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The Scientific Revolution The Roots of Modern Science in the 16 th & 17 th Centuries.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Revolution The Roots of Modern Science in the 16 th & 17 th Centuries."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Revolution The Roots of Modern Science in the 16 th & 17 th Centuries

2 Questions to Ponder Where did people get their knowledge about the world before 1500? Why could these sources be wrong? What is a FACT? What is science? What is a revolution?

3 Why Study History of Science? Because it is a pure form of thought Because it affected philosophy, literature, and the arts Because it changed the ideas of religion and man’s relationship to God Because it was the basis for the development of democratic societies.

4 Rejection of Aristotle His scientific views of the universe were questioned. His observations were limited by the equipment of his day, but at least he based his conclusions on observation. Still wrong. Believed that the earth was the center of the universe.


6 Copernicus, 1473-1543 Polish clergyman and astronomer Concluded that the sun was the center of the universe Believed that God must reside in the sun


8 Francis Bacon 1561-1621 Lawyer and member of House of Commons Scientific research must be complimentary to the study of the Bible Advocate of the concept of empiricism

9 Francis Bacon 1561-1621 Knowledge should be based on orderly experimentation & deductions based on experimental data Scientific Method 1620 Publishes Novvum Organum

10 Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642 Discovered moon not made of perfect material Discovered sun hard dark spots Tested theory of falling objects Concluded that objects of different sizes & weights fall in the same way Dropped things off Tower of Pisa

11 Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642 Believes in Kepler’s view of the Universe Used telescope and discovered Jupiter’s planets Wrote the Starry Messenger Concluded that the solar system was part of a system Church condemned him Permanent house arrest

12 Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630 Brahe’s assistant Developed laws of planetary motion Trained as a minister and like Copernicus believed that God resided in Sun. Finished Brahe’s theroy of ellipse

13 Kepler’s System

14 Tycho Brahe, 1546-1601 Brilliant mathematician Thought that Copernicus was wrong. Believed that earth was center of the universe. Efforts proved the truth of Copernicus’ theory of the universe

15 Renee Descartes, 1596-1650 Fascinated by Math Lawyer and Soldier Tried to use deductive method to explain math Developed Analytical Geometry (graph algebraic equations) Worked with optics

16 Deductive Reasoning

17 Inductive Reasoning

18 “I think, therefore I am” Thinking proved existence, but nothing was true until it was proven true

19 Isaac Newton, 1642 - 1727 One of the foremost intellects of all time Served in government Father of Calculus Determined the nature of gravity. Determined the force necessary to keep the moon in orbit. Never determined the cause of gravity.

20 Regroup What did Copernicus PROVE? Why is Copernicus so important? Who is the father of modern chemistry? What did Galileo use, but not invent, to prove Copernicus was correct? What was Francis Bacon’s contribution to science?

21 Regroup What are the steps of the Scientific Method? “To know is to ….” What did Kepler prove?

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