wood pulp, and much food and medicines comes from a variety of forest plants and animals that make their home (habitat) in forests.

8  Forests are healthy for the environment.  They soak up lots of rainfall. Runoff of water is filtered through the forest floor to make groundwater and help avoid erosion, where soil is washed away. The plants in a forest give off oxygen, and absorb carbon dioxide, keeping our air clean and healthy.  Forests contribute to the overall climate of the earth.

9  Forests have a natural beauty and peace that make them relaxing and enjoyable.  Before people began to cut down forests to build cities and create farmland, forests covered about 60 percent of the earth. That was a lot of trees, plants and animals. Over half the earth was covered with forests.  Some say that today there is only about one- fifth of the original forests remaining. Forests are being destroyed at a dangerous rate and it threatens all life on earth.

10 Deforestation! By : SAM_maddie, SAM_tanker89,SAM_newcastle,SAM,SAM_CR7  We have to stop cutting trees down in the rain forest because animals are getting endangered. Stop cutting down tress look at the poor animals. This turtle has a rubber band stuck around its belly. Stop cutting down trees.

11  Please stop making fires in the rain forest Animals homes are getting ruined An Orangutan taken from it’s home A jugwar with a dart in it. Baby Orangutan.

12  Plant more trees for every tree they cut down.  Chop the leaves on the tree when they chop down the tree for saplings.  What we can do for deforestation.  Recycle and buy recycled products.  Plant a tree. Make more use of wood  Buy a plant and let the bees pollinate them to attract wildlife.

13 The amount of trees in the world has decreased dramatically since 1990! 129 million hectares slashed in 25 years

14  Why save the trees?  If we don’t save the trees the trees can’t save us.(Humans will go extinct because we breath in the air the trees breathe out.)

15  Why are forests being cut down?  Forests are being cut down so they can supply you with :Gum, wood, houses, and many more things but they should all plant a tree or more for every tree they cut down.

16  The End

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