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Group II Fiona Jia Paige Anderson Paulo Soares Li Huo.

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1 Group II Fiona Jia Paige Anderson Paulo Soares Li Huo

2 Group 2: Identify additional activities that could reasonably be undertaken by the school and school community that provide a positive environmental impact. It is no uncommon for schools to have an Environmental Policy, what it changes is to what degree a school (or university) will engage resources (of any kind) to its implementation. Basically, we can approach this issues in 3 different ways: 1) 1)To have a full fledged Environmental Management System, fully certified according to ISO 14001 – 2004; 2) 2)To have the processes in places according to the specification of the ISO 14001, but not applying for certification (as this is costly and time consuming), and when the school believes that the processes are in place, self declare compliant (it is permissible to say that your EMS is constructed according to the standards). 3) 3)Start with a simplified approach, defining a vision for what we intend to do, and comply with that vision as an integrated part of the school vision What is our Purpose?

3 An environmental management system (EMS) is a systematic approach for managing an organization’s environmental issues and opportunities. Good, or even “best practices” alone do not make an EMS. The essential characteristic of an EMS is that its various components interact to provide measurable information enabling continual improvements. The “systems” approach means that processes are stable and repeatable, yield more predictable outcomes and adapt new learning to continuous improvement. The key systems components of an EMS are:   An Environmental Policy Statement actively promoted by senior management;   A Planning Process oriented toward integration of environmental with the organization’s business and operations management;   An Organizational Structure, responsibilities and accountability;   Implementation Systems and Operational Controls;   Measurement and auditing systems;   Systems for periodic Top Management Review of the EMS. What is an Environmental Management System? Source: Best Practices Guide: Application of ISO 14000 Environmental Management Systems (EMS) for Municipalities Prepared by: The Lexington Group - Lexington, MA

4 ISO 14001 -- Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The formal elements of an environmental management system include environmental policy, planning, implementation, verification, and management review. ISO 14004 -- General Guidance for developing and implementing an EMS. ISO 14010 - 12 -- Environmental auditing principles and guidance. ISO 14031 -- Environmental performance evaluation guidance. ISO 14020 - 24 -- Environmental labeling guidance (products) ISO 14040 - 45 -- Life-cycle Assessment principles and guidance (mainly products) ISO 14050 -- Terms and definitions ISO Guide 64 -- Inclusion of environmental aspects in product standards (Guide) ISO 14000 – what is that???

5 Waltham Public Schools ( has a fully implemented Environment Policy, which says: The Waltham Public Schools is committed to and values the protection of the environment. This commitment includes:   preserving natural resources,   preventing pollution and   continual improvement of environmental management. Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of each member of the school community. To this end, the Waltham Public Schools shall: 1) 1)Comply with all appropriate and applicable environmental laws and regulations. 2) 2)Effectively communicate this policy and our environment commitment to our students, their parents and the school community and request that they join us in these efforts. 3) 3)Promote, when practical, positive impact on the environment by recycling, reuse and conservation of natural resources. 4) 4)Enhance school curriculum in addressing environmental issues and conservation. 5) 5)Place a high priority on ensuring proper fuel, chemical and waste management and storage. 6) 6)Encourage proactive attitudes towards environmental management. 7) 7)Evaluate environmental performance to ensure continual improvement through inspections and audits. 8) 8)Implement toxic use reduction and pollution prevention measures as dictated by school operations and where practical. Environmental Policy Waltham Public Schools - Massachusetts – USA Source: Waltham Public Schools website

6 The purpose of this document is to itemize longer term priorities for environmental sustainability at Monash. Annual Environmental Sustainability Plans will detail the actions steps necessary to achieve the outcomes below. Further details on actions are reported in committee and program level annual plans. The responsibility for preparation of this strategy document lies with Monash’s Environment Policy Committee (EPC) in conjunction with OHSE, F&S and MSI. OBJECTIVE 1 - MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT AND STRUCTURE OBJECTIVE 2 - IMPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPERATIONS OBJECTIVE 3 - INCLUDE EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY (EFS) IN TEACHING AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 4 - FURTHER DEVELOP MEASURING, REPORTING, EVALUATING AND PLANNING OBJECTIVE 5 - CONTINUE AND ENHANCE COMMUNICATION AND ENGAGEMENT Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Imbed environmental sustainability in faculty and division planning and reporting  Provide environmental sustainability targets and measures for faculties and divisions  Develop a communication strategy to inform faculties and divisions.  All faculties & divisions to include environmental sustainability in annual planning and to report on targets annually  Every faculty & division to have an Environmental Sustainability Committee to oversee and advise on planning, target setting, and reporting Environment Police Committee (EPC) OBJECTIVE 1 - MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT AND STRUCTURE

