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Documenting Your Academic Accomplishments : Creating an Electronic Professional Portfolio for Tenure, Promotion, and Awards Dr. Juan C. Noveron, Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Documenting Your Academic Accomplishments : Creating an Electronic Professional Portfolio for Tenure, Promotion, and Awards Dr. Juan C. Noveron, Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Documenting Your Academic Accomplishments : Creating an Electronic Professional Portfolio for Tenure, Promotion, and Awards Dr. Juan C. Noveron, Department of Chemistry, UTEP E-mail: Oct 7,

2 outline Overview Tenure Application –Executive Summary –Detailed Portfolio Award Competition –Teaching Portfolio (multi-component) Strategies Key points

3 The Tenure Box Use a dedicated “box” in your office to place ALL the ‘relevant material’ that you may use later when preparing your Tenure Application. Relevant Material: Student comments (e-mails) Teaching Evaluations (official and unofficial*) Invitation Letters to give seminars, reviews, or attend workshops Reprints from newspaper/journal/magazine articles featuring your work Award letters Color copies of letter-size posters presented at conferences Copies of proposals and their reviews (if not awarded)

4 Example of Unofficial* Teaching Evaluation


6 Understand your audience, who will review your tenure package

7 Colleagues from your department and college External faculty Administrators

8 Reads for 10 min. and reaches a conclusion Reads thoroughly (several hrs) before reaching a conclusion Reads for 30 min. and reaches a conclusion Did not read and has a conclusion

9 Executive summary Detailed Portfolio (THE KEY IS A DOCUMENT THAT IS USER-FRIENDLY) -Sections -Easy navigation -Referenced to “Source Documents” Statement on Scholarship, Teaching, and Service Research, Teaching, and Service Source Documents (An outstanding)

10 Provost’s memorandum to Deans regarding Tenure Applications



13 The Tenure Application

14 The Content of the Tenure Application Scholarly Work (Research) –Publications in journals –Abstract publications ( Conference papers ) –Education-related publications –Grant Funding ($) Teaching –Aim for excellence* –Keep current with 21 st Century technology trends –Teaching at various levels (freshman to graduate) Service –Good team player (internal and external committees) DOCUMENTING: Demonstrates that you know how to do research and work with graduate students, and that you love your research by continuously seeking funding for it.

15 Teaching: Aim for excellence What does that mean? How do people improve their teaching overtime? (Particularly, when you teach large classes, which keep increasing every year) Continuously attending workshops that increase your teaching techniques Workshops/Lectures/Symposiums University-level (CeTAL) National-level (Conferences) (ask your chair/dean or beyond for travel support, nothing should stop you) Lead teaching innovations that attract external funding NSF, Dept. Edu., UT System i.e. Transforming Undergrad Education Program (200K Grant)

16 The Executive Summary

17 Executive Summary ~10 pages long (single space) with pictures and illustrations About You. Introduce yourself. Background. Create a context about you and for the accomplishments to be described in the next pages. (training, mentors, etc.). Briefly introduce your research area and scientific accomplishments. Illustrations OK. Add one paragraph about the significance of your research – broad impacts to society. Make nice schemes that display an overview the research area. Page 1 of 10Page 2 of 10 The scholarship Section Scholarship

18 Your research area (two paragraphs) Your research accomplishments (in narrative, with bullets, and illustrations) (several paragraphs, 2 – 3 pages) Example:

19 year Major scholarship outcomes: Publications, Grants, Awards (recognitions – yours or your students) Supportive Activities Conference Papers, etc. 2007 article Grant Seminars, conference presentations 2 – 3 pages. Page 4 of 10 A table summarizing your scholarship achievements

20 Teaching Page 6 of 10 Table summarizing your teaching The Teaching Section

21 More about teaching… Teaching philosophy Describe teaching innovations that you initiated or applied Educational publications Educational grants Your participation in teacher improvement workshops Teaching Assessment (i.e. standardized exams and results, and explanation of context, or surveys results) Pictures Student awards, recognitions, presentations at national meetings etc. Page 7 of 10Page 8 of 10 1 paragraph (three sentenses) 1 - 5 paragraphs ~ 3 total pages for Teaching Section

22 SERVICE (In Bullets) Committees Reviewer Outreach Participation Summary A Summary of pages 1-9. Page 9 of 10Page 10 of 10

23 The Detailed Portfolio

24 Your Dean has a specific organization format for the “Detailed Tenure Portfolio” FOR COS –CV (not narrative) –Copies of 5 publications –List of grants funded –Teaching Evaluations –Letters from collaborators However, you may also include on the back of these sections, a more traditional Tenure Portfolio (with sections on Research, Teaching, and Service).

25 Executive summary Detailed Portfolio (THE KEY IS A DOCUMENT THAT IS USER-FRIENDLY) -Sections -Easy navigation -Referenced to “Source Documents” Statement on Scholarship, Teaching, and Service Research, Teaching, and Service Source Documents (An outstanding)

26 Strategies for an Effective Tenure Package “Making Your Case Strategies for an Effective Tenure Package” by Kirk Martini University of Virginia June 7, 1999

27 Key point Effective use of referencing the source documents. Ex: In addition to essays, I've also given ten invited presentations concerning teaching with computer technology…The most significant of these was the plenary talk for the 1997 at the UVa January Teaching Workshop. Marva Barnett, director of the Teaching Resource Center, reported on the talk in a letter to then- chair Peter Waldman: –“...Kirk Martini has broken all records for attendance and positive feedback at a Teaching Resource Center event. His plenary session at our January Teaching Workshop (1/13/97) on "Investing Time in the Web: Scholarly Risks and Rewards" attracted 115 faculty and TA participants, nearly all of whom rated his presentation at 4 or 5 on a 5- point scale, for an average of 4.81 (from 90 respondents).” [SOURCE MATERIALS pg 14] The talk also generated two articles in University newspapers [SOURCE MATERIALS pg 15].

28 UT Regents’ Teaching Award Competition 2010 Teaching Portfolio (multi-component) Sample available upon request. Since it is an electronic PDF document, they can have navigational buttons (to source materials, and examples). This portfolio is an enormous task, pages are approximate. “Teaching philosophy” (3pgs) “Examples of course materials” (7pgs) “Examples of assessments”; (7pgs) “Examples of student engagement”; (7pgs) “Continuous course improvements”; (10pgs) “Student feedback”; (30 pgs) “Scholarship links to pedagogy”;(7 pgs) “Teacher training experience”; (7 pgs) “Peer evaluations of teaching” (3 pgs)

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