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Lesson 2: We will learn about President Hoover’s reaction to the crash and problems of the Great Depression. 1.) What does this graph show? 2.) What is.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2: We will learn about President Hoover’s reaction to the crash and problems of the Great Depression. 1.) What does this graph show? 2.) What is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2: We will learn about President Hoover’s reaction to the crash and problems of the Great Depression. 1.) What does this graph show? 2.) What is the highest percentage unemployment hits according to this graph? When did this take place? 3.)What are some ideas you would have to bring unemployment levels down? Best idea gets extra credit. Do Now

2 PRESIDENT HOOVER Supporting business and Prohibition, Hoover was the Republican candidate for President in His campaign slogan promised: "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.“ What does this slogan mean?

3 Children in one of the Bonus Army Camps
The “Old Deal” What did he want to do? Let the business cycle take care of things Refused to create government programs until it was too late 3 Children in one of the Bonus Army Camps

4 The Bonus Army 1932 Who? What? - 25,000 WWI veterans
Marched to Washington D.C. to get a $ bonus they were supposed to get in 1945 Sent in the army and forced the bonus army to flee without getting their $ 4

5 Homelessness · Homeless families built shacks out of wooden crates and scrap metal. · These shacks were known as Hoovervilles, named for President Hoover. Seattle, Washington

6 Additional photos American Legion Employment Bureau in Los Angeles during the Great Depression. “Hooverville," New York City, December [Sign on shack reads: "House of Unemployed"] Evicted family with belongings in street, December 1929.

7 Reading comprehension
Blue text book p727 1.) Hoover believed that “depression cannot be cured by legislative or executive pronouncement (decision).” What is the message he is trying to send with that statement? 2.) What was Hoover’s message to big business? 3.) According to Hoover, how would we survive the depression? 4.) Why did charities and local churches only provide temporary relief to those in need?

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