7 OBJECTIVE 2 - IMPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPERATIONS Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Include environmental sustainability considerations in institutional infrastructure and operations  Develop and apply ESD guidelines to all new buildings and refurbishments  Usage of ESD Standards demonstrated and reported back to EPC  All refurbishments and major works will comply with university ESD standards and procedures  All new buildings will comply with university ESD standards and procedures.  ESD standards and procedures reviewed every two years to ensure Monash‘s adherence to relevant best practice in the industry and within the education sector Facilities and Services Division, EPC, ESD (Environmentally Sustainable Development) Working Group  Implement current Water Management Plans for Clayton  Develop Water Management Plans for other campuses  Actively seek government grants and other funding opportunities for water conservation projects  Report monthly water consumption for each campus  Identify products and develop plans to help reduce use of embodied water in products purchased and set targets for these.  Monash will continue to be the most efficient user of water per EFTSL in the Go8  Monash will reduce its potable water use (mains) per EFTSL by 10 per cent by 2010 from 2005 levels  Reduce use of products with high embodied water

8 OBJECTIVE 2 - IMPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPERATIONS (Cont) Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Include environmental sustainability considerations in institutional infrastructure and operations  Complete energy audits at all campuses.  Implement energy audit recommendations  Report monthly electricity and gas use for each campus  Seek government grants and other funding opportunities for energy saving and renewable energy projects  Charge additional green energy costs against the use of package air conditioning units  Engage with university sector to investigate collective purchasing of renewable energy  Identify products and develop plans to help reduce use of embodied energy in products purchased and set targets for these.  Monash will be within the top five of the Go8 for least energy use per EFTSL  Monash will reduce its total energy use of 20 per cent per EFTSL (based on 2005 data) across all six Australian campuses by 2010  Monash will reduce its total energy use of 12 per cent per EFTSL (based on 2005 data) across all six Australian campuses by 2008  Reduce use of products with high embodied energy. Greenhouse Challenge and Climate Change Committee, MSI, Facilities and Services and OHSE

9 OBJECTIVE 2 - IMPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPERATIONS (Cont) Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Include environmental sustainability considerations in institutional infrastructure and operations  Improve safe bicycle and pedestrian access to campuses  Improve bicycle storage  Create a sustainable travel plan for staff and students  Monitor and report on staff and student transport modes annually.  Implement TravelSMART for staff and students at all campuses  Create a sustainable travel plan for staff and students to encourage use of walking, cycling and public transport and remove perverse incentives for vehicle use  Monash will be the leading university within the Go8 with respect to the introduction and delivery of sustainable transport options  Monash will achieve a demonstrated shift to more sustainable modes of transport to and from our campuses in line with the targets set out in the University's Integrated Transport Strategy.  Monash is able to demonstrate a real reduction in the environmental impacts of transport including greenhouse gas emissions.  Monash will have a Sustainable Transport Committee and employ a transport advisor. STC, Facilities and Services, MSI and OHSE

10 OBJECTIVE 2 - IMPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPERATIONS (Cont) Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Include environmental sustainability considerations in institutional infrastructure and operations  Install recycling bins at all campuses  Waste contracts to incorporate environmental initiatives and goals  Implement 'no bin policy' at desks  Establish accurate and comparable waste measurements and report volumes for all streams at all campuses and set reduction targets.  Develop additional access to recycling processes for polystyrene, electrical-waste & office furniture.  Monash will be an accredited Waste Wise university with accurate reporting, monitoring and improvement programs for all Australian campuses.  Monash will encourage recycling and discourage waste to landfill  Monash will have developed and implemented programs and initiatives to discourage waste at its source with programs that support minimal packaging and product re-use etc.  All building activities will include a recycling of materials clause or be provided with access to comprehensive recycling services and infrastructure by the University.. WWC, OHSE and Facilities and Services

11 OBJECTIVE 2 - IMPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPERATIONS (Cont) Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Include environmental sustainability considerations in institutional infrastructure and operations  Update tendering process to include consideration of human rights, social justice and sustainable environment as well as TCO.  Investigate total cost of operation (TCO) of equipment from a TBL (Triple Bottom Line) perspective and promote purchasing based on TCO  Review procurement policies and preferred supplier selection criteria to include environmental considerations  Supply environmental and social information to purchasing officers for major office products.  Establish Fair Trade Committee  Engage with postgraduate students to facilitate opportunities for research into purchasing behaviors and environmental considerations  The university will make purchasing decisions for fixtures, fittings and equipment based on total cost of operating (TCO)  Environmental impacts of all commonly purchased items will have been assessed and choices limited to those that are environmentally responsible wherever possible  The university will seek to influence the environmental, human rights and social justice performance of their major suppliers by taking these into account when tendering for business and signing contracts  Become a certified (FTAANZ ) Fair Trade University GPC (Green Purchasing Committee), Procurement Services, EPC

12 OBJECTIVE 2 - IMPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND OPERATIONS (Cont) Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Include environmental sustainability considerations in institutional infrastructure and operations  Reduce the impact of construction works on University grounds.  Enhance the program of native flora planting to encourage a diverse and healthy fauna population.  Implement a program of grass conversions from cool season grasses to drought tolerant warm season grasses.  Reduce the use of horticultural chemicals and synthetic fertilizers.  Enhance landscape recycling programs..  Landscape protection and enhancement policy developed which includes a tree protection and tree succession program and drought tolerant and native planting guide.  Significant tree register produced  Flora protection policy embedded in ESD guidelines and construction contracts  Drought tolerant warm season grasses used for lawns, grounds and applicable sports areas  Topsoil saving and mulch production is utilized in all construction and landscaping works GPC (Green Purchasing Committee), Procurement Services, EPC Triple Bottom Line: The triple bottom line (or "TBL", "3BL", or "People, Planet, Profit") captures an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success: economic, environmental and social. With the ratification of the United Nations and ICLEI TBL standard for urban and community accounting in early 2007, this became the dominant approach to public sector full cost accounting. Similar UN standards apply to natural capital and human capital measurement to assist in measurements required by TBL, e.g. the ecoBudget standard for reporting ecological footprint.

