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8/18 Bell Work What is the theme of the story “Little Red Riding Hood?”

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Presentation on theme: "8/18 Bell Work What is the theme of the story “Little Red Riding Hood?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 8/18 Bell Work What is the theme of the story “Little Red Riding Hood?”

2 8/18 Journal Write: Dreams Think about what is your dream for the future. What obstacles might you encounter while working to make your dream come true? How will you overcome these obstacles? Journal Write Expectations: – We write for ten minutes. – Use full sentences, but do not focus on spelling and grammar. Focus on the question! – Bathroom Passes are fine. Quiet conversation is fine. – If you miss a Journal Write, the information is on my website on the Daily Schedule Page.

3 Point of View and Inferences in Stories Theme: the main idea in writing, lectures, art First Person Point of View: the narrator – Is a character in the story – Tells the story using pronouns, I me, we, us – Tells the story as he or she experiences it Inferences: things are not directly stated. You will base your guess on details in the story and your own experiences.

4 Vocabulary: 1 and 6 Terms for this story: agile, despair, eavesdrop, falsify, dismay, vile. In your notebook, please write a sentence using each vocabulary word. The definitions are in the story sidebars. You will be tested on this vocabulary. You may write the definitions in your notebook if you so choose!

5 Vocabulary: 2,3,4 Terms for this story: agile, despair, eavesdrop, falsify, dismay, vile. In your notebook, write the definition for each vocabulary word AND a sentence using the word. The definitions are in the story sidebars.

6 Close read of “The Scholarship Jacket” Preview the comprehension and analysis questions. Fill out the handout as you read. Mark up the text if it helps you. Write in complete sentences! Individual Work Time Expectations: – Use your time wisely! – Discuss the assignment with your partner! – Quiet conversation is fine – Bathroom Passes are allowed.

7 No homework! Complete the vocabulary assignment at home if you did not finish! You will have time tomorrow to complete the review packet. Bell Work due Friday Notebooks collected Friday Quiz on Friday SSR novel should be chosen by Friday

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