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TOWER Towards sustainable Excellence by Innovating Regions.

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Presentation on theme: "TOWER Towards sustainable Excellence by Innovating Regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOWER Towards sustainable Excellence by Innovating Regions

2 2 What is TOWER? “ TOWER is a cooperation between five European regions to create and improve strategies and tools for sustainable economic growth in regions. “

3 3 The TOWER model: “ Within TOWER interregional sub-projects are the tools for developing innovative strategies and methods through the exchange of experience and best practice between the partner regions.”

4 4 Background and objective TOWER grew out of a desire from the five partner regions to share knowledge and experience on the processes of innovation that drive regional economic growth. Overall TOWER has three main objectives: Encourage long-term collaboration between the regions Improve economic growth strategies and programmes Share and improve methods and tools for sustainable economic growth

5 5 Basic facts INTERREG IIIC Regional Framework Operation Duration: January 2005 – December 2007 Total budget: € 4,89 Million TOWER partnership:  East Central Sweden, Sweden  Gelderland, the Netherlands  North West England, the United Kingdom  Rhône-Alpes, France  South Great Plain, Hungary

6 6 What kind of projects can be supported? Four focus areas – components: Strategies for sustainable economic growth in regions Innovation and technology transfer Competitive entrepreneurs Sustainable Entrepreneurship

7 7 12 running sub-projects - 45 partners Examples of sub-projects: ABBA – Accelerative Bio-Business Activity  Develop and apply methods and strategies for improved business development in Life Science. ABBA focuses on the different stages of business development. FEMTO – Fuelling Entrepreneurial mindsets in the TOWER regions  Make use of and further develop tools for stimulating entrepreneurship previously tested in a national context.  From where will our next generation of entrepreneurs come?  How can we stimulate entrepreneurial attitudes amongst young people?

8 8 12 running sub-projects - 45 partners Examples of sub-projects: SIMPLE - Successful Implementation of Eco-design in Small and Medium-sized Companies  new or improved “environmental” products and increased ability within SME’s to perform eco-design activities as well as an increase in the skills of business developers to support SME’s in this field AFP – Analysis, Forecasting, Planning  examine and analyse the processes and mechanisms for the development of regional growth strategies. Within the partner regions, regional toolkits will be developed for improved development strategies.

9 9 Thank You for your attention Read more on the TOWER Website: Or contact: Gerard van Gaalen, Development Agency East Netherlands Arnhem, NL Ph: +31 26 384 42 22 Email:

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