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Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 1 WG Technical Editors Closing Report Date: 2007-05-20 Authors:

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Presentation on theme: "Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 1 WG Technical Editors Closing Report Date: 2007-05-20 Authors:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 1 WG Technical Editors Closing Report Date: 2007-05-20 Authors:

2 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 2 Abstract Announcements –Editors Conference Calls –802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority IEEE Publication Status Editors Meeting Draft Development Snapshot Streamlining Projects Status Editor Contacts

3 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 3 Editors Conference Call Announcement Announced via Administrative Calendar link on 802.11 web site –Call #1 for Hawaii: Rescheduled to Friday July 27th noon ET / 9am PT –Call #2 for Hawaii: Tuesday September 4 (Day after Labor Day in USA) noon ET / 9am PT

4 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 4 ANA Announcements Current ANA announced to group is 07/1942r8. –All new requests received by end of meeting will be uploaded as 07/1942r9 and announced via 802.11 WG reflector next week after this meeting Several requests have been received directly from editors and acted on in R9. Others as may arise before close of WG meeting will be included in R9. Guidance –ANA assignments should be done at the time of moving from WG LB to Sponsor ballot. –If a resource number is not in the ANA Database, please use in drafts! –Editors to replace any ANA controlled resources numbers with upon incorporation of material into drafts.

5 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 5 IEEE Publication Status IEEE 802.11-2007 published and for sale on IEEE web –Published in Jun 2007 –On-time for the schedule negotiated with IEEE staff! –Combines all existing amendments and includes maintenance work by TGma No other publications pending (that have been approved by REVCOM)

6 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 6 Editors Meeting Reviewed inter-editor coordination and timelines –No new problems identified –Reviewed renumbering project for IEEE 802.11-2007 Collected information for new tasks that would streamline editorial processes –Added investigation of how to simplify MIB element numbering

7 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 7 Amendment Ordering Data as of July 19 from chairs; official project timelines to be updated to the web –See Amendment NumberTask GroupREVCOM Date 802.11 Amendment 1802.11kDec 2007 802.11 Amendment 2802.11rMar 2008 802.11 Amendment 3802.11yMar 2008 802.11 Amendment 4802.11nSep 2008 802.11 Amendment 5802.11wJan 2009 (was Sep 2008) 802.11 Amendment 6802.11uJan 2009 802.11 Amendment 7802.11pMar 2009 802.11 Amendment 8802.11sAug 2009 (was Jun 2009) 802.11.2802.11TAug 2009 (was Jun 2009) 802.11 Amendment 9802.11vSep 2009 802.11 Amendment 10802.11mbMar 2011 Amendment numbering is editorial! No need to make ballot comments on these dynamic numbers!

8 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 8 Draft Development Snapshot TGRevBaseline DocsSourceMECStyle GuideEditorSnapshot Date TGkD8.0P802.11ma D9.0Frame 7.2Done2006Joe Kwak17-July TGrD7.0P802.11-2007 + P802.11k D7.0Frame 7.1Done2005Bill Marshall 19-July TGyD4.0P802.11-2007 + P802.11k D7.0 + P802.11r D6.1 Frame 7.2No2007Peter Ecclesine 19-July TGnD2.04P802.11MA D9.0 + P802.11k D7.0 + P802.11r D6.0 + P802.11y D3.0 Frame 7.2No2007Adrian Stephens 17-July TGwD2.1P802.11-2007 + P802.11k D7.0 + P802.11r D4.1 + P802.11y D1.1 + P802.11n D2.0 Frame 7.2No2005Nanci Winget 19-July TGuD1.0P802.11-2007 + P802.11k D7.0 + P802.11y D2.0 + P802.11nD2.02 WordNo2007Necati Canpolat 17-May TGpD2.04P802.11-2007 + P802.11k D7.0 + P802.11r D6.0 Frame 7.2No2007Wayne Fisher 18-July TGsD1.05P802.11-2007 + P802.11k D7.0 + P802.11r D5.0 + P802.11y D2.0 + P802.11n D2.02 + P802.11w D2.0 Frame 7.1No2007Steven Conner 17-July TGtD1.0n/aFrame 6No2005Tom Alexander 17-July TGvD1.0P802.11-2007 + P802.11k D7.0 + P802.11r D5.0 + 802.11y D2.0 + P802.11n D2.02 + 802.11w D2.0 Frame 7.2No2005Emily Qi19-July

9 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 9 Editorial Streamlining Focus is on consistency across all TGs: –Done Streamlined ANA processes – 07/0827r0 Consistent format for REDLINE contributions across TGs – 07/0788r0 Consistent process for editorial comment resolution across TGs (WG & Sponsor) – 07/2050r0 –Guideline for technical vs. editorial, sample editorial comment responses Format for comment reporting across TGs (WG & Sponsor) – 07/1990r0 (tool in 07/2116r0) –Under Construction Method for stable numbering of draft clauses to streamline – after renumbering project Guideline on non-technical front matter Guideline describing expected editorial development and maturity of draft through stages in 802.11 for consistency across TGs Templates for FRAME and WORD to help train new editors more rapidly Guidelines for primitives Guidelines for Clause 5 content MIB element numbering

10 Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2232r0July 2007 Terry Cole (AMD)Slide 10 Volunteer Editor Contacts TGk – Joe Kwak– TGn – Adrian Stephens – TGp – Wayne Fisher – TGr – Bill Marshall – TGs – Steven Conner – TGT – Tom Alexander – TGu – Necati Canpolat – TGv – Emily Qi – TGw – Nancy Cam-Winget – TGy – Peter Ecclesine –

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