13 OBJECTIVE 3 - INCLUDE EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY (EFS) IN TEACHING AND RESEARCH Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Imbed Education for Sustainability (EfS) in teaching and research in line with the UNESCO Decade of EfS and the AVCC sustainability Policy  Ensure that Education for Sustainability is included in the Vice-Chancellor's Ancora Imparo Student Leadership Program for 2007 onward.  Develop a program for faculty involvement in incorporating sustainability into teaching  Work with three faculties to implement the program  Ensure the University signs the Talloires Declaration  Sustainability concepts and principles will be imbedded in all courses across the university  An understanding of, and demonstrated ability to apply, the principles of environmental sustainability, human rights and social justice will be included in graduate attributes for all Monash graduates  Talloires Declaration signed MSI, EPC, EPC Sustainability in Teaching Working Group

14 OBJECTIVE 4 - FURTHER DEVELOP MEASURING, REPORTING, EVALUATING AND PLANNING Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Monitor and report on environmental sustainability targets, goals and outcomes and plan for future performance and outcomes and to ensure environmental legal compliance  Incorporate yearly Environmental Sustainability Plan objectives in Annual Report  Report on progress on Environmental Sustainability Plan in Annual Report  Monash will report on annual Environmental Sustainability Plan objectives and outcomes in the Annual Report to Parliament  Produce Social and Environmental sections of Annual Report to Parliament EPC, Sustainability Reporting Manager  Review and publicize accomplishments of annual Environmental Sustainability Plan  Prepare Monash University annual Environmental Sustainability Plan  Each Committee that reports to the EPC to develop and report on key indicators.  Develop and implement an environmental management system compliance and audit program within Departments/ Schools/Units/Entities  Develop and implement quarterly environmental sustainability scorecard reporting program for Faculties and Divisions  Each committee and working group reporting to the EPC will contribute to the annual Environmental Sustainability Plan, which will be presented to SMC annually on behalf of the EPC and the VC  Each committee reporting to the EPC will report annually to the EPC on their plans, and use KPIs to report on outcomes  Achieve AS14001 Environmental Management System Certification by Dec 2009  Robust and meaningful environmental performance indicators developed and data available for quarterly report trial Feb 2008 EPC, Sustainability Reporting Manager EPC, OHSE, Faculties & Divisions OHSE

15 OBJECTIVE 5 - CONTINUE AND ENHANCE COMMUNICATION AND ENGAGEMENT Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Develop and use OHSE, GCP, EPC communication and engagement strategies and programs to ensure environmental sustainability goals can be met by working with staff and students  Establish Green Campus Program for students at all campuses with students as GC Reps  Work with existing student groups to support initiatives toward sustainable transport  Engage students in opportunities for water saving, energy saving and general environmental issues in order to improve students' and university's environmentally responsible behavior  Ten per cent of energy reduction from 2005 level will be achieved through the initiatives and behavior of student and staff members.  There will be representation in the Green Campus Program by students from all faculties and schools.  All students will have access to the support and rewards through the GCP for environmental initiatives through the course of their studies. OHSE, GCP, EPC

16 OBJECTIVE 5 - CONTINUE AND ENHANCE COMMUNICATION AND ENGAGEMENT (Cont) Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2006 - 2009 Monash University – Melbourne Australia Source: Monash Environmental Sustainable Strategy 2006-2009 Nov 2006 ActionsTargets / KPI’sResponsibility Develop and use OHSE, GCP, EPC communication and engagement strategies and programs to ensure environmental sustainability goals can be met by working with staff and students  Work with staff to facilitate understanding of the link between environmental matters and wellbeing  Train Environmental Officers  Determine where gaps in representation by Green Office Reps are and encourage increased numbers of GOReps where representation is low.  Report ratio of GOReps per EFT  Ensure that each OHSE zone has representation by at least one Environmental officer  At least one Environmental Officer will represent each of the zones at the committee level, and representation by EOs will be higher as required by environmental risks within the zone and structure of the zone.  Each department will be represented by GO Reps in numbers adequate to provide support for environmental programs and volunteers OHSE, GCP, EPC  Develop internal and external communications strategies to publicize environmental initiatives  Develop staff awards program for contributions to Monash’s sustainability performance.  The profile of Environmental Sustainability at Monash will be increased due to increased internal and external publicity via staff awards, environmental awards, hosting forums, offering education for sustainability to students, conferences, and in internal and external media. OHSE, EPC, Sustainability Reporting Manager, Facilities and Services

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