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Ozo, World’s Greatest Hero By: Lilian Jubb, Peter Jones, & Jenna Newcomb.

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2 Ozo, World’s Greatest Hero By: Lilian Jubb, Peter Jones, & Jenna Newcomb

3 Ozo, the world’s greatest superhero. Until… One day Ozo, and his trusty sidekick, were in the Green Goblin’s lair. As always they were winning. Green Goblin was cornered and no escape. He had fell for their trick again. Now it was easy. All they had to do was take Green Goblin back to headquarters. In Splitscreen, their jet, Ozo was driving, while Ben was locking Green in the jet’s cell. Everything was as normal. Just then they saw a speeding dragon. The dragon was shooting fireballs into their engine. Ozo easily dodged these fireballs, but this angered him, his only weakness, easily angered. 1

4 Ozo started following the dragon. “We’ve got him now, Ben!” said Oz as they followed him into a gorge. Just then the dragon took a sharp left turn. Ozo slammed on the breaks but Splitscreen didn’t have time to slow down. The next thing Ozo and Ben knew they were inside some sort of cave. They also noticed that there was some sort of gas blowing in the vents, and then everything went dark. Ozo started to gain conscious again. Everything was still blurry he tried to get up, but he was strapped down to a metal table. He could see Ben beside him who was still unconscious. Then everything went black…again. 2

5 When Ozo and Ben woke they found themselves in a strange, dark, cave looking, room. Standing over them was a creature they had never seen before. It looked like it’s face had no skin, but as their vision cleared the saw it was a mask. This thing seemed to have power over the dragon and other mystical creature that were in the lair. They didn’t seem to notice that Ozo and Ben were awake yet. They were all huddled in a circle looking at something their master held in his hand. “Oh good, they’re awake,” said the master. Quickly it put away whatever he was holding in his (or her) hand. All the creatures turned to look at the waking heroes. 3

6 All the creatures cleared way for the master to come to the edge of the two metal tables. “What do you want from us?” asked Ozo, trying to get up. “Oh you wont be able to get out of those cuffs they were wielded with dragon fire,” said the master. “Who are you?” said Ben, who had long quit trying to struggle. A dramatic fire lit behind the person as they spoke, “I am the Great Dragon Fire. I control all the monsters you see in this room.” Ozo noticed what Dragon Fire was sitting on, it seemed like a throne made out of dragon scales. He also noticed that most of the creatures in the room were dragons. Ozo had to think of a plan, and fast! What if he could grab that lever on the edge of his table. If he could just move his hand a little more to the side he might be able to do so without Dragon Fire, or any of his comrades, noticing.

7 All of a sudden they heard a crash. It sounded like it was coming from right outside the cave. “I’m going to check out what that was, You fools don’t let them go.” said Dragon Fire. “Pst… Ben, Ben! I need you to make a distraction get them to look at you.” whispered Ozo. “Why?” Ben whispered back. “Just do it!” Ozo whispered fiercely. “Hey you, ya you ugly!” Ben screamed to the nearest dragon. The dragon started quickly approaching Ben. Now all the dragons were distracted and looking at Ben. “Whatever your going to do, do it fast Ozo.” The monsters were practically right on top of Ben now. If Ozo could just move his hand a little further along the cot. “OZO HURRY!” screamed Ben. “Got it!” said Ozo when he was finally able to grab the lever. Instantly the bars holding him down loosened. All the dragons turned to Ozo at the sound of the bars unlatching. In their struggle to get to Ozo one of their tails knocked into the lever on Ben’s table. With Ozo’s super power he flew over grabbed Ben and headed to the cave entrance, dodging balls of fire all the way. They were able to make it to the cave entrance and into the Jet. From there they could call for back up. As they tried to escape the scene a giant fireball flew directly through the bottom of the Jet and burned Ozo’s leg.5

8 By the time backup came Ozo was in complete pain. Headquarters surrounded the lair and were able to capture all the dragons and Dragon Fire who turned out to be a former employee, who wanted revenge for getting fired. He had formed a secret alliance with people who had wanted revenge against Ozo and headquarters. These people were able to make remote-control dragons. As for Ozo and Ben, Ozo had a burn that caused him not to be able to work, but he could train youngsters to become superheroes like him. Ben became the greatest superhero in headquarters. 6

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